Gude Landfill
Gude Landfill Operating History
The Gude Landfill is the oldest formal landfill in the County and is located at 600 East Gude Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850.
The landfill received approximately 4.8 million tons of municipal waste from 1965 until the site was closed in 1982. The Gude Landfill has a waste disposal footprint of approximately 100 acres. The final layer of waste is covered with two feet of soil, and the entire site is well vegetated with trees, brush, and grasses.
Landfill Gas Management System
The Gude Landfill currently generates methane gas, which is combusted at the existing enclosed ground flares. The gas consists of relatively equal percentages of methane and carbon dioxide that is generated naturally from anaerobic waste decomposition.
Landfill gas is collected through a network of above-ground PVC pipes in the landfill that are connected to a blower system that draws the gas from the fill area. There are several extraction wells located throughout the site used to mitigate offsite migration of landfill gas along the northwestern side of the property.
A landfill leachate pretreatment plant at the Oaks Landfill, about 8 miles away, accepts landfill gas condensate generated at the Gude Landfill.
Other Site Infrastructure
- internal access roads
- stormwater management/sediment control ponds
- groundwater/gas monitoring wells
- a former power plant building
- an above ground horizontal landfill gas collection system with vertical extraction well
- two enclosed landfill gas ground flares with noise wall
The Potomac Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects honored the Gude Landfill Passive Land Use Master Plan with the Honor Awards in Design Unbuilt.
Learn more: 2021 Awards - Potomac ASLAThe Gude Landfill is located at
600 East Gude Drive
Rockville, Maryland 20850

Gude Landfill - Aerial Photo, April 2018
- DEP Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Data
- DEP Landfill Gas Monitoring Data
- DEP Meteorological (Weather) Data
- DEP Landfill Gas-to-Energy Plant Emissions Reports
- MDE Inspection Reports
- MDE Approvals, Consent Order, and Assessment of Corrective Measures
- Remediation Land Use Activities
- Gude Landfill Remediation Project - Basis of Design Documents and Schedule
- MDE Consent Order
- GLCC/ DEP Meeting Minutes
- County Executive Correspondence
- Gude Landfill Presentations
- Questions + Answers
- Contact the Remediation Project
Gude Landfill Remediation Community Meeting
April 8, 2021
Download Presentation (PDF, 11MB)
Download Chat Transcript (PDF, 114KB)