Executive Orders |
MCEO NO. 283-05: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Fairland Road Improvements - CIP Project No. 500402. The option contract between Lawrence E. Williams and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the Fairland Road Improvements project is accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easement. Effective Date: 9/26/05.
MCEO NO. 284-05: FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment. This order is a notification of the establishment of a fire lane at Willow Manor at Fair Hill Farm, 18301 Georgia Ave. The department is hereby ordered to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) in the location listed above. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this fire lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. The fine for parking in a fire lane is $250.00. Effective Date: 8/31/05.
MCEO NO. 285-05: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown. REMOVE No Parking Any Time on south side of Bethesda Church Rd. from the intersection with Ridge Rd. to 60' east of the driveway entrance to Damascus High School; INSTALL School Zone on Bethesda Church Rd. from Ridge Rd. to Ridge Manor Dr., Fines Double School Days on Bethesda Church Rd. from Ridge Rd. to Ridge Manor Dr., No Stopping Any Time on south side of Bethesda Church Rd. from Ridge Rd. to 100' east of the driveway entrance to Damascus High School, No Parking Any Time on the north side of Bethesda Church Rd. from 350' west of Brigadier Pl. to Ridge Rd. Effective Date: 9/22/2005.
MCEO NO. 286-05: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Fairland Road Improvements - CIP 500402. The option contract between Jeffrey D. Schwartz and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the Fairland Road Improvements Project is accepted. The County Attorney is hereby directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easement. Effective Date: 9/27/05.
MCEO NO. 287-05: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. REMOVE No Parking Any Time on north side of Silver Spring Ave. from Schrider St. to 50' east of same, from Schrider St. to 35' west of same, from 520' west of Schrider St. to 550' west of same (Stop sign) on south side of Silver Spring Ave. from 300' east of Carroll La. to 450' east of same, from 230' east of Carroll La. to 310' east of same, REMOVE Permit Parking Only 9:00 AM -
MCEO NO. 290-05: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. REMOVE No Parking Any Time on west side of Dalewood Dr. from Everton St. to Randolph Rd., from 75' north of Everton St. to 50' south of same, on east/southeast side of Dalewood Dr. from Randolph Rd. to Valleywood Dr., on both sides of the median and on the median on Dalewood Dr. from Bluhill Rd. to Randolph Rd., No Parking School Days 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM on north/northwest side of Dalewood Dr. from Bluhill Rd. to Fredale St., on east side of Bluhill Rd. from Dalewood Dr. to extended south curbline of Harrell St., on both sides of Dean Rd. from Dalewood Dr. to Farthing Dr.; INSTALL School Zone on Randolph Rd. from Goodhill Rd. to Denley Rd., Fines Double School Days on Randolph Rd. from Goodhill Rd. to Denley Rd., Stop on northeast bound Hargo St. at Harrell St., No Stopping Any Time on north side of Dalewood Dr. from Valleywood Dr. to 40' west of Velleywood Dr., from 50' east of Bluhill Rd. to 50' west of same, from 50' east of Dean Rd. to 40' west of same, on both sides of Dean Rd. from Dalewood Dr. to 40' north of Dalewood Dr., on both sides of Bluhill Rd. from Dalewood Dr. to 50' north of Dalewood Dr., No Parking School Days 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM on north side of Dalewood Dr. from 50' west of Bluhill Rd. to 50' east of Dean Rd., on northwest side of Dalewood Dr. from 40' west of Dean Rd. to Fredale St., on east side of Dalewood Dr. to extended south curbline of Harrell St., on both sides of Dean Rd. from 40' north of Dalewood Dr. to Farthing Dr., No Parking Any Time on northwest side of Dalewood Dr. from 75' north of Everton St. to Randolph Rd., on southeast side of Dalewood Dr. from Randolph Rd. to Valleywood Dr., on both sides of the medians on Dalewood Dr. from Everton St. to Randolph Rd. Effective Date: 9/30/05.
MCEO NO. 291-05: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. REMOVE Speed Limit 25 MPH When Flashing on Fairland Rd. from Old Columbia Pike to 350' north of US 29, No Parking Any Time on north and south sides of the driveway for the Fairland Elementary School from Fairland Rd. to same, One-Way for the drive in front of the Fairland Elementary School from Old Columbia Pike to the parking lot in an easterly direction; INSTALL School Zone on Old Columbia Pike from 500' north of Fairland Rd. to 1400' south of Fairland Rd., on Fairland Rd. from Columbia Pike to 350' northwest of Old Columbia Pike, Fines Double School Days on Old Columbia Pike from 500' north of Fairland Rd. to 1400' south of Fairland Rd., on Fairland Rd. from Columbia Pike to 350' northwest of Old Columbia Pike, Speed Limit 25 MPH When Flashing on Fairland Rd. from Columbia Pike to 350' northwest of Old Columbia Pike. Effective Date: 9/27/05.
MCEO NO. 292-05: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. REMOVE Stop on Feldon St. at Weller Rd. so as to stop north and south bound traffic on Feldon St., at Elby St., at Greenly St., at Isbell St.; INSTALL Stop on Feldon St. so as to stop north and southbound traffic at Isbell St., Weller Rd., Greenly Dr., Elby St., Everton St., and Jeffry St., REMOVE Stop on Athol Dr. so as to stop north and southbound traffic on south bound traffic on Athol Dr. at Randolph Rd., at Isbell St., at Elby St.; INSTALL Stop for northbound and southbound traffic on Atherton Dr. at Isbell St., at Weller Rd., at Elby St., at Randolph Rd.; REMOVE Stop on Bushey Dr. at Randolph Rd. so as to stop north and southbound traffic on Bushey Dr.; REMOVE Stop on Bushey Drive and Weller Rd. so as to stop north, southeast and westbound traffic at the intersection; INSTALL Four Way Stop at intersection of Bushey Dr. and Weller Rd., Stop for northbound and southbound traffic on Bushey Dr. at Randolph Rd.; REMOVE Stop at Greenly St. at Connecticut Ave. so as to stop east and westbound traffic on Greenly St., on Greenly Dr. so as to stop eastbound and westbound traffic on Greenly St. at Bushey Dr., so as to stop east and west bound traffic on Greenley Dr. at Athol Dr., on Greenly St. at Weller Rd., so as to stop northbound traffic on Greenly St, on Greenly St. so as to require eastbound and westbound traffic to stop at Atherton Dr.; INSTALL Stop for eastbound and westbound traffic on Greenly St. at Connecticut Ave. Service Rd., for east and westbound traffic on Greenly St. at Atherton Drive, for southbound traffic on Greenly Dr. at Elby St., REMOVE Stop on Everton St. at Connecticut Ave. so as to stop east and west bound traffic on Everton St., so as to require westbound traffic to stop at Atherton Dr.; INSTALL Stop for eastbound and westbound traffic on Everton St. at Connecticut Ave. Service Rd. INSTALL Stop for westbound traffic on Everton St. at Atherton Dr., REMOVE Stop on Elby St. at Feldon St. so as to stop east and west bound traffic on Elby St., Yield on Elby St. so as to require southbound traffic to yield at Everton St., INSTALL Yield for southbound traffic on Elby St. at Everton St., Stop for southbound traffic on Vinton Ter. at Elby St.; REMOVE Stop on Elby Ct. so as to require eastbound traffic to stop at Atherton Dr., INSTALL Stop for eastbound traffic on Elby Ct. at Atherton Dr., for westbound traffic on Fairly St. at Feldon St., for eastbound traffic on Fairly St. at Connecticut Ave. Service Rd., REMOVE Stop on Isbell St. at Connecticut Ave. so as to stop westbound traffic on Isbell St., INSTALL Stop for eastbound and westbound traffic on Isbell St. at Connecticut Ave. Service Rd.; REMOVE Stop on Havard St. at Bushey Dr. so as to stop east vounds traffic on Havard St., on Havard St at Bushey Dr., so as to stop west bound traffic at Havard St., on Havard St. at Bushey Dr. so as to stop west bound traffic on Havard St., REMOVE Stop on Havard St. so as to require eastbound traffic to stop at Atherton Dr.; INSTALL Stop for eastbound and westbound traffic on Havard St. at Bushey Dr., for eastbound traffic on Havard St. at Atherton Dr.; REMOVE Stop on Jeffry St. at Connecticut Ave. so as to stop east and west bound traffic on Jeffry St.; INSTALL Stop on Jeffry St. at Connecticut Ave. so as to stop east and west bound traffic on Jeffry St.; INSTALL Stop for eastbound and westbound traffic on Jeffry St. at Connecticut Ave. Service Rd.; REMOVE Stop on Joliet St. so as to require eastbound traffic to stop at Atherton Dr., for eastbound traffic on Joliet St. at Atherton Dr.; REMOVE Stop on Helen Rd. at Havard St. so as to stop southbound traffic on Helen Rd; INSTALL Stop for southbound traffic on Helen Rd. at Havard St., for northbound traffic on Helen Rd. at Isbell St. Effective: Date: 10/03/05.
MCEO NO. 293-05: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Pursuant to Section 31-2 of the Montgomery County Code, 200 4, DPWT is directed to erect and/or remove the following traffic control devices establishing those streets or parts of street described in the attached schedule as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on these streets or parts of street at all intersection streets. Remove (Traffic Order 174-74) on Bushey Dr. from Randolph Rd. to Weller Rd., install on Bushey Dr. from Randolph Rd. to Weller Rd., remove on Atherton Dr. from Randolph Rd. to Weller Rd. Effective Date: 10/04/05.
MCEO NO. 294-05: FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment . This order is a notification of the establishment of a firelane at The Clusters III of Stedwick. The department is hereby ordered to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) in the location listed above. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this fire lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. The fine for parking in a fire lane is $250.00. Effective Date: 9/30/05.
MCEO NO. 295-05: FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment. This order is a notification of the establishment of a firelane at Frenchton Place, Frenchton Pl., Racine Ct., Dunbridge Way. The department is hereby ordered to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) in the location listed above. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this fire lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. The fine for parking in a fire lane is $250.00. Effective Date: 9/30/05.
MCEO NO. 296-05: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Montrose Parkway West - CIP 500311. The option contract between Peter B. Sherer, Gail Sherer and Montgomery County for the purchase of land and granting of an easement of the project - Montrose Parkway West - CIP NO. 500311 is accepted. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easement. Effective Date: 10/12/05.
MCEO NO. 297-05: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Bonds to be Issued by the Montgomery County Revenue Authority for Montgomery College. The Montgomery County Revenue Authority (the "Authority") is empowered under Chapter 446 of the Laws of Maryland of 1957, as amended, and Chapter 42 of the Montgomery County Code (1994) as amended, to construct, improve, equip, furnish, maintain, acquire, and operate projects for public uses, good, or general welfare, and to issue revenue bonds to pay all or any part of the cost of its projects. The Authority has been asked by the Montgomery College Foundation, Inc. to assist in the construction and equipping of the King Street Art Center to be located in Silver Spring, Maryland, and to be used in its education programs. The cost of the project, together with financing costs will be financed in part by the issuance of the Authority's revenue bonds. On July 11, 2005, a public hearing with respect to the issuance of the bonds was held as required by Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. On July 12, 2005, the Montgomery County Council approved the project. On September 13, the Authority adopted a resolution relating to the authorization and issuance of the bonds. Effective Date: 10/17/05.
MCEO NO. 298-065: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Valley Park Drive (CIP #509944). The County Executive finds that public interest requires a certain public way located in Damascus Planning Area is hereby authorized to proceed with the con0struction of the extension of Valley Park Dr. from it existing terminus west of Shelldrake Circle westward 1130' which is the County project. A companion project (by developer) will extend Valley Park Dr. west to and including an intersection with Ridge Rd. The County project will provide a pavement width of 26' generally within an 80' right of way. 1) The roadway pavement will be concrete and have curb and gutter on both sides, 2) concrete curb and gutter along both sides of existing Valley Park Dr. between Valley Park Ter. and existing limit of roadway pavement west of Shelldrake Circle [1800'], 3) a 5' wide concrete sidewalk along the south side of Valley Park Dr. from Valley Park Ct. to Shelldrake Circle about 1200' in length, and a 5' wide concrete sidewalk along the north side of Valley Park Dr. for the entire length of the project from Valley Park Ter. extending to the west 2940', 4) an extension and intersection of Coltrane Dr. with Valley Park Dr. which will obviate the need for the existing intersection of Running Valley Ln. and Ridge Rd., access to Ridge Rd. via Running Valley Ln. will be closed west of Coltrane Dr., and 5) enclosed storm drainage, and any necessary storm water management, and landscaping. A public hearing was held on the project at 3:00 pm on Thursday, December 3, 1998, in the Executive Office Building at 101 Monroe St. in Rockville, Maryland, and the hearing examiner recommended approval of the project. The costs will be borne by WSSC and Montgomery County. The total estimated cost of the project including engineering, land acquisition, site improvements and construction is $1,745,000.00. Effective Date: 10/18/05.