Stormwater Maintenance Transfer Program

If you own a stormwater facility and would like to transfer it into the County's Stormwater Facility Maintenance Program, use the guidance outlined here. Residential facilities located on HOA/CA common areas are eligible for transfer into the County's maintenance program.

The transfer process has three stages:

  • Stage 1: Gather Documents and Contact DEP
    Gather information to prepare the application.
  • Stage 2: Submit Application
    Submit the completed application and required documents for DEP and County Attorney review.
  • Stage 3: Record Documents
    Finalize the transfer by recording the documents and obtaining a certified copy.

Once you have completed these stages, the County becomes responsible for structural maintenance of the facility, such as leaks, stone replacement or replacing concrete and pipes. The property owner remains the owner of the facility and continues to be responsible for non-structural maintenance around the facility, such as trash removal, grass cutting, and landscaping.

DEP highly recommends that you contact us before you submit your transfer paperwork to ensure that all the necessary documents have been prepared and to learn more about the transfer process.

NOTE: Although DEP encourages homeowners' associations to submit transfer documents as soon as possible, transfer documents will not be forwarded to the County Administrative Officer until the facility has an approved final inspection and the facility is in proper working condition as determined by DEP. However, DEP review of the transfer documents can occur concurrently with repair work to bring the facility to proper working condition.
