What is the COPE trailer?

The opioid epidemic is everywhere, and the MCPD is working towards informing and helping its residents to distinguish signs of drug use. The home is a safe and comfortable place for many, but we are here to show you the newest tool to combat the scourge of opioid abuse, the COPE trailer. COPE stands for Community Opioid Prevention Education.  Managed by the Community Engagement Division, the COPE trailer is an excellent teaching resource for county resident's.

For every hiding space we show you, there are dozens more. The COPE trailer is designed to go to public events, so the community can go inside and see the warning signs of drug abuse; it will enable parents to have difficult conversations with their loved ones.

Set up like rooms in a home, MCPD employees and volunteers will educate adults in English and Spanish. The COPE trailer was created in collaboration with the Montgomery County Police Foundation and Montgomery County Public Schools to provide the public with drug education tips. It is an excellent tool for parents to get a visual, keep in mind, and keep an open mind.

To request a COPE trailer demonstration in Montgomery County, click on the button below.
When submitting your request please answer the following questions:

  • What date you are requesting?
  • What time is the event supposed to start and end?
  • What is the location of the event?
  • How many people do you anticipate attending this event?
  • Who is the point of contact for this event and how can they be reached?

Note: Completing the form is NOT a guarantee of its availability

Request the COPE trailer

Watch the video below

  • COPE trailer assists a loved one (parent, spouse, friend, or another family member) with the ability to identify "red flags" and "signals," which are articles inside a bedroom or bathroom that might be indicators that there is an opioid problem. The idea is to identify these things before it is too late.

Resources for Parents

  • The Not My Child has tips for parents about recognizing warning signs and what to do if you learn or suspect that your child has been/is using opioids or other illegal substances.
  • The Surviving our Ultimate Loss (SOUL) is a volunteer peer-support group by and for families who have lost loved ones to overdose.
  • Additional resources can be found here: ( https://montgomerycountymd.gov/opioids/)