Who must complete an online form?

Who must complete the online form:

County employees who wish to provide services for money other than their County job (outside employment) must obtain approval in advance of engaging in the outside employment from the Montgomery County Ethics Commission.

Who is not required to fill out the outside employment request form?

  1. Those persons who are not subject to the County’s public ethics law [employees of County agencies are covered, but not those employed by the State Attorney’s Office; the Circuit Court; the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office; the Montgomery County Public Schools; the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission; the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission.]
  2. Persons who are covered by the County’s public ethics law but are uncompensated;
  3. Persons who are covered by the County’s public ethics law but are employees of the following: Revenue Authority, Housing Opportunities Commission, or Board of License Commissioners, independent fire departments or rescue squads, or members of County boards, committees, or commissions.  
  4. Employees below grade 27 who work for the County less than 10 hours per week,
  5. An employee who engages in outside employment of less than one day for services of $100 or less with a person or entity that does no business with the employee’s employing agency and is not otherwise affected by the performance of County duties by the employee.
  6. County employees in the classifications within Grades S1-S6 and 5-13, except from the classifications listed below:
    • Data Application Trainee
    • Computer Operator Trainee
    • Crossing Guard
    • Data Entry Operator I & II
    • Data Application Specialist I & II
    • Legislative Intern

Note: County employees and appointed officials covered by the ethics laws remain subject to the provisions of all other provisions of the Montgomery County Code, Chapter 19A, including the restrictions on outside employment contained in 19A-12(b) of the County’s ethics law.

Any questions should be directed to the Ethics Commission at 240-777-6670