Get Help / Youth and Seniors

Resource Guides Find special programs and services for seniors and youth.

If you cannot find what you're looking for from the information below, call us at (240) 777-4940 (Mon to Fri, 9am—5pm) or visit us at one of our locations to ask about programs that can help you.

Resources for Seniors

For more legal resources for seniors, visit our Legal / Seniors page.
  • Montgomery County’s Aging and Disability Resource Unit:
    • Call 240-777-3000 to learn about services for seniors, and to receive assistance to apply for services. 
  • County’s COVID website for resources for seniors:
    • Information about how to receive check-in phone calls, how to receive frozen meals weekly, mental health services, taxi service, and more. 
  • Montgomery County Senior Site :
    • Provides a comprehensive list of resources about employment, health, recreation, safety, senior housing, caregiving support, tax and finance, transportation, volunteering. 
  • Montgomery County Seniors’ Resource Guide: 2024
  • JCA Senior Helpline :  
    • 240-290-3311; [email protected]
    • Provides assistance identifying resources for seniors, such as housing, home care, recreation and more. 
  • Senior Care Assistance / Subsidy Program:
    • 240-777-3000. A program to help with the cost of Adult Day Care, medications, personal care, transportation for medical appointments, home delivered meals, medications, medical insurance co-payments, durable and disposable medical supplies, eyeglasses, dentures, medical and dental care not covered by insurance, a lifeline system, or other possible need not covered by other resources. 
  • Maryland Senior Legal Helpline:
    • 866-635-2948. Free telephone hotline for people living in Maryland, aged 60 years or older. Attorneys who staff the helpline provide brief legal advice to callers or give callers a referral to another legal resource or an appropriate public or private agency.  
  • Senior Connection:
    • 301-962-0820: Provides transportation to medical appointments, social gatherings, and more. Provides assistance to get groceries, food boxes.
  • ElderSafe:
    • 301-816-5099: Helpline (Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm).
    • Provides safe temporary shelter.
  • Senior Planet
    • 240-753-0676. Offers tech and other support to seniors, including online classes in  English and Spanish that teach seniors how to use online tools and other topics.
  • Community Reach of Montgomery County: Senior Reach Program
    • ​Programs for City of Rockville residents
    • Homecare Senior Services: 240-314-8816 (English) or 240-314-8817 (Spanish)
    • Safe and Secure Services: 240-314-8819
  • Maryland Durable Medical Equipment Re-Use
    • The Maryland Department of Aging is providing durable medical equipment (DME) to Marylanders with any illness, injury, or disability, regardless of age, at no cost. All equipment is collected via donation and is sanitized, repaired, and redistributed to Marylanders in need. Examples include wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs and tub transfer benches, toilet and bed safety rails, home hospital beds, etc.
  • Montgomery County Recreation (MCR) Senior Programs and Resources
    • Montgomery County recreation has many ways for independent adults 55 and better to stay active and healthy. There are programs, activities, classes, and other resources available. 
  • Senior Nutrition Program:
    • Montgomery County offers a hot meal at lunchtime at 10 senior program locations around the County. This program is offered in partnership with Montgomery County Recreation and the Department of Health and Human Services

Resources for Youth

View the Early Care and Education presentation from the 2023 Community Navigation Forum to learn how to navigate resources for locating childcare,  childcare subsidies, early childhood education, and special education services.  ( Powerpoint presentation) ( Presentation recording)

Montgomery County Public Schools

  • MCPS Enrollment:
    • For Pre-K/Head Start, see below.  International students, see number below for International office.  All others, call assigned school directly.
  • Montgomery County Public Schools International Office: 240-740-4500
    • Helps to facilitate student enrollment for newly arrived families and can guide them in enrollment & gathering the necessary documents.  
  • SLIFE (Secondary Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education) Program
    • For English language learners who have had limited or no previous schooling, or significant schooling gaps due to interrupted education.
  • CREA (Career Readiness Education Academy) Program
    • Academic and career readiness program for older English learners  (at least 18 years old) who are unlikely to meet all graduation requirements prior to turning 21 and/or if they are interested in pursuing an alternative pathway to a high school diploma via GED preparation.  
  • MCPS Prekindergarten/Head Start: 240-740-4530
    • Early childhood education for low-income families with children who will be four years old by September (including those with disabilities). Limited spaces for three year olds.  See also section below regarding Early Head Start programs.  

Children's Needs (Infants/Toddlers)

  • Clothing, Diapers: Visit the Clothing/Diapers section of our website for details.
  • Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) :
    • Call Community Clinics, Inc. (CCI) to apply: (301) 762-9426. Provides healthy foods, nutrition counseling and breastfeeding support to pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children under age five.  Immigration status not required.  
  • Judy Center: 410-767-6546.
    • Offers childcare assistance, parenting classes, case management, play groups. For families with children from birth to age 5.
  • Early Head Start Programs:
  • ChildLink (Early Childhood Services): 240-777-4769.
    • Information and referral for families with young children, consultations on child development or parenting issues, or situations which require early intervention services, including mental health consultations.

Special Education Services

Childcare Subsidies

View presentation from the 2023 Community Navigation Forum to learn about the programs below. (Powerpoint presentation: Slides 6-11) ( Presentation recording)

 Assistance Locating Childcare

Recreational Programs

  • Montgomery County Recreation (MCR):
    • MCR's activities and services allow children and teens to make the most of their time outside of school. Through these various outlets, MCR helps young people become healthier, gain leadership experience, develop career skills, and connect with caring adult role models.

Youth Programs from local nonprofit agencies

  • Identity:
    • Serves Latino in-school and out-of-school youth and their families.  
  • Latin American Youth Center
    • Provides opportunities in academics, arts and recreation, job readiness, safe places to live, and health and wellness.
  • Future Link:
    • For young adults ages 18-25: mentoring, tutoring, internships, career exploration
  • Community Bridges:
    • After- and out-of-school Girls Program, grades 4 through 12.
  • Asian American LEAD:
    • After-school programs for Asian American youth at Parkland, Julius West, and Newport Mill Elementary Schools, and Blair, Einstein, and Wheaton High Schools.
  • Liberty's Promise:
    • After-school programs for immigrant youth at Blair, Northwood, Kennedy, Springbrook, Wheaton, Gaithersburg, and Quince Orchard High Schools. Summer internships.
  • Crittenton Services:
    • Leadership, empowerment, life skills programs in school for teen girls.
  • College Tracks:
    • College readiness programs at BCC, Paint Branch, Quince Orchard, Watkins Mill, and Wheaton High Schools. 
  • Generation Hope:
    • Provides support to teen parents in college.
  • Family Learning Solutions:
    • Mentoring and leadership programs for youth and families
  • Worksource Montgomery:
    • Young Adult Program offers training to out-of-school youth between the ages of 16-24 years old. The program hels youth identify and achieve their career goals. 
    • Launch Your Future Employment (LYFE) provides out-of-school Montgomery County youth between the ages of 16-24 years old with a paid 16-week work experience program emphasizing career exploration and job readiness training.
  • Catholic Charities:​ Group circles for Latino youth to discuss challenges, goal setting, develop leadership.