Wheaton Parking Facilities
On or about March 17, 2021, Level 4 in Garage 13 will be temporarily closed. The temporary closure is necessary to facilitate waterproofing and concrete repair work.
Address: 11219 Grandview Ave, Wheaton, MD 20902
Entrances: Grandview Avenue
Customer Service: (240) 777-8740
Interactive Map
Total Capacity: 286
11304 Amherst Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20902
Entrances: 1 Amherst Avenue and Fern Street
Number of Spaces
Total Capacity: 631
11219 Grandview Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20902 Entrances: Grandview Ave (Triangle Lane)
Click here for more information about Lot 13.
Total Capacity: 54
2425 Hickerson Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20902 Entrances: Hickerson Drive and Blueridge Avenue
Total Capacity: 107
2320 Price Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20902 Entrances: Price Avenue
Total Capacity: 66
2622 University Blvd W, Silver Spring, MD 20902 Entrances: University Blvd, West
Total Capacity: 53
2510 Ennalls Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20902 Entrances: Ennalls Avenue
Total Capacity: 40