Moving Forward. Faster.
Dedicated to faster and more reliable transit service.

Bus Priority Projects
This Montgomery County Department of Transportation program provides for the planning, design and construction of improvements to bus service. The Bus Priority Project includes multiple projects that improve local bus timing, ease of access and safety such as marked dedicated bus lanes; queue jumps; passenger boarding and lighting improvements; implementation of transit signal priority; enhanced bus stops; and other similar improvements that will increase reliability and result in faster buses throughout Montgomery County.
These improvements will advance the transit network as specified by master plans. Potential improvements may also be identified through other planning and transit operations studies or requested by community members.

Completed Bus Priority Projects
- Marked Dedicated Bus Lanes at Crystal Rock Drive, Century Blvd. and Aircraft Road
servicing the Germantown Transit Center (Completed December 2021)
- University Boulevard between Amhurst Ave. and Dennis Ave. (Completed February 2024)

Upcoming Pilot Programs
Pilot programs are evaluated to determine whether the Dedicated Bus Lanes are successful along the corridors.

Future Projects
- Marked Dedicated Bus Lanes at Veirs Mill Road, servicing the Wheaton Metrorail Station, Planned Completion Spring 2025
- Bus Shelter Improvements at Flower Avenue, Planned Completion Summer 2025

See Fiscal Year 23 funding information here. For Fiscal Year 22, 1.25M from the Mass Transit Fund was allocated to this project.

- Visit our FAQ Page
- Download the Fact Sheet (English)
- Download the Fact Sheet (Español)
- Download the Feedback Survey Results
* This is a 12 month pilot, followed by an evaluation. MCDOT will then determine whether the Dedicated Bus Lanes will remain on this section of University Boulevard beyond the planned pilot timeline.
This effort is a part of MCDOT's Bus Priority Project initiatives in partnership with Ride On and WMATA to improve transit service in the community. Additional bus lanes are planned throughout Montgomery County.
Have questions or want to provide feedback? Contact the project lead.