September 9, 2004
Attendance:Eric Brenner, Director, State Grants Office for Maryland; Robert Carter, Police Department; Bill Cimino, Federal Bureau of Prisons; Thomas DeGonia, State's Attorneys Office; Karl Girshman, Neighborhood Citizen; Norma Jennings, Silver Spring Housing Coalition; John Keating, Metropolitan Industries; John Lavigne, Public Defender's Office; Donald Martin, Health and Human Services; Kent Mason, Citizen; Jane Sachs; PRC Unit Manager; James Shannon, Acting PRS Chief Administrator; Teresa Still, PRS Assessment Services Manager; Avery Tabb, Montgomery Works; Arthur Wallenstein, Director, DOCR; Timothy Warner, Pastor, St. Marks United Methodist Church
Welcome and Introductions:The meeting was called to order at 7:40 A.M. by Chairperson John Lavigne.Mr. Lavigne stated that the new meeting time is intended to invigorate new members and assist the current members' work schedules.Invitations to join the Committee were sent out to members of the local community, agencies working with offender/addiction populations, employers, housing, and community faith groups.Introductions were made and five new members joined the committee:Bill Cimino representing the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Karl Girshman of the community, Norma Jennings representing the Silver Spring Interfaith Housing Coalition, John Keating of Metropolitan Industries, and Pastor Timothy Warner of St. Marks United Methodist Church.Art Wallenstein stated that the goal was to expand the Committee and to refocus on re-entry and the Center's responsibility to the neighborhood.There is money available for the faith community to link offenders in their community, however staff need to coordinate the links.Avery Tabb of One Stop stated that they work with other agencies and offenders to assist individuals from becoming homeless.This includes working with the Veterans Administration when veterans need assistance.
Summary of the Past Year's Activities and PRS Operations:Jim Shannon stated that the PRC and CART resident/client numbers are up even with the decrease of staff in the new budget (FY05).The Pre-Release Services Division is short four staff in FY05:two Counselors, one Manager, and one Resident Supervisor.Staff roles are being re-defined and the PRC and CART programs are preparing for the new Division Chief.The former PRS Chief retired December 1, 2003 and Mr. Shannon has been the Acting Chief since that time.Training has been improved with block training for staff and the Union is much involved in staff schedules.Resident Supervisory staff schedules are no longer rotating as staff have been rescheduled by seniority for permanent shifts.A Re-Entry Policy Group meets monthly to refocus/review the program while waiting the arrival of the new PRS Chief Administrator.
Art Wallenstein stated that the County received forty-two applications for the PRS Division Chief position.The interviews will take two days and he hopes the new Division Chief will begin in November. The four interview panels will consist of:
Pre-Release Services Staff and a Union Representative
DOCR Chiefs and Senior Managers
Senior County Criminal Justice Managers and Community leaders/re-entry
Art Wallenstein
Issues from Committee Members:
Mr. Kirshman asked what could be done about the street beggars that appeared about three years ago at the main intersections along Rockville Pike.Some identify themselves as veterans yet a neighbor of his saw a van dropping these beggars off along the area intersections.He stated that some live in tents in the woods around Nebel Street and Parklawn Drive.Art Wallenstein stated that the issue does not tie in with corrections but he will gladly work with Mr. Kirshman and get the name and phone number of the agency/person to call.Mr. Wallenstein stated however County law permits begging.
Mr.Kirshman also asked 'how many work release programs in MontgomeryCounty'.Jim Shannon stated that there is only one work release program in the County and PRC predates any other work programs.Mr. Shannon suggested Mr. Kirshman come to the Pre-ReleaseCenter for lunch and a tour so he could help create an understanding and delete fears in the community.
John Keating of Metropolitan Industries stated that in the past six years he has hired thirty to forty PRC residents, most with little or no skills.Mr. Keating starts his employees at $7.00 per hour plus a Metro card.Most of the residents hired perform well on the job until release and then within one or two weeks most are back to their old ways.Mr. Keating stated that he could foresee which residents will stay on the job prior to their release.One of the main problems post-release for his employees is the meetings with parole/probation agents.The agents expect his employees (their clients) to meet with them in the middle of the day.This creates a hardship on his company and the employee misses a day's pay, plus a bonus at the end of the month of four extra hours of pay for not missing work.Art Wallenstein stated that another Committee member, John Arney, is a P&P Supervisor and he would try to speak with him about rectifying this situation.
Asked how the Pre-ReleaseCenter finds employers for the residents, the answer is that many new residents come into the program with jobs and therefore staff make new connections.Each unit now has an office set up for the residents to seek employment ' with a computer with internet access, a telephone, and fax machine.The Washington Post Newspaper comes daily and local newspapers weekly.The three Work Release Coordinators are working toward their National Certification so they will be able to work and train other staff in this area.Approximately 75% of residents leave their jobs for higher paying jobs after release.Staff are looking for jobs for the residents with on-the-job training, better placements, and housing closer to their current jobs.Better paying jobs, good housing, and creative leisure/recreation activities are all major components to assist the residents not to return to the criminal justice system.
Karl Kirshman asked how staff handled people with mental issues.Art Wallenstein stated, 'jails are the mental health hospital of today'.If entry to the Pre-ReleaseCenter is denied, the offenders will be released the same day most with no home, no medication, and an increased chance of failure.Pre-ReleaseCenter Case Managers and CART Caseworkers assist the offenders with links to outside counselors and structured housing.MCCF has a Crisis Intervention Unit to handle the mentally ill held in detention.The more assistance given by the Department to the mentally ill, the more is expected of us by other local agencies.Don Martin stated that the Avery Road Combined Care (ARCC) facility for the dually diagnosed has twenty beds for the County's mentally ill plus twenty beds for individuals placed by other agencies or jurisdictions for a fee.At the next meeting,
Mr. Wallenstein said he would bring mental health data and the Committee members will be surprised in the growing incarceration of the mentally ill - this is a national phenomena and not a positive one. He asked for Committee members to bring suggestions on how we can help. The County is trying to integrate mental health and addictions co-occurring but there are many issues that need to be worked out such as management, coordination, and staffing.
This was the first session of the expanded group and many new members attended. The morning hour was also clearly an asset to participation and will be retained. New members will add many new dimensions to the Reentry equation, we are all delighted with the wonderful response, and the growing list of core reentry policy and operational areas now represented on the Advisory Group.All the work and discussion of the last several months have really been worth the effort and all members are thanked for their involvement, which helps improve the focus of what we do, how we do it, and where we need to pay close attention in the future.
At the December 2nd meeting, the 2005 meeting dates will be announced.The meeting adjourned at 9:05 A.M.
The next meeting of the Pre-Release Services Community Advisory Committee
Thursday, December 2, 2004 at 7:30 A.M. at the Pre-ReleaseCenter
Breakfast will be served.