Administrative Conference Room, MCDC
January 17, 2002, 7:30 p.m.



County: Mr. Arthur M. Wallenstein, William L. Smith, Lt. Col. James L. Jones, Charles Hessling, Supervisor, Central Processing Unit

City of Rockville: Mr. Dwayne Jenkins

Community Representatives: Harvey Ptashek (Tower Oaks), Guy Cordier (Falls Ridge), Fred Geldon (Potomac Springs), Mike Menaker (Rockshire), Gloria Paul (Orchard Ridge), Allison Ellis (Potomac Woods)

Mr. Wallenstein reported that Mr. Duncan formally announced his CIP (Capital Improvement Projects) at a Press Conference the day before. This Reuse CIP project has been approved to be included. (Mr. Wallenstein had a hand-out on the Reuse Project that he gave those present.) He further explained that year one of the CIP is Fiscal Year 03 and that is when this project will begin. They will do design development and have the architectural design to send out for bid. The only money spent was spent for the Program of Requirements (POR). Construction will take three years and should be completed by Fiscal Year 05.

A judge will have an office in the jail. Judicial officers for the Court are Commissioners and they must be accessible to the public. The Commissioners will be right here in the front portion of the jail. District Court can be located anywhere. Explanation: District Court is State while Circuit Court is County. Both Courts wanted a new building but only District Court was approved. They do bail for Circuit here at the jail. Public Hearings at the end of January for schools and for MCDC Reuse; but Reuse will actually not be heard probably until February. They will decide what will be covered in the CIP. Public hearing will be separate from DOCR hearings. He was asked "is there a chance for controversy/"

Gloria Paul stated that Wayne Goldstein puts out a newsletter and public access TV and he is someone who may approach you. Mr. Wallenstein said that he does know him, he is a documentary film maker.

The POR is an actual description of the project and the same one that has been before all. You then put this document into phases. The POR is not design development, it is merely a 'scope of project' schematic and a plan only. It is not specific. This group will get even more involved as this project progresses and will become a work group. Harvey Ptashek asked if the group would have to have an idea of how this will be done and Mr. Wallenstein said 'yes'. The phases will be built into the bid and it will take a good portion of 3 years to complete all phases.

Mr. Wallenstein shared the fact that their was significant justification for leaving Seven Locks alone as access to MCDC with traffic flow. July 2002, as soon as it is ready, design and development will be part of the Committee. When the public hearings are is to be found out by Mr. Wallenstein and he will let the committee know. The Public Hearings will be the end of January and the Department's hearing somewhere around the first part of February. Once funded, it will not come up each year and State funding for $1.5 million will be applied for. Gloria Paul said the State will not match on air conditioning. The County seeks State approval and that means County Council can approve but it is still subject to State approval of the funding.

Representatives from communities in this area will be invited for a "simulated incarceration" upon completion of the Clarksburg facility. Completion is planned for March 30, but we are awaiting further updates from construction contractors. Simulated incarceration will be May, June, or July. It will be on a Saturday night at 8 p.m. and will go through to 6 a.m. Sunday morning. Gloria Paul asked whether the kids can come and stay the night but Mr. Wallenstein said they could not come. We do not hold juveniles unless they are charged as an adult.

There was some discussion concerning showing up to support the Reuse CIP Plan's passing and Mr. Wallenstein said that it is not our policy to ask a neighborhood group to lobby for us.

Mr. Wallenstein said that members of the senior staff will be invited to attend at each meeting so the committee will get to meet them. Chuck Hessling was introduced and some of his background information was shared, i.e. 28 years with Corrections. In 1995 he was selected to work with the Police on a Joint venture with District Court to have a Central Processing area for the whole County. In 1997, correctional staff took over this task. This was a general briefing on what they do in Central Processing.

There will be facility consolidation between Police Station, here, and the jail (CPU). The Warrant Section will be located here as well. Questions concerning how some of this operated and committee was advised that there are a lot of people who turn themselves in and the police staff is not used at all. There is no one armed here per question from Harvey Ptashek. We can get Police and State to come here quickly if we have a need to. When the inmates are moved out, visiting will not be available for those inmates awaiting release or movement to the new jail. During all this time, we have had only one complaint from the neighborhood.

Next meeting is April 18, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. at the Detention Center.

Meeting commenced at 7:40 p.m. and concluded at 8:35 p.m.


Harvey Ptashek, Co-Chairman
Neighborhood Advisory Committee


 William L. Smith, Co-Chairman
 Montgomery County Detention Center

Recorder: Marlene F. Rone
Office of the Warden
Montgomery County Detention Center

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