Soil Testing for Lawns

A soil test is a chemical analysis of your soil to determine whether you have healthy levels of nutrients. Lawn care companies should also use soil tests to inform how they care for lawns and to make the right nutrient management decisions.

Interpreting a soil test does require some science, but it doesn’t have to be too complicated. The tips below will help make sense of the important results.

Soil tests for lawns are inexpensive, and most cost less than $15. 

When to get a soil test

It is recommended to test your soil at least every three years, particularly when you are transitioning from a fertilizer fed lawn to an organic lawn. Testing in fall or spring will provide you enough time to prepare a lawn care plan based on the results. In the State of Maryland, it is required to have a soil test within three years prior to applying any fertilizers with phosphorus. Learn more about the Maryland Fertilizer Law.

Where do I get a soil test? 

Always send soil samples to a certified lab. The University of Maryland Extension Service keeps a current list of several local soil labs , or use the  fertility index table (PDF) to find more labs. If you need to add phosphorus, these labs will ensure a proper conversion of phosphorus under the rules of the  Maryland Fertilizer Law.

How to perform a soil test

Follow the directions carefully from the soil testing lab. Each lab will have different directions for taking the test and submitting the sample. Important tips to remember are:

  • Use a clean, rust free trowel.
  • Discard all plant parts, roots, leaves, thatch, sticks, and rocks. 
  • Mix soil together well before sending sample.
  • For areas of lawn with different conditions, have separate soil tests. For example, if one area of lawn is shady and gets a lot of activity on it, and another area is sunny and sloped, the results of the soil samples may be very different and could change how you manage each lawn section. 
  • Check whether the test requires you to pay for shipping or shipping is included. One test could seem more expensive at first, but the cost actually includes the shipping of the sample.
  • Check how the results will be sent to you. Some send the results as a letter in the mail, but many companies email the results. 

Reading your soil test

Your soil test will report ranges and numbers for various nutrients extracted from the soil. Plants can use only certain forms of nutrients, which account for a small portion of the total amount of that nutrient measured by your soil test. So how do you interpret the measurements? Below are some of the more important results to review for lawns soils.

You may have noticed, but we have not suggested products that are derived from animals or require mining. We recommend only using those products if plant-based amendments are not available.