Why Drive Electric

The Future of Transportation

Electric vehicles (EVs) are the future of transportation. You can find quiet, emissions-free EVs in many different makes and models that fit your lifestyle and driving habits. EVs offer more convenience with the ability to charge at home and work. EVs also have a lower total cost of ownership compared to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, thanks to savings on fuel and fewer maintenance needs.

How Do EVs Work?

Instead of combustion engines, EVs have large, dense battery packs which power an electric motor. No combustion engine means EVs have no tailpipes or tailpipe emissions, which is a major benefit for public health and the climate. EVs also feature regenerative brakes, which allow energy to be recaptured and stored during the braking process.

Types of Zero Emission Vehicles

Picture showing Parts of Battery Electric Vehicle

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)

Fully electric vehicles have a battery-powered motor and zero tailpipe emissions.

Picture showing parts of PHEV

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

Plug-in hybrid vehicles use a combination of battery power and gasoline engine. Some models can drive in full electric mode with gasoline used to extend the vehicle’s range.

Hydrogen vehicle

Hydrogen Vehicle

Hydrogen fuel cells are created through electrolysis, which can be powered by 100% clean energy.


Electric Bikes and Scooters

E-bikes and scooters have an electric motor that does some of the work for you.


  • Save Money on Fuel A Montgomery County resident who drives 12,000 miles a year and charges at home would spend approximately $40 per month on electricity.
  • Easier to Maintain Electric motors have 1% of the moving parts of an internal combustion engine — that means there is less to break down.
  • Tax Incentives By purchasing an electric vehicle, you’ll qualify for a federal tax credit up to $7,500 depending on brand of vehicle.
  • Cleaner Environment An all-electric vehicle produces 0 tailpipe emissions where it operates, meaning cleaner air in the places we work and live. In Maryland’s utility grid, BEVs emit less than 1/3 of the CO2e per mile than a new gasoline vehicle.

Frequently Asked Questions


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