Transmission Facilities Coordination Group
Pole License Agreement for Review
Extension: Comments on Proposed Master Pole Attachment License Agreement Due 5PM Monday May 9, 2022
Montgomery County has made significant investments in multiple forms of public property that can be used to support communications equipment. Among this County property are objects such as streetlights, pedestrian signal poles, County-owned light poles in parking lots and objects and pieces of equipment installed along streets and roads for various public purposes which are collectively referenced as street furniture.
Please note:
- The Pole Attachment License is different from a franchise agreement. A company must have a franchise agreement, which grants the right to use and occupy the County’s public right of way, in order to be eligible for a Pole Attachment.
- The Pole Attachment License is specific to County-owned poles and street furniture.
- The Pole Attachment License only provides the County’s real estate authorization. Regulatory authorizations, such as Dept. of Permitting Services permits and a Transmission Facilities Coordinating Group (TFCG or Tower Committee) recommendation, are still required.
Comments on the Pole Attachment License are greatly appreciated.
Please be aware that this is not an opportunity to discuss or change the zoning amendments that have been approved by the County Council.
To preserve community interests, the County has worked within its various departments to develop the attached Master Pole Attachment License Agreement (Pole Attachment License). The County seeks comment until 5PM on Monday, May 9th from the public and potential industry partners.