ZEV Planning

EV Charging in MoCo

The Montgomery County, MD Climate Action Plan (2021) identified strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging rapid transition to zero-emissions vehicles. To advance climate action and meet the needs of the growing market for zero-emissions vehicles in the County, the Department of Environmental protection is developing a Strategic Plan for Zero-Emissions Vehicles to identify programs and policies that will help residents and businesses reduce transportation.

Charge Montgomery Story Map is an interactive tool to explore different factors that can drive new charging infrastructure, including EV ownership trends, state and federal programs, racial equity, and social justice.

Community EV Charging Survey  is designed for EV drivers, property owners, fleet managers, and EVSE installers to weigh in on the County's goals, potential charging locations, and charging experiences.

Charge Montgomery Kick-Off Webinar was held April 2023 to introduce the planning process, review initial progress and survey results, and provide an opportunity for Q&A. Two dates are provided for scheduling convenience and will include identical content. 

Update March 12, 2024: Montgomery County released a Notice of Intent (PDF) that it plans to make certain eligible County properties available for vendors to submit as part of a response to the Maryland Department of Transportation’s 2024 National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program Request for Proposals (RFP).