Administrative Conference Room, MCDC
November 15, 2001


Present: County: Mr. Arthur M. Wallenstein, Director, Department of Correction and Rehabilitation (DOCR); William L. Smith, Warden, Montgomery County Detention Center (MCDC); Lt. Col. James L. Jones, Chief of Security, MCDC City of Rockville: Mr. Dwayne Jenkins, Neighborhood Resource Coordinator Community Representatives*: Richard Hayman, Harvey Ptashek, David Huff, Marianne Cordier, Nancy Schoenfeld, Gloria Paul, Mike Menaker, Sherry Matz, and Marty Scholl

The purpose of this meeting was to organize a community based committee to work with the Warden and staff of the Montgomery County Detention Center as it evolves into a receiving and discharge hub for those committed to the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation.

The meeting commenced at 7:38 p.m.

All present introduced themselves by name and affiliation. Art Wallenstein, Director of the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation started the meeting with short introductory remarks detailing the information of how this facility will be engaged in 're-use' activities. The community meetings and activities of Clarksburg were cited as an example of the community and the department interacting to resolve problems. He stated that the format used for the Clarksburg meetings could serve this group as well since it lists every problem and its resolution from inception to finish. Those present agreed.

Mr. William L. Smith (W. L.), Warden of this facility and his Chief of Security, Lt. Col. James L. Jones (J. L.) were introduced to the committee as contacts. They called the committee's attention to the fact that they had business cards available for distribution so they could be contacted any time there was a need. Mr. Smith emphasized that the goal was to give them some comfort with the presence of the institution in their community and to develop a partnership between the community and the Detention Center.

Mr. Wallenstein informed the group that the construction of the new facility at Clarksburg should be completed by the end of March. After a 'shakedown' of the new institution of approximately 30-60 days, the inmates from this Detention Center will be moved to Clarksburg; probably June and July. Until that time, the majority of the staff, including Deputy Wardens, will remain here since here is where the inmates are located.

The following sets forth items that were discussed and/or agreed to:

How would you like to communicate: It was agreed that most would prefer email and that names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and email addresses would be kept here at the Detention Center and would not be given out to anyone. On the other hand, Mr. Smith, when asked how widely could his telephone numbers be distributed, stated anyone could have the numbers. An email tree will be established by the department and we will be able to send everyone messages; but it will be restricted to use by Mr. Smith, Marlene Rone, Lt. Col. Jones, and Mr. Wallenstein.

What do you want a committee like this to do: One of the things brought out by Ms. Paul was that programmatic issues should not be the focus. Mr. Hayward stated his belief that their had never been a problem with staff and their professionalism so he has complete faith in Mr. Smith to run the institution. Community issues were discussed and the problem voiced by the community at the time of the picnics was given as an example of one concern that was resolved. Discussion further brought out questions as to how the committee would function and whether it would deal with architectural and functional issues or would those issues just be a 'given'. The committee would be involved in all phases of the operations, nothing will be a 'given'. Also, what form is the committee to take? Would the committee deal with architecture and bus routes, parking, global perspectives, getting in-put from the various nearby neighborhoods? Also, what can the committee do for the re-use facility? The role of the people representing the communities, it was felt, was that of a communicator, or a disseminator of information back to their boards.

Mr. Smith suggested that one of the nearby communities had toured the Detention Center and found it to be helpful for them to gain knowledge and a feel for what is done here. He thought perhaps members of the committee would also like to take a tour with those in their communities.

The committee, it was stated, would be a vehicle between the community and the Detention Center�Long term planning as to architectural changes, trees, etc. Also, it was asked, how much comes back from the staff when we come up with an item for change or a suggestion. What in-put does the staff have in the suggestions and ideas that come out of the committee. Furthermore, do they evaluate the suggestions and say 'this is not practical' or are decisions made by managers and put into effect without any in-put from line staff? Lt. Col. Jones stated that they always have in-put and when a new procedure or process is put into place it is evaluated over a long period of time while it is in place to see if it is working.

Some issues, such as a bus that comes onto the Detention Center grounds and drops and picks-up passengers will have to be dealt with by the City of Rockville, since that would not be our call. The question arose since it was mentioned that many people do not even know there is a jail here and the bus coming here would call that fact to their attention. Again, Mr. Wallenstein stated that this was a City of Rockville issue.

What should the Interim Name of the Committee Be? After considerable discussion it was thought that the Neighborhood Advisory Committee would be appropriate.

Who would Make up the Membership of this Committee: This was very thoroughly discussed with members suggesting other nearby communities that may be interested and possibly business and commercial interests which would represent the 'global' aspect of the community. Mr. Wallenstein said the meetings would be 'open' to anyone who wanted to come but there would remain a 'core' group that would get minutes and would make up the committee membership. A suggestion was made that Mr. Jenkins could send out an invitation to other nearby communities and property owners if he liked because the meetings will be open to anyone who desires to attend.

The matter of space was briefly commented on with the fact that other places would be considered if there were more people coming than could comfortably fit into the Administrative Conference Room. It was also mentioned that after the new facility opens and staff and inmates are moved to the Clarksburg facility, more room would be available for these meetings. However, we would find a place to accommodate any of the attendance needs of this committee.

Meeting Time: After a rather short discussion of convenient times, it was established that 7:30 p.m. was the best time for the committee to meet. Also, it was established that the third Thursday of each month would be acceptable to everyone.

Frequency of Meetings: For the time being, it was established that a 'historical' meeting to explain the POR and how we arrived at this point with the Re-Use facility and the new jail will be scheduled. The date for the 'historical' committee meeting will need to be decided on by the committee. When the POR is printed, Mr. Wallenstein promised he would send it to those interested. For now, quarterly meetings would be acceptable as follows:

January 17, 2002 April 18, 2002 July 18, 2002 September 19, 2002

All meetings would be located here in the Administrative Area Conference Room at 7:30 p.m. This plan can always be revisited and special meetings can also be held between the dates stated as needed or desired.

Status Report on Re-use Facility: At this point in time, the Re-use facility is considered to be a Capital Improvement Project and must be justified and be presented before the County Executive and the County Council for approval prior to any work being done. On January 15, 2002, the department will go before the Council with the request for funding. It could be approved, whittled down, or disapproved at that time. After the POR is approved, Mr. Wallenstein said we will mail each member a copy to their home. He stated further that the draft is currently available on-line and if you need more copies we will get them to you. There have been no major changes from the original draft, responding to a question from Ms. Schoenfeld who had read the original POR. It was asked whether the Re-use could function without the capital improvements being done and Mr. Wallenstein said we could, but not as well.

Everyone agreed to leave their name and address, telephone number, and email address, and to indicate if they would need a copy of the POR. Mr. Scholl was given a brief synopsis of what we planned to do at this facility and at the new facility to be opened in Clarksburg.

Mr. Jenkins will provide materials needed and get letters out or whatever he needs to do for the community associations.

A volunteer to read the minutes and represent the committee was requested and Harvey Ptashek agreed to serve in this capacity.

Telephone Tree: No excessive communications are planned but we will set-up a telephone tree to contact you with information in the case of a 'high crisis' occurrence. The definition of a 'high crisis' was discussed and it was decided that it would only be for 1) an escape; 2) a riot; or 3) a fire (though this would be handled by the Fire and Rescue people, it would be included).

Issue for Matrix: a future discussion issue was identified as the transportation for inmates being released at Court and turned loose to walk back to the Detention Center. Mr. Wallenstein said he now had approval to approach this problem with the Court.

Meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m.


Harvey Ptashek, Co-Chairman
Neighborhood Advisory Committee


 William L. Smith, Co-Chairman
 Montgomery County Detention Center

Recorder: Marlene F. Rone
Office of the Warden
Montgomery County Detention Center

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