
Roles and Responsibilities

Key Roles Responsibilities
dataMontgomery Program Manager Serves as the primary point of contact for the political and strategic direction of the open data platform.  Will take an active role in positively impacting the position of the County’s open data platform in the Open Data Community.

Member of: Workgroup, Steering Committee
dataMontgomery Project Manager Responsible for the operation and maintenance of the open data platform and publication of approved datasets. The TEBS project manager will have responsibility for organizing and facilitating the meetings of the workgroup. The TEBS project manager will also keep the group abreast of new datasets and the status of data sets being created for publication.

Facilitates Workgroup and Steering Committee activities
Chief Innovation Officer Serves as the liaison to the community to resolve or respond to issues, comments, or concerns reported by the constituency.  Responsible for determining factors for dataset prioritization and leading data workgroup to help prioritize datasets.

Member of:  Workgroup, Steering Committee
CountyStat Manager Assists in contributing suggestions to Departments for high value datasets based on CountyStat’s knowledge of important Department and Countywide metrics.  Responsible for determining factors for dataset prioritization and leading data workgroup to help prioritize datasets.

Member of:  Workgroup, Steering Committee
Office of the County Attorney Based upon information provided by business and data expert, advises whether dataset may be published based upon applicable laws, the County’s privacy policy, and contract terms as identified by Departments.

Member of:  Dataset Approval Review Teams, Workgroup, Steering Committee
Public Information Officer Provides subject matter expertise for public information and is responsible for understanding the privacy risks and bringing them to the Project Manager for discussion with the Working Group and/or Steering Committee

Member of:  Workgroup, Steering Committee

Key Department Roles and Responsibilities

Key Roles  
Department Point of Contact (Department POC) Responsible for analyzing available Department data, identifying potential datasets to publish, facilitating management and legal review of datasets prior to approval, understands what contracts, if any, govern the data, manages Department activities according to dataMontgomery Implementation Plan requirements and timeline, ensuring published datasets are updated as necessary.
Technical Support Contact The technical representative for the dataset. Knows how the data is derived and formatted. Provides the tables and fields to the Dataset Team. Provides expertise for data extraction to open data site.
Dataset Owner (Primary Contact)  The business representative for the dataset. Knows the definitions for the tables and fields and provides the business knowledge around the usage of the tables and fields. This person will be responsible to ensure the data remains up to date and relevant and handles all inquiries from the public regarding the dataset.  Serves as the initial point of contact for any issues, comments, or concerns related to the Open Data site. Provides necessary correspondence to working group chairs for resolution.
Department or Agency Director Provides approval to publish a dataset that has not been published previously, ensures Department participation in Open Data Implementation Plan development and execution.

dataMontgomery Groups

Key Roles Responsibilities
Project Team This is the project implementation team. This team completes the Dataset Publication Eligibility Assessment and conducts an analysis of the data considered for publication. The core team is responsible for drafting the Dataset Publication Eligibility Assessment deliverable and coordinates the data extraction with the Dataset Owner. The Dataset Team consists of the Project Manager, Integration Lead and project team resources. 
Workgroup Reviews Workgroup -level Dataset Publication Eligibility Assessment documentation and renders a decision on if the dataset should be published. Responsible for developing additional policies and procedures if needed.  Responsible for the prioritization of datasets for the Open Data Implementation Plan. 

The Working Group organized by the TEBS Project Manager
Steering Committee The Steering Committee will review and approve the Open Data Implementation Plan. This group should review any policies created by the Working Group and will approve all requests to discontinue publication of a dataset. The Steering Committee will consist of a representative from each of the following departments:  TEBS, PIO, CEX, OCA, CInO and CountyStat.