Meeting with County Executive Marc Elrich
County Transportation Management Districts (TMDs) Advisory Committees
Silver Spring / Friendship Heights / Bethesda / North Bethesda / Greater Shady Grove |
Executive Office Building (EOB) - 101 Monroe Streeet, Rockville
Lobby Level Auditorium
November 22, 2019
9:00- 10:30 AM
I. Welcome / Introductions
TMD Advisory Committee Members and Honored Guests
Sande Brecher
II. MCDOT Project Updates (click links for PDFs of presentations) |
Darcy Buckley
Will Kenlaw Maricela Cordova Gary Erenrich Sande Brecher Matt Johnson / Pat Shepherd Chris Conklin |
III. Introduction of County Executive
Chris Conklin
IV. County Executive Marc Elrich
V. Wrap up and Thank You to Participants |
Sande Brecher