Library Services 1000 Books Before Kindergarten - A fun way to get your child ready for Kindergarten. Technology for Kids - Tablets, computers and more; no wifi connection needed. Discovery Rooms - Spaces to learn and play. Summer Reading Challenge - Fill the summer with great books and fun activities.
Early Learning Tips Five ways to help get your child ready to read. Talk - Introduce new words by talking with children about everything in their world. Sing - A playful, easy way for children to learn concepts, vocabulary, and more. Read - Create a love of books, discover new words, and build comprehension. Write - Connect squiggles on the page to spoken or signed words. Play - Connect real objects/experiences with spoken, signed, or written words.
Choosing Books For Your Child Finding the right books for your child can be hard. We have a few suggestions to help.
Online Resources Check out MCPL's e-resources for kids. Available 24/7 with your library card, stream and download content for young children.
Noyes Library for Young Children Noyes Library for Young Children is the only library in Montgomery County that serves children from birth to age 8 exclusively and their families. Come visit Noyes Library for Young Children! And learn more about what Noyes offers and its history.