Click on the route number to see the new timetable.
These Clarksburg routes will change routing
Estas son las rutas de Clarksburg que cambiarán su recorrido
75 - The route will serve Snowden Farm Parkway to Little Seneca Parkway to Newcut Road and back to Snowden Farm Parkway / La ruta cubrirá desde Snowden Farm Parkway a Little Seneca Parkway y a Newcut Road, y de vuelta a Snowden Farm Parkway
90 - The new routing will continue on Ridge Road to Little Seneca Parkway, then Snowden Farm Parkway and return to Ridge Road. It will then turn onto Brink Road, then Seneca Crossing Drive to Scottsbury Drive to Shakespeare and Observation Drive. / El nuevo recorrido continuará por Ridge Road hacia Little Seneca Parkway, siguiendo hacia Snowden Farm Parkway y de vuelta a Ridge Road. Después girará a Brink Road, siguiendo por Seneca Crossing Drive hacia Scottsbury Drive, Shakespeare y Observation Drive.
These routes will have changes in certain trip times to provide better service
Estas rutas tendrán cambios en ciertos tiempos de viaje proporcionar mejor servicio