Drainage, Erosion and Pollution

Water Pollution is defined as “the addition of harmful substances to natural water sources."

Fish, birds and wildlife depend on clean water sources to survive just as people do. When it becomes unfit for drinking or recreation, both man-made and natural communities suffer and decline. Dirty or polluted water is one of the world’s largest health risks.

Erosion is when water or wind moves soil and rocks to different places. It's a natural part of shaping our county's landscape. But it becomes a problem when human activities, like construction, cause too much erosion and put too much sediment in our streams.

execess sediment Excess sediment (beyond natural erosion) can be a pollutant.

Excessive sediment in streams leads to various issues, including:

  • Unattractive waterways
  • Loss of valuable topsoil
  • Instability of stream banks
  • Disruption of fish breeding areas between rocks
  • Murky water, hindering fish from finding their food
  • Harm to fish and other stream life
  • Decreased capacity for water flow in the stream and raising flood risks
  • Lower water quality
execess sediment Sediment smothers living organisms and abrades or coats their skin.