Main Roads include:

  • arterial roads, which are links between major destinations or two State routes.
  • primary roads, which are main routes through neighborhoods
  • Urban District and Central Business District roads

Examples of arterial roads include Randolph Road, Shady Grove Road, Snouffer School Road, Democracy Boulevard.

Primary roads through neighborhoods include Aspen Hill Road, Dennis Avenue, Greentree Road and Fernwood Road.

Central Business District Roads include those similar to Woodmont Avenue in Bethesda and Wayne Avenue in Silver Spring.

Depending on the existing condition of the road, one or more of the following repair operations will be used. Some of the work that you may see being performed includes:

  • HMA - Commonly referred to as blacktop, hot mix asphalt (HMA) is a form of asphalt concrete that is mixed at a contractor's hot mix plant, transported to the roadway in dump trucks, placed using a paver, and compacted with steel-wheel or rubber-tired rollers. With routine preventative maintenance, HMA yields a service life between 15-20 years.
  • Permanent Patching - The Permanent Patching Program provides for deep patching of roadways to restore limited structural integrity, prolong pavement performance, and to ensure viability until rehabilitation or reconstruction can occur. Permanent Patching is accomplished with hot mix asphalt (HMA) and will yield a service of life of between 15-20 years.

Repaving FAQs
