Executive Orders

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MCEO NO. 207-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated location.  Install Service Road Only No Queue Jumping on Connecticut Avenue Service Road northbound between Randolph Road and Brightview Street.  Effective Date:  10/2/09


MCEO NO. 210-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove No Thru Trucks Over � Ton on Heathfield Road between Georgia Avenue (MD 97) and Bauer Drive.  Install No Thru Trucks Over 7000 lbs. GVW on Heathfield Road between Georgia Avenue (MD 97) and Bauer Drive and on Bauer Drive between Norbeck Road (MD 28) and Heathfield Road.  Effective Date:  10/9/09


MCEO NO. 211-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove No Parking Any Time on the south side of Fidler Lane between Georgia Avenue and Ramsey Street.  Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Fidler Lane from Ramsey Avenue to a point 56 feet east of Ramsey Avenue, on the south side of Fidler Lane from a point 111 feet east of Ramsey Avenue to a point 155 feet east of Ramsey Avenue and on the south side of Fidler Lane from a point 189 feet east of Ramsey Avenue to a point 236 feet east of Ramsey Avenue.  Install Two-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the south side of Fidler Lane from a point 56 feet east of Ramsey Avenue to a point 111 feet east of Ramsey Avenue, on the south side of Fidler Lane from a point 155 feet east of Ramsey Avenue to a point 189 feet east of Ramsey Avenue and on the south side of Fidler Lane from a point 236 feet east of Ramsey Avenue to a point 270 feet east of Ramsey Avenue.  Install No Standing Any Time on the south side of Fidler Lane from a point 270 feet east of Ramsey Avenue to Georgia Avenue (47 feet).  Effective Date:  10/14/09


MCEO NO. 212-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Rescind all regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 186-07 on the east side of Elkin Street from Price Avenue to University Boulevard.  Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Elkin Street from Price Avenue to a point 32 feet north of Price Avenue, on the east side of Elkin Street from a point 113 feet north of Price Avenue to a point 173 feet north of Price Avenue, on the east side of Elkin Street from a point 273 feet north of Price Avenue to a point 350 feet north of Price Avenue, and on the east side of Elkin Street from a point 390 feet north of Price Avenue to University Boulevard (35 feet).  Install Three-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the east side of Elkin Street from a point 32 feet north of Price Avenue to a point 113 feet north of Price Avenue.  Install Two-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the east side of Elkin Street from a point 173 feet north of Price Avenue to a point 273 feet north of Price Avenue and on the east side of Elkin Street from a point 350 feet north of Price Avenue to a point 390 feet north of Price Avenue.  Effective Date:  10/14/09


MCEO NO. 213-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Rescind all parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 64-07 on the east side of Grandview Avenue from University Boulevard to Blueridge Avenue.  Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Grandview Avenue from University Boulevard to a point 40 feet north of University Boulevard, on the east side of  Grandview Avenue from a point 162 feet north of University Boulevard to a point 235 feet north of University Boulevard, on the east side of Grandview Avenue from a point 296 feet north of University Boulevard to a point 324 feet north of University Boulevard, and on the east side of Grandview Avenue from a point 422 feet north of University Boulevard to Blueridge Avenue (230 feet).  Install Two-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the east side of Grandview Avenue from a point 40 feet north of University Boulevard to a point 162 feet north of University Boulevard, on the east side of Grandview Avenue from a point 235 feet north of University Boulevard to a point 296 feet north of University Boulevard, and on the east side of Grandview Avenue from a point 324 feet north of University Boulevard to a point 422 feet north of University Boulevard to Blueridge Avenue (230 feet).  Effective Date:  10/14/09


MCEO NO. 214-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Rescind all regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 172-99 on the west side of Roeder Road from Spring Street to Fenton Street.  Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Roeder Road from Spring Street to a point 136 feet south of Spring Street, on the west side of Roeder Road from a point 171 feet south of Spring Street to a point 195 feet south of Spring Street, on the west side of Roeder Road from a point 231 feet south of Spring Street to a point 295 feet south of Spring Street, on the west side of Roeder Road from a point 375 feet south of Spring Street to a point 528 feet south of Spring Street, and on the west side of Roeder Road from a point 608 feet south of Spring Street to Fenton Street (46 feet).  Install One-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the west side of Roeder Road from a point 136 feet south of Spring Street to a point 171 feet south of Spring Street, on the west side of Roeder Road from a point 195 feet south of Spring Street to a point 231 feet south of Spring Street, on the west side of Roeder Road from a point 295 feet south of Spring Street to a point 375 feet south of Spring Street, and on the west side of Roeder Road from a point 528 feet south of Spring Street to a point 608 feet south of Spring Street.  Effective Date:  10/14/09


MCEO NO. 215-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove No Parking Any Time on the south side of Domer Avenue from approximately 75' west of Glenview Avenue to a point 125' east of Glenview Avenue.  Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Domer Avenue from 75 feet west of Glenview Avenue to 70 feet east of Glenview Avenue and on the south side of Domer Avenue from 125 feet east of Glenview Avenue to 140 feet east of Glenview Avenue.  Effective Date:  10/14/09


MCEO NO. 216-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order -Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove Right Turn on Red After Stop for westbound traffic on Chevy Chase Lake Drive at Connecticut Avenue (MD 185).  Rescind all parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 150-78, 251-78, 26-83, 34-85.  Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 50 east of the entrance to 3535 Chevy Chase Lake Drive to 50 feet west of the entrance to 3535 Chevy Chase Lake Drive, on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 1575 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 1493 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 1390 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 1291 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 1080 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 949 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 807 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 727 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 531 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 497 east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 474 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), on the south side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 234 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), and on the south side of Chevy Chase lake Drive from 318 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 447 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185).  Install 3 Hour Parking 9AM - 5PM Monday - Friday on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 1493 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 1390 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 1291 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 1080 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 949 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 807 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 727 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (Md 185) to 531 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), and on the north side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 497 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 474 east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185).  Install 2 Hour Parking 9AM - 5PM Monday - Friday on the south side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 234 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 318 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185), and on the south side of Chevy Chase Lake Drive from 447 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185) to 484 feet east of Connecticut Avenue (MD 185).  Effective Date:  10/16/09


MCEO NO. 217-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install No Stopping Any Time on the north side of Bottleworks Lane from East West Highway to a point 29 feet west of  East West Highway and on the north side of Bottleworks Lane from a point 161 feet west of East West Highway to Kennett Street (11 feet).  Install Nine-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the north side of Bottleworks Lane from a point 29 feet west of East West Highway to a point 161 feet west of East West Highway.  Effective Date:  10/20/09


MCEO NO. 218-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated location.  Install No Stopping Any Time on the south side of Bottleworks Lane from East West Highway to Kennett Street (272 feet).  Effective Date:   10/20/09


MCEO NO. 219-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove No Parking Any Time on the southeast side of Prosperity Drive from 50 feet southwest of Whitehorn Court to 50 feet northeast of Whitehorn Court.  Install No Parking Any Time on the southeast side of Prosperity Drive from 120 feet southwest of Whitehorn Court to 75 feet northeast of Whitehorn Court.  Effective Date:  10/21/09


MCEO NO. 220-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Condemnation Authorization Bartlett Realty Company Inc. Chapman Avenue Extended - CIP No. 500719.  The County Attorney is hereby directed to acquire by condemnation the following described property in its entirety for the Chapman Avenue Extended Project and related public use. Liber/Folio 18739/768, Account No. 4-001-03322096, Owner Bartlett Realty Co. Inc., Acreage (Fee Simple) 0.94 acre.  Effective Date:  10/22/09


MCEO NO. 222-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove No Parking Any Time on both sides of Gateway Center Drive from Clarksburg Road (Md. 121) to Shawnee Lane.  Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Gateway Center Drive from Clarksburg Road (MD 121) to 225 feet north of the entrance to 22530 Gateway Center Drive, on the west side of Gateway Center Drive from 100 feet north of the entrance to 22530 Gateway Center Drive to 100 feet south of the entrance to 22530 Gateway Center Drive, on the west side of Gateway Center Drive from 360 feet north of the entrance to 22520 Gateway Center Drive to 75 feet south of the entrance to 22520 Gateway Center Drive, on the west side of Gateway Center Drive from 190 feet north of the entrance to 212512 Gateway Center Drive to 75 feet south of the entrance to 22512 Gateway Center Drive, on the3 west side of Gateway Center Drive from 705 feet north of Shawnee Lane to 555 feet north of Shawnee Lane, on the west side of Gateway Center Drive from 225 feet north of Shawnee Lane to Shawnee Lane, on the east side of Gateway Center Drive from Shawnee Lane to 100 feet north of Shawnee Lane, on the east side of Gateway Center Drive from 100 feet south of the southern entrance to 22505 Gateway Center Drive to 125 feet north of the entrance to 22515 Gateway Center Drive, on the east side of Gateway Center Drive from 185 feet south of the entrance to 22521 Gateway Center Drive to 125 feet north of the entrance to 22521 Gateway Center Drive, and on the east side of Gateway Center Drive from 190 feet south of the entrance to 22535 Gateway Center Drive to Clarksburg Road (MD 121).  Effective Date:  10/21/09


MCEO NO. 223-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated location.  Install No Parking Any Time around the cul-de-sac island at the terminus of Olive Branch Drive.  Effective Date:  10/22/09


MCEO NO. 224-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated location.  Install No Parking Any Time on the northwest side of Hannes Street from 70 feet northeast of the extended southwestern curb line of Edgewood Avenue to the extended southwestern curb line of Edgewood Avenue.  Effective Date:  10/22/09


MCEO NO. 225-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Brass Wheel Road from Broken Oak Road to Crossview Road, on the south side of Brass Wheel Road from the western property line of 14204 Brass Wheel Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the western property line of 14207 Brass Wheel Road, on the perimeter of the Brass Wheel Road traffic island, east of Crossview Road, on Autumn Crest Road from the southern property line of 14415 Autumn Crest Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to Broken Oak Road, on the south side of Autumn Crest Road from Broken Oak Road to Crossview Road, on the south side of Autumn Crest Road from Crossview Road to Richter Farm Road, on the perimeter of the Autumn Crest Road traffic island, west of Broken Oak Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout at Autumn Crest Road and Crossview Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout traffic island at Autumn Crest Road and Crossview Road, on the west side of Broken Oak Road from the northern property line of 18714 Broken Oak Road to Autumn Crest Road, on the west side of Broken Oak Road from Autumn Crest Road to Autumn Gold Road, on the west side of Broken Oak Road from Autumn Gold Road to Crossview Road, on the west side of Crossview Road from Brass Wheel Road to Autumn Crest Road, on the west side of Crossview Road from Autumn Gold Road to Broken Oak Road,  on the west side of Crossview Road from Broken Oak Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to 10 feet north of the driveway to 18505 Crossview Road, on the east side of Crossview Road from Autumn Gold Road to Autumn Crest Road, on the perimeter of the Crossview Road traffic island, south of Broken Oak Road, on the north side of Autumn Gold Road from Kings Crossing Boulevard to Crossview Road, on the north side of Autumn Gold Road from Crossview Road to Broken Oak Road, on the north side of Autumn Gold Road from Broken Oak Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the western property line of 14404 Autumn Gold Road, on the perimeter of the Autumn Gold Road traffic island, west of Broken Oak Road, on the east side of Country Meadow Drive from Kings Crossing Boulevard, around the perimeter of cul-de-sac, to the southern end of the cul-de-sac, on the perimeter of the Country Meadow Drive traffic island, north of Kings Crossing Boulevard, on the north side of Kings Crossing Boulevard from Autumn Gold Road to Country Meadow Drive, on the north side of Kings Crossing Boulevard from Country Meadow Drive to Ashmeade Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout at Kings Crossing Boulevard and Ashmeade Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout traffic island at Kings Crossing Boulevard and Ashmeade Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout at Kings Crossing Boulevard and Cornflower Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout traffic island at Kings Crossing Boulevard and Cornflower Road, on the north side of Kings Crossing Boulevard from Cornflower Road to Thundercloud Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout at Kings Crossing Boulevard and Crestmount Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout traffic island at Kings Crossing Boulevard and Crestmount Road, on the south side of Kings Crossing Boulevard from Crestmount Road to Thundercloud Road, on the south side of Kings Crossing Boulevard from Cornflower Road to Beechnut Way, on the south side of Kings Crossing Boulevard from Beechnut Way to Clear Smoke Road, on the south side of Kings Crossing Boulevard from Clear Smoke Road to  Broken Timber Way, on the south side of Kings Crossing Boulevard from Broken Timber Way to Ashmeade Road, on the south side of Kings Crossing Boulevard from Polynesian Lane to Richter Farm Road, on the west side of Broad Leaf Road from Kings Crossing Boulevard to Golden Hook Lane, on the south side of Golden Hook Lane from the western property line of 14210 Golden Hook Lane, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to western property line of 14205 Golden Hook Lane, on the perimeter of the Golden Hook Lane traffic island, east of Broad Leaf Road, on the north side of Golden Hook Lane from Broad Leaf Road to Ashmeade Road, on the west side of Ashmeade Road from Ashleigh Greene Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the northern property line of 18303 Ashmeade Road.  Remove No Parking Any Time on Ashmeade Road around the island in the center of the cul-de-sac, south of Ashleigh Greene Road.  Install No Parking Any Time on the perimeter of the Ashmeade Road traffic island, south of Ashleigh Green Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout at Ashmeade Road and Ashleigh Greene Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout traffic island at Ashmeade Road and Ashleigh Greene Road, on the east side of Ashmeade Road from Ashleigh Greene road to Golden Hook Road, on the east side of Ashmeade Road from Golden Hook Road to Kings Crossing Boulevard, on the west side of Broken Timber Way from the northern property line of 18406 Broken Timber Way, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to Kings Crossing Boulevard, on the perimeter of the Broken Timber Way traffic island, south of Kings Crossing Boulevard, on the west side of clear Smoke Road from Kings Crossing Boulevard to Ashleigh Greene Road, on the west side of Clear Smoke Road from the northern property line of 18304 Clear Smoke Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to Ashleigh Greene Road, on the perimeter of the Clear Smoke Road traffic island, south of Ashleigh Greene Road, on the west side of Beechnut Way from Kings Crossing Boulevard, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the northern property line of 18403  Beechnut Way, on the perimeter of the Beechnut Way traffic island, south of King Crossing Boulevard, on the north side of Crazy Quilt Court from Cornflower Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the eastern property line of 14302 Crazy Quilt Court, on the perimeter of the Crazy Quilt Court traffic island, west of Cornflower Road, on the south side of Cornflower Road from the western property line of 18519 Cornflower Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to Kings Crossing Boulevard, on the perimeter of the Cornflower Road traffic island, north of Kings Crossing Boulevard, on the west side of Cornflower Road from Kings Crossing Boulevard to Crazy Quilt Court, on the west side of Cornflower Road from Crazy Quilt Court to Harvest Moon Road, on the west side of Cornflower Road from Harvest Moon Road to Ashleigh Greene Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout at Cornflower Road and Ashleigh Greene Road, on the perimeter of the roundabout traffic island at Cornflower Road and Ashleigh Greene Road, on the west side of Cornflower Road from the northern property line of 18304 Cornflower Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to Ashleigh Greene Road, on the perimeter of the Cornflower Road traffic island, south of Ashleigh Greene Road, on Bright Plume Terrace form the southern property line of 18405 Bright Plume Terrace, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to Ashleigh Greene Road, on the perimeter of the Bright Plume Terrace traffic island, north of Ashleigh Greene Road, on Bright Plume Terrace, from the northern property line of 18304 Bright Plume Terrace, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to Ashleigh Greene Road, on the perimeter of the Bright Plume Terrace traffic island, south of Ashleigh Greene Road, on Carved Stone Court from the southern property line of 18403 Carved Stone Court, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to Ashleigh Greene Road, on the perimeter of the Carved Stone Court traffic island, north of Ashleigh Greene Road, on the east side of Blue Moon Court from Ashleigh Greene road (west intersection) to Ashleigh Greene Road (east intersection), on the west side of Aspen Dale Court from Ashleigh Greene Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the northern property line of 18305 Aspen Dale Court, on the perimeter of the Aspen Dale Court traffic island, south of Ashleigh Greene Road, on the south side of Bubbling Spring Road from the northern property line of 14304 Bubbling Spring Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to Thundercloud Road, on the perimeter of the Bubbling Spring Road traffic island, east of Thundercloud Road, on the north side of Bubbling Spring Road from Thundercloud Road to Crestmount Road, on the north side of Bubbling Spring Road from Crestmount Road to Hoyles Mill Road, on the west side o f Bubbling Spring Road from Bubbling Spring Terrace to the southern property line of 14613 Bubbling Spring Road, on the east side of Bubbling Spring Road from Autumn Rust Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the southern property line of 14706 Bubbling Spring Road, on the perimeter of the Bubbling Spring Road traffic island, north of Autumn Rust Road, on the west side of Bubbling Spring Road from the southern property line of 14700 Bubbling Spring Road to 20 feet north of the driveway to 14610 bubbling Spring Road, on the east side of Bubbling Spring Road from the southern property line of 14526 Bubbling Spring Road to 10 feet west of the driveway to 14502 Bubbling Spring Road, on the north side of Bubbling Spring Terrace from Bubbling Spring Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the 25 feet north of the southern property line of 18305 Bubbling Spring Terrance, on the perimeter of the Bubbling Spring Terrace traffic island, west of Bubbling Spring Road, on the south side of Autumn Branch Terrace from Thundercloud Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to 10 feet west of the driveway to 14305 Autumn Branch Terrace, on the perimeter of the Autumn Branch Terrace traffic island, east of Thundercloud Road, on the north side of Autumn Branch Terrace from the southern property line of 18609 Autumn Branch Terrace, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to Thundercloud Road, on the perimeter of the Autumn Branch Terrace traffic island, west of Thundercloud Road, on the north side of Thundercloud Road from the eastern property line of 18625 Thundercloud Road to Crestmount Road, on the south side of Thundercloud Road from Harvest Scene Court to Autumn Branch Terrace, on the west side of Thundercloud Road from Autumn Branch Terrace to Bubbling Spring Road, on the west side of Thundercloud Road from Bubbling Spring Road to Kings Crossing Boulevard, on the west side of Thundercloud Road from Kings Crossing Boulevard to Harvest Moon Road, on the west side of Thundercloud Road from Harvest Moon Road to Ashleigh Greene Road, on the west side of Thundercloud Road from Ashleigh Greene Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the northern property line of 18305 Thundercloud Road, on the perimeter of the Thundercloud Road traffic island, south of Ashleigh Greene Road, on the east side of Crestmount Road from Thundercloud Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the southern property line of 18528 Crestmount Road, On the perimeter of the Crestmount Road traffic island, north of Bubbling Spring Road, on the west side of Crestmount Road from Ashleigh Greene Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the northern property line of 18307 Crestmount Road, on the perimeter of the Crestmount Road traffic island, south of Ashleigh Greene Road, on the east side of Crestmount Road from Ashleigh Greene Road to Harvest Moon Road, on the east side oaf Crestmount Road from Harvest Moon Road to Kings Crossing Boulevard, on the east side of Crestmount Road from Bubbling Spring Road to Thundercloud Road,  on the west side of Harvest Scene Court from Thundercloud Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the northern property line 18803 Harvest Scene Court, on the perimeter of the Harvest Scene Court traffic island, south of Thundercloud Road, on the east side of Autumn Field Court from the southern property line of 18403 Autumn Field Court, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to Ashleigh Greene Road, on the perimeter of the Autumn Field Court traffic island, north of Ashleigh Greene Road, on the north side of Harvest Moon Road from Thundercloud Road to Crestmount Road, on the north side of Harvest Moon Road from Crestmount Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to the eastern property line of 14404 Harvest Moon Road, on the perimeter of the Harvest Moon Road traffic island, west of Crestmount Road, on the south side of Harvest Moon Road from Thundercloud Road to Cornflower Road, on the north side of Autumn Rust Road from Crestmount Road to Bubbling Spring Road, on the north side of Ashleigh Green Road from Ashmeade Road to Carved Stone Court, on the north side of Ashleigh Greene Road from Carved Stone Court to Clear Smoke Road, on the north side of Ashleigh Greene Road from Cornflower Road to Blue Moon Court (east intersection), on the north side of Ashleigh Greene Road from Blue Moon Court (east intersection) to Blue Moon Court (west intersection), on the north side of Ashleigh Greene Road from Blue Moon Court (west intersection) to Thundercloud Road, on the north side of Ashleigh Greene Road from Thundercloud Road to Autumn Field Court, on the north side of Ashleigh Greene Road from Autumn Field Court to Crestmount Road, on the north side of Ashleigh Greene Road from Crestmount Road, around the perimeter of the cul-de-sac, to 10 feet east of the driveway to 14418 Ashleigh Greene Road, on the perimeter of the Ashleigh Greene Road traffic island, west of Crestmount Road, on the south side of Ashleigh Greene Road from Cornflower Road to Bright Plume Terrace, on the south side of Ashleigh Greene road from Bright Plume Terrace to Clear Smoke Road, and on the south side of Ashleigh Greene road from Ashmeade Road to Richter Farm Road.  Effective Date:  10/23/09


MCEO NO. 226-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Gaithersburg.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove Yield on Apricot Court so as to require eastbound traffic to yield at Apricot Lane, on Apricot Lane so as to require southbound traffic to yield at Winesap Drive, on Apricot Lane so as to require eastbound traffic to yield at Winesap Drive, on Apple Knoll Court so as to require westbound traffic to yield at Winesap Drive, on Cherry Grove Court so as to require southbound traffic to yield at Cherry Grove Drive, on Pin Cherry Lane so as to require southbound traffic to yield at Cherry Grove Drive, on Peach Leaf Lane so as to require southwest bound traffic to yield at Peach Leaf Drive, and on Peach Leaf Drive so as to require northeast bound traffic to yield at Peach Leaf Drive.  Install Yield for eastbound traffic on Apricot Court at Apricot Lane, for southbound traffic on Cherry Grove Court at Cherry Grove Drive, for southbound traffic on Pin Cherry Lane at Cherry Grove Drive, for southwest bound traffic on Peach Leaf Lane at Peach Leaf Drive, and for northeast bound traffic on Peach Leaf Drive at Peach Leaf Drive.  Install Stop for southbound traffic on Apricot Lane at Winesap Drive, for northeast bound traffic on Apricot Lane at Winesap Drive, for eastbound traffic on Winesap Terrace at Winsap Drive, for eastbound traffic on Winesap Court at Winesap Drive, for north bound traffic on Winesap Drive at Quince Mill Drive, for westbound traffic on Apple Knoll Court at Winesap Drive, for eastbound traffic on Golden Twig Court at Winesap Drive for westbound traffic on Clover Knoll Road at Winesap Drive, for southbound traffic on Bunchberry Court at clover Knoll Road, for eastbound traffic on Bunchberry Lane at cherry Grove Drive, for westbound traffic on Bunchberry Lane at Bunchberry Court, for southbound traffic on Quince Mill Court at Quince Mill Drive, and for east bound traffic on Peach Leaf Drive at Quince Mill Drive.  Remove Stop on Quince Mill Court so as to require southbound traffic to stop at Quince Mill Drive, on Winesap Court so as to require eastbound traffic to stop at Winesap Drive, on Winesap Drive so as to require northbound traffic to stop at Qunice Mill Drive,  on Golden Twig court so as to require eastbound traffic to stop at Winesap Drive, on Clover Knoll Court so as to require westbound traffic to stop at Winesap Drive, on Bunchberry Court so as to require southbound traffic to stop at Clover Knoll Court, on Bunchberry Lane so as to require eastbound traffic to stop at Cherry Grove Drive, on Bunchberry Lane so as to require westbound traffic to stop at Bunchberry Court, on Quince Mill court so as to require southbound traffic to stop at Quince Mill Drive, and on Peach Leaf Drive so as to require southeast bound traffic to stop at Quince Mill Drive.  Effective Date:  10/27/09


MCEO NO. 231-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated location.  Install One Way on Blue Moon Court from the eastern intersection with Ashley Greene Road to the western intersection with Ashley Greene Road in a counterclockwise direction..  Effective Date:  10/27/09


MCEO NO. 232-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Rescind all parking regulation including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 69-02, 127-02 on both sides of Plum Orchard Drive from Broadbirch Drive to Cherry Hill Road.  Install No Standing Any Time on the west side of Plum Orchard Drive from Broadbirch Drive to 40 feet south of Broadbirch Drive and on the south side of Plum Orchard Drive from 50 feet west of the entrance to 12020 Plum Orchard Drive to 125 feet northeast of the entrance to 12006 Plum Orchard Drive.  Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Plum Orchard Drive from 40 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to 535 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, on the south side of Plum Orchard Drive from 100 feet west of the entrance to 12020 Plum Orchard Drive to 50 feet west of the entrance to 12020 Plum Orchard Drive, on the east side of Plum Orchard Drive from 125 feet northeast of the entrance to 12006 Plum Orchard Drive to Cherry Hill Road, on the north side of Plum Orchard Drive from Cherry Hill Road to 400 feet west of Cherry Hill Road, on the north side of Plum Orchard Drive from 745 feet southwest of Cherry Hill Road to 1015 feet southwest of Cherry Hill Road, on the east side of Plum Orchard Drive from 1505 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to 1255 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, on the east side of Plum Orchard Drive from 905 feet south of  Broadbirch Drive to 655 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, and on the east side of Plum Orchard Drive from 540 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to Broadbirch Drive.  Effective Date:  11/02/09


MCEO NO. 233-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated location.  Install No Parking Any Time on both sides of Billington Road from East Randolph Road to Leister Drive.  Effective Date:  11/02/09


MCEO NO. 234-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove No Parking Any Time on both sides of Hillery Way (Private road) from Rockville Pike (MD 355) to the road end west of Rickville Pike (MD 355).  Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Hillery Way from Rockville Pike (MD 355) to and through the road terminus west of Rockville Pike (MD 355, on the south side of Hillery Way from the road terminus west of Rockville Pike (MD 355) to 200 feet west of Rockville Pike (MD 355), and on the south side of Hillery Way from 100 feet west of Rockville Pike (MD 355) to Rockville Pike (MD 355).  Install 2 Hour Parking on the south side of Hillery Way from 200 feet west of Rockville Pike (MD 3555) to 100 feet west of Rockville Pike (MD 355).  Effective Date:  10/30/09


MCEO NO. 235-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Rescind all parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 43-01, 70-02 on both sides of Bournefield Way from Broadbirch Drive to the road terminus south of Broadbirch Drive.  Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Bournefield Way from Broadbirch Drive to 280 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, on the west side of Bournefield Way from 600 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to and through the road terminus to 1310 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, on the east side of Bournefield Way from 1180 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to 1010 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, and on the east side of Bournefield Way from 400 feet south of Broadbirch Drie to Broadbirch Drive to Broadbirch Drive.  Install No Parking 11PM - 5AM on the west side of Bournefield Way from 280 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to 600 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, on the east side of Bournefield Way from 1310 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to 1180 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, and on the east side of Bournefield Way from 1010 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to 400 feet south of Broadbirch Drive.  Effective Date:  10/30/09


MCEO NO. 236-09:  OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - CIP Cost Criterion for Special Capital Improvements Projects FY11.  The County Executive of Montgomery County, Maryland, hereby establishes the cost criterion at $12,863,000 in accordance with Section 20-1 of the County Code, for the FY11 Capital Budget and Fiscal Years 11 - 16 Capital Improvements Program.  Effective Date:  11/12/09


MCEO NO. 237-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with Xintao Chen and Yuxiu Fu Travilah Road Improvements, CIP No. 500101.  The Option Contract between Xintao Chen and Yuxiu Fu and Montgomery County, Maryland for the purchase of the property rights required for the above-referenced project is hereby accepted.  The interest accruing in the Circuit Court in Misc. Petition No. 22418M will be paid to the property owner, in addition to the contract price of $41,378.00.  The County Attorney is hereby directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the above described property rights, including any improvements located within the areas to be acquired.  Effective Date:  11/18/09


MCEO NO. 238-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Log House Road Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 3:15 p.m. on Monday, December 14, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the east side of Log House Road from Bush Hill Road to Woodfield Road/MD124, located in Damascus, Maryland within Election District 12.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 239-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Catoctin Drive Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 14, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the east side of Catoctin Drive from Catoctin court to Bonifant Road, located in Silver Spring, Maryland within Election District 13.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 240-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Vital Way Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 9:45 a.m. on Monday, December 14, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the west side of Vital Way from New Hampshire Avenue/MD650 to Randolph Road, located in Silver Spring, Maryland within Election District 5.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 241-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Locust Avenue Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 11:15 a.m. on Monday, December 14, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the north side of Locust Avenue between 5209 and 5221 Locust Avenue, located in Bethesda, Maryland within Election District 7.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 242-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - College View Drive Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 1:30 pm. on Monday, December 14, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the west side of College View Drive from Newport Mill Road to Gail Street, located in Wheaton, Maryland within Election District 13.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 243-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Manchester Road Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, December 14, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the north side of Manchester Road from Piney Branch Road/MD320 to Bradford Road, located in Silver Spring, Maryland within Election District 13.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 244-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Brightview Street Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 9:45 a.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the north side of Brightview Street from Connecticut Avenue/MD185 to Dalewood Drive, located in Wheaton, Maryland within Election District 13.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 245-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Dimona Road Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747). A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the west side of Dimona Road from Olney Mill Road to Gold Mine Road, located in Olney, Maryland within Election District 8.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 246-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Keystone Avenue Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the north side of Keystone Avenue from Battery Lane to N. Brook Lane, located in Bethesda, Maryland within Election District 7.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 247-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Noyes Drive Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the south side of Noyes Drive from 1st Avenue to 2nd Avenue, located in Silver Spring, Maryland within Election District 13.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 248-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Jones Lane Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 3:15 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the north side of Jones Lane from Darnestown Road/MD28 to Doe Lane, located in Gaithersburg, Maryland within Election District 6.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 249-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Quinton Road Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 11:15 a.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland.  This hearing is to consider a proposal to provide safe pedestrian travel along the unimproved right-of-way on Quinton Road from Sundale Road to Maywood Avenue, located in Silver Spring, Maryland within Election District 13.  The sole purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  11/13/09


MCEO NO. 250-09:  DEPARTMENT OF POLICE - Employee Solicitation Waiver.  The County Executive authorizes the Chief of Police to designate employees assigned to Montgomery County Police Department to solicit gifts for the benefit of the Children's Inn (at NIH) as part of its "Santa's Ride" campaign, in accordance with the requirements established by this Executive Order.  Effective Date:  11/12/09


MCEO NO. 261-09:  DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING SERVICES  - Public Hearing - Adoption of the 2009 IBC, IRC, IECC, IMC, IFGC.  Pursuant to Section 8-13 of the Montgomery County Code the Director of the Department of Permitting Services must hold a public hearing when he/she proposes new regulations.  A public hearing will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 17, 2009, in the Seneca Conference Room located at 255 Rockville Pike 2nd Floor, Rockville, Maryland 20850, to consider the proposed regulation for the adoption of the 2009 International Code Council, (ICC) standards.  Effective Date:  11/18/09


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