How MCDOT reduces air pollution


  • Offer transportation alternatives

MCDOT reduces traffic congestion and motor vehicle emissions by offering alternatives to driving alone.We build bikewayssidewalks and trails; transit centers; and ADA accessible bus stops. The department is working to implement complete streets standards to create more pedestrian and bicycle friendly urban environments. Vehicle emissions contribute nearly a quarter of the world's energy-related greenhouse gases and cause air pollution. Promoting alternatives helps mitigate these harmful environmental impacts.


  • Make walking and biking safer

The County’s Pedestrian Safety Initiative makes communities safer for walking and biking by expanding and fixing the network of sidewalks and bikeways, installing traffic calming and other engineering improvements, and educating pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers about sharing the road. The Safe Routes to Schools program has made pedestrian and traffic safety improvements near every County school that have significantly reduced collisions and made it safer for children to walk and bike to and from school.

MCDOT created a Bikeshare network in the County that is expanding commuting options for residents. The department evaluates every main road that is resurfaced to determine if striped bike lanes or other bicycle accommodations can be provided where protected bike lanes cannot currently be installed. 


  • Plan for Bus Rapid Transit and the Purple Line

Montgomery County’s proposed Bus Rapid Transit system and Purple Line Light Rail will increase high-quality transit service to the County’s most densely developed areas and provide a versatile and more environmentally friendly way to meet our transportation needs.


  • Operate the Ride On bus system

Ride On is the largest regional transit system besides Metro, operating 340 buses along 78 routes. Using public transit reduces greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on foreign oil imports compared to driving alone. 


  • Promote Commuter Services outreach

Commuter Services provides information and support for employers and employees who wish to explore sustainable alternatives to driving to work alone. These alternatives include biking, bikesharing, public transit like Ride On, car sharing, and teleworking. MCDOT also makes County parking spaces available to car sharing services in its parking garages.


  • Actively manage traffic flow

The County’s Automated Transportation Management System enhances traffic flow, improving air quality.


  • Make engineering improvements

Intersection improvements that improve traffic flow reduce air pollution resulting from idling cars.