Know Your County

Know Your County cover of know your county bookletis a guide to government in Montgomery County, Maryland. It is produced to offer the residents a greater understanding of the functioning of local government and the array of services it provides. This guide gives clear concise descriptions and contact information for government departments and agencies in Montgomery County.

Know Your County is the result of a collaboration between business (Discovery Communications, Inc. and Host Hotels & Resorts), government (The Offices of the County Executive, Office of Community Partnerships), and a private, non profit organization (The League of Women Voters and its Citizen Education Fund).

Links to English, Spanish and Chinese language versions of the guide are provided below in Adobe PDF file format:

  • Know Your County – A Guide to Government in Montgomery County, Maryland -  English 
  • Know Your County – A Guide to Government in Montgomery County, Maryland - 中文 
  • Know Your County – A Guide to Government in Montgomery County, Maryland - Español

Because programs and services are constantly changing to meet current needs, information in the Know Your County guide will be updated periodically. If you should discover an error or have an addition to recommend, please send an email to: [email protected]