Uses and disclosures of health information
We use health information about you for treatment, to obtain payment for treatment, and for other allowable healthcare purposes. Continuity of care is part of treatment and your records may be shared with other providers to whom you are referred. Information may be shared by paper mail, electronic mail, fax, or other methods. We may use or disclose identifiable health information about you without your authorization for several reasons. Subject to certain requirements, we may give out health information without your authorization for public health purposes, for auditing purposes, for research studies, and for emergencies. We provide information when otherwise required by law, such as for law enforcement in specific circumstances. In any other situation, we will ask for your written authorization before using or disclosing any identifiable health information about you. If you choose to sign an authorization to disclose information, you can later revoke that authorization to stop any future uses and disclosures. We may change our policies at any time. Before we make a significant change in our policies, we will change our notice and post the new notice in the MICU. You can also request a copy of our notice at any time. For more information about our privacy practices, contact the person listed below.
Individual rights
In most cases, you have the right to look at or get a copy of health information about you that we use to make decisions about you. If you request copies we will charge you, the patient, normal photocopy fees. All authorized or by law requests made by others will be charged for production of medical records per the department’s schedule of charges. You also have the right to receive a list of instances where we have disclosed health information about you for reasons other than treatment, payment, healthcare operations, related administrative purposes, and when you explicitly authorized it. If you believe that information in your record is incorrect or if important information is missing, you have the right to request that we correct the existing information or add the missing information. You have the right to request that we restrict the use and disclosure of your health information above what is required by law. If we accept your request for restricted use and disclosure then we must abide by the request and may only reverse the position after you have been appropriately notified. You have the right to request an alternative means of communications with us. You are not required to explain why you want the alternative means of communication.
If you are concerned that we have violated your privacy rights, or you disagree with a decision we made about access to your records, you may contact the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Assistant Chief of Emergency Medical Section. You also may send a written complaint to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The person listed below can provide you with the appropriate address upon request.
Our legal duty
We are required by law to protect the privacy of your information, provide this notice about our information practices, follow the information practices that are described in this notice, and obtain your acknowledgement of receipt of this notice.
Battalion Chief, EMS Section
Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service
100 Edison Park Drive, 2nd Floor
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Authorization for Billing
I authorize the submission of a claim for payment to Medicare, Medicaid, or any other payor for any services provided to me by MCFRS now, in the past, or in the future, until such time as I revoke this authorization in writing. I understand that I am financially responsible for the services and supplies provided to me by MCFRS, regardless of my insurance coverage, and in some cases, may be responsible for an amount in addition to that which was paid by my insurance. I agree to immediately remit to MCFRS any payments that I receive directly from insurance or any source whatsoever for the services provided to me and I assign all rights to such payments to MCFRS. I authorize MCFRS to appeal payment denials or other adverse decisions on my behalf without further authorization. I authorize and direct any holder of medical information or other relevant documentation about me to release such information to MCFRS and its billing agents, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and/or any other payors or insurers, and their respective agents or contractors, as may be necessary to determine these or other benefits payable for any services provided to me by MCFRS now, in the past, or in the future.