Pre-Release and Reentry Services
Community Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Advisory Date
Administrative Conference Room, MDCD
Warden William L. Smith ~ (240) 777-9962
MCDC Warden Office

PRRS Chief Office


Committee Members and Guests Attendance:

Deby Armstrong, State’s Attorneys Office;Andrea Baker, Resident Supervisor; Hardy Bennett,Health and Human Services; Amy Bransford, Parole and Probation; Father Michael Bryant, Archdiocese of Washington; Bill Cimino, Federal Bureau of Prisons; Tom DeGonia, Attorney; Shawn Flower, Researcher; Larry Gamble, Health and Human Services; Liz Anne Ganiban, Silver Spring Interfaith Housing Coalition; Karl Girshman, Community member;  Diane Scott-Jones, Community Member; John Jones, Community Member;  John Keating, President, Metropolitan Industries, Inc.; John Lavigne, Public Defenders Office; Stefan LoBuglio, PRRS Division Chief; Kent Mason, Community Citizen; Dr. Susan McFeaters, University of Maryland Baltimore, Eduardo Mondonedo, Department of Public Works and Transportation;  Sister Mary Mulholland, Welcome Home Program; Gail Pettis, Health & Human Services (Winning Fathers Program); James Shannon, PRRS Unit Manager; Teresa Still, PRRS Assessment Supervisor


Stefan LoBuglio welcome the group


1.  Welcome and Introductions:  John Lavigne, Chair
2.   PRRS Chief’s Report:  Stefan LoBuglio
3.   Believe, Succeed, and Achieve Program – Andrea Baker
4.   Passage of the Second Chance Act of 2007
5.   Victim Rights in the Criminal Justice System
6.   Meeting Dates for 2008: 
        -       Thursday, July 31st at 7:30 A.M.
        -       Thursday, October 30th at 7:30 A.M.
        -       Thursday, December 18th at 7:30 A.M.
7.   Adjournment 

Agenda Item No. 1 - Welcome and Introductions :  Chairperson John Lavigne, called the meeting to order at 7:40 A.M.  The Committee members introduced themselves.  Guests Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jones, Jr. introduced themselves and stated that this was their second CAB meeting.  They stated that  their son was now at the Pre-Release Center and through the program they were learning information about him they that never knew before.         

Agenda Item No. 2 - PRRS Division Chief’s Report :  PRRS Division Chief Stefan LoBuglio highlighted a few of the items from his “Chief’s Report” which provided an update on PRRS activities and developments since the last Community Advisory Board Meeting on January 31, 2008.

  • Copies of articles from the Sentinel and Gazette were distributed at the beginning of the meeting.  Both articles were critical of the placement of a PRC resident to Home Confinement.  The family of the victim felt that offender’s ten days in detention, two months at the Pre-Release Center, and then spending the rest of his sentence on Home Confinement were not a sufficient sentence for the death of their brother.  The articles can be viewed on the Internet:
  • Chief LoBuglio reviewed the two page Welcome Home update from Mary Mulholland.  The program marks its one year anniversary with some impressive number of volunteers.  Since April 2007, fifty-four welcome Home Volunteers have provided 1,813 hours of individualized services to sixty-three residents.  Some of the services include tutoring inmath, reading, and preparing for GED classes, typing classes, and teaching computer usage.  These numbers do not include the ten to twelve residents weekly that are assisted by a  volunteer who gives resume assistance, computer training, job search assistance, and especially encouragement to succeed.
  • The Winning Fathers program’s next class will start May 3rd.  Each class will be for four hours and be held every other week.  This class caters to pre-release clients who are within six months of release and encourages the family environment with communication skills, helps with deposits for apartments, and gives gift cards to help set up housekeeping.  The program is federally funded and engages partners with children under an umbrella of services

Agenda Item No. 3 – Believe, Succeed, Achieve Program :  Resident Supervisor Andrea Baker spoke about the new program Believe, Succeed, Achieve.  Staff wanted the current PRRS residents to meet with released residents who have succeeded in the community (for at least one year to 18 months).  Five former residents were invited to speak about their struggles and successes at the Center and after release.    The former residents spoke of being frustrated with the rules but learned they were necessary.  Current residents can learn and grow from the strength of others.  Some even have more self-esteem after meeting with the successful former residents.  The program was video taped and staff plans to show it at a Sponsor Group meeting in the near future.  Andrea was the Chairperson and cake and punch was served.   

Agenda Item No. 4 – Passage of the Second Chance Act of 2007:

Chief LoBuglio was present on April 9th when President Bush signed into law the Second Chance Act of 2007, which is aimed to support the development and study of reentry programs throughout the Country.  Montgomery County played a small but important role to ensure that the legislation would include jail-based reentry programs.  DOCR staff participated in the numerous events celebrating the presidential signing. 

Agenda Item No. 5 - Victims Rights in the Criminal Justice System  The Victim Rights Compliance Coordinator for the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention met with DOCR senior staff on March 13th to review the Department’s efforts to ensure that it was in compliance with victim rights.  Subsequently, the Department received a letter from GOCCP which praised its efforts to improve victim services.  Earlier in the year, on February 28th, Chief LoBuglio met with fourteen members of the Montgomery County Victim Services Advisory Board to discuss some of the changes that PRRS has made in the program to improve responsiveness to victims.  This discussion included verifying the accuracy of the State’s Victim Information Notification System (VINE), collecting restitution, and working with victim advocate representatives in the Police Department.  During the Community Advisory Committee, there was a detailed discussion of the efforts by the State Attorney’s Office, the DOCR, and the judiciary to make more explicit the timetable by which individuals can transfer to PRRS from confinement.   At the next meeting, the Division Chief will provide a follow-up of the meetings and discussions.

Prior to adjournment, Chief LoBuglio asked if any members would like to ask a question or discuss a topic: 

  • Karl Girshman asked if the federal guidelines on crack cocaine made a different in the County’s offender population.  Chief LoBuglio stated that the new guidelines affected 19,000 inmates in the Federal system and 122 Maryland inmates’ sentences were shortened.
  • Michael Bryant stated that the Pre-Release and Reentry Services Division was very unique and helpful.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Jones stated that the program was very supportive and well balanced.
  • Kent Mason asked how the six month recidivism study was going.
  • Mary Mulholland thanks the Board and staff members for all their support with the Welcome Home program.
  • Bill Cimino stated that the Federal Bureau of Prisons appreciates working with the Pre-Release and Reentry Services staff.

John Lavigne stated that many people take PRC for granted and we are lucky to have it here in our County.

Agenda Item No. 6 – Meeting Dates for 2008

  • Thursday, July 31st at 7:30 A.M.
  • Thursday, October 30th at 7:30 A.M.
  • Thursday, December 18th at 7:30 A.M.

Agenda Item No. 7 – Adjournment:

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 A.M.