Executive Orders

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MCEO NO. 206-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  INSTALL No Stopping Any Time on northwest side of Wims Rd. from Frederick Rd. to 240' southwest of Frederick Rd., from 400' southwest of Frederick Rd. around the cul-de-sac to 20' northeast of the private driveway for 22415 Wims Rd., on southeast side of Wims Rd. from 35' southwest of the southern driveway for Clarksburg Park to 25' northeast of southern driveway for Clarksburg Park, from 25' southwest of northern driveway for Clarksburg Park to 25' northeast of northern driveway for Clarksburg Park, from 85' southwest of Frederick Rd. to Frederick Rd., No Stopping School Days 6:30 AM - 3 PM on northwest side of Wims Rd. from 240' southwest of Frederick Rd. to 400' southwest of Frederick Rd., on southeast side of Wims Rd. from 20' northeast of private driveway for 22415 Wims Rd. to 35' southwest of southern driveway for Clarksburg Park, from 25' northeast of southern driveway for Clarksburg Park to 25' southwest of northern driveway for Clarksburg Park, from 25' northeast of northern driveway for Clarksburg Park to 85' southwest of Frederick Rd.  Effective Date:  7/07/06.


MCEO NO. 207-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  INSTALL Stop on southbound Ridgeview Dr. at Greenridge Dr.  Effective Date:  7/07/06.


MCEO NO. 209-06:  DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL - FY07 Appropriation and Transfer.  State law provides for the Director of Finance and the Director of the Department of Liquor Control with the approval of the County Executive, to determine the amount of working capital required by the Department and to retain from the Department's net profits (before making any deposit into the General Fund of the County) the funds necessary to service DLC related debt and provide adequate working capital for the operation of the DLC.  Because of the state law, both the County Attorney and Attorney General have advised that the determination of the amount of funds required for these purposes is within the exclusive province of the County Executive, and is not subject to the County budget process.  The FY07 Department of Liquor Control working capital is as follows:  Personnel Costs $21,455,850, Operating Expense - $10,947,520. Capital Outlay - $1,114,600 with the total working capital being $33,517,970.  Transfers will be made from the Liquor Control fund to the General Fund at quarterly intervals, transfers will be made from the Liquor Control fund to the Debt Service fund to pay the outstanding principal and interest if the debt is issued for the Temperature Controlled Liquor Warehouse, and also transferred from the fund to the Debt Service fund to pay outstanding principal and interest due on liquor revenue bonds used to fund transportation projects.  Effective Date:  7/07/06.


MCEO NO. 210-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - New Hampshire Ave. at Oakview Drive Project - CIP 507017.  The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of improvements to Oakview Dr., a county road at its intersection with New Hampshire Ave., a public way located in Silver Spring Maryland.  A public hearing was held on February 2, 2006, and the hearing examiner recommended approval of the project.  DPWT is authorized to proceed with the follow construction:  a 7-foot maximum widening on the south side of Oakview Dr. east and west of New Hampshire Ave., new shared-use sidewalk and ramps along Oakview Dr. in accordance with the standards of ADA, a retaining wall from New Hampshire Ave. to Mt. Pisgah Rd., new storm drainage structures at intersection, and a bituminous concrete overlay along the limits of work on Oakview Dr.  The total estimated cost for the project is $422,953.00. and shall be payable from funds approved for CIP project No. 507017.  Effective Date:  7/11/06.


MCEO NO. 211-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - White Oak Transit Center CIP #500602.  A public hearing will be held at 3:00 PM on Wednesday, October 4, 2006, in the Lobby Level Auditorium of the Executive Office Building, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland  20850, to consider a proposal to provide bus shelters, passenger queuing areas, and bus queuing areas along Lockwood Dr. east of New Hampshire Ave.  Signing and pavement marking, streetlights, and safe pedestrian crossings are part of this project.  Estimated cost of the proposed improvement and funding allocations are as follows:  WSSC - $900.00; Montgomery County - $1,475,100.00; total estimated cost of project - $1,476,000.00.  The purpose of the hearing is to obtain public comments to assist in the determination to authorize construction of this project.  Effective Date:  7/11/06.


MCEO NO. 212-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Shady Grove Metro Access Bike Path CIP #500600.  A public hearing was held at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, August 22, 2006, in the EOB Lobby Auditorium, 101 Monroe St. in Rockville, Maryland, to consider a proposal to provide a new bike path along the east side of Shady Grove Metro Access Road, a public way located in Derwood.  The project  provides a new 10-foot wide bike path from Shady Grove Rd. to Redland Rd. along the east side of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Metro Access Road for approximately 4,700 feet; provides a new bikeway ramp from Metro Access Road to exiting bikeway at Crabbs Branch Way for 500 feet; provides a safe at-grade pedestrian/bikeway crossing on the WMATA Metro Access Road; provides a Metro access bikeway connection to provide access from the new bike path to the WMATA Shady Grove Metro Station. The bike path will be built under a WMATA standard Real State Permit.  No cost will be associated with the right-of-way acquisition.  Effective Date:  7/11/06.


MCEO NO. 214-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Montrose Parkway West - CIP #500311.  The option contract between Council of Unit Owners of the Executive Condominium, Inc. and Montgomery County, Maryland, for the purchase of permanent and temporary easements for the Montrose Parkway West project is hereby accepted.  The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easements.  Effective Date:  7/13/06.


MCEO NO. 215-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Interim Operational Facility - Silver Spring Transit Center - CIP #509974.  A public hearing was held at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, August 8, 2006, in the EOB Lobby Auditorium, 101 Monroe St. in Rockville, Maryland, to consider a proposal to provide an Interim Operation Facility (IOF) for the proposed Silver Spring Transit Center and related improvements in Silver Spring.  The project provides new traffic signals located at railway bridge on Colesville Rd. and at the junction of Wayne and Dixon Aves., revises the traffic pattern along Colesville Rd. between Georgia Ave. and East-West Hwy. and relocates utilities and repaves Colesville Rd. at this location, installs temporary sidewalks and new permanent lighting along Wayne, Dixon and Ramsey Aves. and relocates storm drains along Colesville Rd.  The facility will be built per an agreement with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). No cost will be associated with the right-of-way acquisition.  Effective Date:  7/17/06.


MCEO NO. 216-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Mouth of Monocacy Road Bridge CIP #500106.  The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of improvements to the Mouth of Monocacy Road Bridge, a public highway bridge located in Dickerson, Maryland.  A public hearing was held on May 25, 2006, and the hearing examiner recommended approval of the project.  DPWT is authorized to proceed with the following construction:  replace the existing bridge and re-construct 360' of approach roadway, maintain pedestrian and vehicular traffic during demolition of the existing bridge and installation of the new bridge, install chain link safety fencing to protect train operations passing under the bridge from falling snow or ice and install rock netting to prevent loose rocks from rolling onto the tracks.  Effective Date:  7/17/06.


MCEO NO. 217-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Gaithersburg.  INSTALL No Parking Any Time on both sides of Amity Drive from Cambourne Ct. to 50' north of Cambourne Ct.  Effective Date:  7/7/06.


MCEO NO. 218-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Bethesda. RESCIND all parking regulations including but not limited to traffic order 4-89 on west side of Singleton Drive from Walton Rd. to Beech Ave.; INSTALL No Parking Any Time on west side of Singleton Dr. from Walton Rd. to Beech Ave.  Effective Date:  7/3/06.


MCEO NO. 219-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Germantown.  INSTALL Stop on southeast bound Bowman Mill Dr. at northeast bound Walter Johnson Rd.  Effective Date:  7/10/06.


MCEO NO. 220-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  INSTALL Stop on southbound Galveston Rd. at Denver Rd., Stop on eastbound Denver Rd. at Hartford Ave.  Effective Date:  7/19/06.


MCEO NO. 224-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic order - Bethesda.  REMOVE No Parking Any Time on the northwest side of Welborn Dr. from Woodacres Dr. to the north curb line of Wiltshire Dr. extended; INSTALL No Parking Any Time on the northwest side of Welborn Dr. from the extended north curb line of Wiltshire Dr. to Woodacres Dr., No. Standing Any Time on the north side of Cromwell Dr. from 30' east of the marked crosswalk at the intersection with Ridgefield Dr. to 20' west of the marked crosswalk at the intersection with Ridgefield Dr., No Standing Any Time on the south side of Cromwell Dr. from 40' west of the intersection with Ridgefield Dr. to the intersection with Ridgefield Dr.  Effective Date:  7/26/06.


MCEO NO. 225-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville.  DPWT is directed to erect and/or remove the following traffic control devices establishing those streets or parts of street described as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets.  REMOVE Traffic Order 1596 on Bauer Dr. from Norbeck Rd. to Emory Ln.  Effective Date:  7/26/06.


MCEO NO. 226-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville.  REMOVE No Stopping Any Time Monday - Friday on the northwest side of Bauer Dr. between Candytuft Ln. and Trailway Dr., on the southeast side of Bauer Dr. from Trailway Dr. to the northeast property line of 15013 Bauer Dr., No Parking Any Time on the east side of Bauer Dr. from Emory Ln. to the east property line of Forest Knoll Elementary School; INSTALL No Stopping Any Time on the southeast side of Bauer Dr. from 45' southwest of Trailway Dr. to the extended west curb line of Candytuft Ln., on the northwest side of Bauer Dr. from 35' northeast of Candytuft Ln. to 35' southwest of Candytuft Ln., No Stopping Any Time Monday - Friday on the northwest side of Bauer Dr. from 35' southwest of Candytuft Ln. to 40' northeast of Manor Lake Dr., No Stopping Any Time on the northwest side of Bauer Dr. from 40' northeast of Manor Lake Dr. to 40' southwest of Manor Lake Dr., No Stopping Any Time Monday - Friday on the northwest side of Bauer Dr. from 40' southwest of Manor Lake Dr. to 50' northeast of Trailway Dr., No Stopping Any Time on the northwest side of Bauer Dr. from 50' northeast of Trailway Dr. to 45' southwest of Trailway Dr., Stop for southeast bound traffic on Candytuft Ln. at Bauer Dr., No Stopping Any Time on both sides of Candytuft Ln. from Bauer Dr. to 55' northwest of Bauer Dr.; REMOVE No Stopping Any Time Monday - Friday on the northeast side of Manor Lake Dr. from Bauer Dr. to Waterview Dr., on the southwest side of Manor Lake Dr. from 50' northwest of Manor Lake Ct. to Bauer Dr.; INSTALL Stop for southeast bound traffic on Manor Lake Dr. at Bauer Dr., No Stopping Any Time on the northeast side of Manor Lake Dr. from Bauer Dr. to 50' northwest of Bauer Dr., No Stopping Any Time Monday - Friday on the northeast side of Manor Lake Dr. from 50'northwest of Bauer Dr. to Waterview Dr., on the southwest side of Manor Lake Dr. from 50' northwest of Manor Lake Ct. to 50' northwest of Bauer Dr., No Stopping Any Time on the southwest side of Manor Lake Dr. from 50' northwest of Bauer Dr. to Bauer Dr., on the northeast side of Trailway Dr. from 45' southeast of Bauer Dr. to 40' northwest of Bauer Dr., on the southwest side of Trailway Dr. from 62' northwest of Bauer Dr. to 45' southeast of Bauer Dr., Stop for eastbound and westbound traffic on Rocking Spring Rd. at Bauer Dr.  Effective Date:  7/26/06.


MCEO NO. 227-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  INSTALL No Parking Monday - Friday    7AM - 3 PM on both sides of Foreman Blvd. from Fredrick Rd. to Timber Creek Ln.  Effective Date:  7/26/06.


MCEO NO. 228-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Residential Collection Subdivision Transfer Derwood Station South Home Owners Association.  This executive order transfers the collection districts under procedures established by the County Council in the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, December 15, 2005, commonly known as the "10-Year Plan" and as amended by Resolution 14-494.  On February 22, 2006, 59 homeowners in the Derwood Station South Home Owners Association area petitioned the Department of Public Works and Transportation in writing, requesting to be transferred from Subdistrict B to Subdistrict A, so that they could receive County contracted refuse collection service. DPWT has determined that the requirements of the "10-Year Plan" have been met and has verified that the petition contains 25 percent or more of the residences within the proposed transfer area.  Notification was sent to homeowners in the proposed transfer area that households in Subdistrict A are charged an annual collection fee instead of contracting for private trash collection.  It also described the current level of service, the annual fee for County provided refuse collection service, the boundaries of the proposed transfer area and the date and location of the public hearing on the transfer.  Homeowners were also provided with a ballot that had to be submitted within 60 days after the notice was sent on April 27, 2006.  The results of the voting were that 59.91% of the voters favored the transfer.  Since that exceeds 50 percent of the number of residences in the area, DPWT recommended that the transfer be approved.  Within 30 days of the County Executive's decision, DPWT mailed a notice of the decision to each homeowner in the transfer area.  Effective Date:  9/1/06.


MCEO NO. 231-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Abandonment of Portion of Blaidsdell Road, Bradley Hills Grove Subdivision, Bethesda .  A public hearing will be held at 10:30 AM on Friday, September 8, 2006, in the Executive Office Building Auditorium, 101Monroe St., Rockville, Maryland, 20850, to consider an application received from J. Clarence Davies 3rd and Barbara S. Davies, the applicants seeking abandonment of a portion of unimproved Blaisdell Rd., Bradley Hills Grove Subdivision, Bethesda.  After the hearing, the Hearing Officer will report his findings and recommendations to the County Executive for further consideration as prescribed by County Code.  Effective Date:  8/11/06.


MCEO NO. 232-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order -Germantown.  INSTALL Stop on southbound Haines Rd. at Lewisdale Rd.  Effective Date:  8/2/06.


MCEO NO. 233-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order- Germantown.  INSTALL No Parking 9 AM - 5 PM Saturday and Sunday on southbound Molasses Run Dr. from Red Rocks Dr. to Richter Farm Rd., No Standing Any Time on northbound Molasses Run Dr. from Richter Farm Rd. to 65' north of Richter Farm Rd., on eastbound Red Rocks Dr. from Molasses Run Drive to 50' east of Molasses Run Dr., Stop on southbound Parreco Farm Dr. at Red Rocks Dr., on eastbound Parreco Farm Ct. at Parreco Farm Dr., on westbound Copper Ridge Rd at Parreco Farm Dr.  Effective Date:  8/1/06.


MCEO NO. 234-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  REMOVE No Parking Any Time on north side of Orleans Ct. from 50' east of Orleans Way to Orleans Way.  Effective Date:  8/8/06.


MCEO NO. 235-06:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Gaithersburg.  INSTALL Stop on Electra Dr. southbound at Cinnabar Ter., on Shady Brook Ln. southbound at Boxberry Dr.  Effective Date:  8/2/06.




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