Executive Orders

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MCEO NO. 016-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with John K. Brashers and Barbara L. Brashers Montrose Parkway East, CIP No. 500717.  The Option Contract between John K. Brashers and Barbara L. Brashers and Montgomery County Maryland for the purchase of the entire above-referenced project is hereby accepted.  Contract obtained in the amount of $355,000.00.  The County Attorney is hereby directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the property and all improvements.  Effective Date:  01/27/09


MCEO NO. 017-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with Richard W. Conley and Roberta L. Conley Montrose Parkway East, CIP No. 500717.  The Option Contract between Richard W. Conley and Roberta L. Conley and Montgomery County Maryland for the purchase of the entire above-referenced project is hereby accepted.  Contract obtained in the amount of $350,000.00.  The County Attorney is hereby directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the property and all improvements.  Effective Date:  01/27/09


MCEO NO. 019-09:  DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order - to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below.  When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials.  Location: Leaman Farm Subdivision, Poplar Glen Ct., Dairy Farm Dr.  Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign.  Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet.  Effective Date:  01/26/09


MCEO NO. 020-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of 75th Street from 90 feet north of MacArthur Boulevard to MacArthur Boulevard and on the west side of 75th Street from MacArthur Boulevard to 45 feet north of MacArthur Boulevard.  Effective Date:  01/15/09


MCEO NO. 021-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location.  Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Mt. Pisgah Road from 145 feet south of Oakview Drive to Oakview Drive.  Effective Date:  01/22/09


MCEO NO. 022-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Abandonment of Public Alley within Public Parking Lot No. 3, Silver Spring.  A public hearing was held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 1:30 pm on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 in the lobby level auditorium of the Executive Office Building at 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland to consider an application received from Linowes and Blocher on behalf of its client, Michael L.L.C., the Applicant, seeking abandonment of a portion of the Public Alley within Public Parking Lot No. 3 in Silver Spring.  Effective Date:  01/27/09


MCEO NO. 023-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION - Public Hearing - Abandonment of Portion of Overlook Park Drive Clarksburg Town Center Subdivision.  A public hearing was held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 2:30 pm on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 in the lobby level auditorium of the Executive Office Building at 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland to consider an application received from Linowes and Blocher on behalf of its client, NNP II-Clarksburg LLC, the Applicant, seeking abandonment of a portion of Overlook Park Drive in the Clarksburg Town Center Subdivision in Clarksburg.  Effective Date:  01/27/09


MCEO NO. 024-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Abandonment of Portion of Clarksburg Square Road Clarksburg Town Center Subdivision.  A public hearing was held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 2:40 pm on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 in the lobby level auditorium of the Executive Office Building at 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland to consider an application received from Linowes and Blocher on behalf of its client, NNP II-Clarksburg LLC, the Applicant, seeking abandonment of a portion of Clarksburg Square Road in the Clarksburg Town Center Subdivision in Clarksburg.  Effective Date:  01/27/09


MCEO NO. 025-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Abandonment of Portion of Clarksridge Road Clarksburg Town Center Subdivision.  A public hearing was held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 2:50 pm on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 in the lobby level auditorium of the Executive Office Building at 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland to consider an application received from Linowes and Blocher on behalf of its client, NNP II-Clarksburg LLC, the Applicant, seeking abandonment of a portion of Clarksridge Road in the Clarksburg Town Center Subdivision in Clarksburg.  Effective Date:  01/27/09


MCEO NO. 026-09:  OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - CIP Cost Criterion for Special Capital Improvements Projects FY10.  The County Executive for Montgomery County, Maryland hereby establishes the cost criterion for special Capital Improvements projects at $13,568,630 in accordance with Section 20-1 of the County Code, for the FY10 Capital Budget and the Fiscal Years 09-14 Capital Improvements Program.  Effective Date:  02/02/09


MCEO NO. 027-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location.  Install Stop for eastbound traffic on Brad Drive at Gaines Avenue.  Effective Date:  01/28/09


MCEO NO. 028-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Gaithersburg.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove No Parking Any Time on the north side of Cessna Avenue from a point 120 feet east of Cessna Court to a point 405 feet west of Cessna Court.  Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Cessna Avenue from 180 feet east of Cessna Court to 405 feet west of Cessna Court.  Effective Date:  01/28/09


MCEO NO. 029-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location.  Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Connecticut Avenue Service Road from 110 feet south of Dean Road to Dean Road.  Effective Date:  01/30/09


MCEO NO. 030-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown. Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated location.  Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Clarks Crossing Drive from Stringtown Road to Snowden Farm Parkway.  Effective Date:  02/02/09


MCEO NO. 031-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Citadel Avenue from Old Georgetown Road to 150' south of Old Georgetown Road, on the west side of Citadel Avenue from 339' south of Old Georgetown Road to the intersecting roadway stub, on the west side of Citadel Avenue from the stub (at 379' south of Old Georgetown Road) to the entrance to the White Flint Metro Garage, on the east side of Citadel Avenue from 210' north of Marinelli Road to McGrath Boulevard, on the east side of Citadel Avenue from McGrath Boulevard to 90' north of McGrath Boulevard and on the east side of Citadel Avenue from 250' north of McGrath Boulevard to Old Georgetown Road (a distance of 145').  Install 2 Hour Parking 7AM - 7PM Monday - Friday on the west side of Citadel Avenue from 150' south of Old Georgetown Road to 339' south of Old Georgetown Road and on the east side of Citadel Avenue from 90' north of McGrath Boulevard to 250' north of McGrath Boulevard.  Effective Date:  02/02/09


MCEO NO. 032-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove Metered Parking (no signs) on the north side of Marinelli Road from 281' west of Nebel Street to 675' west of Nebel Street, on the north side of Marinelli Road from 846' west of Nebel Street to 922' west of Nebel Street, and on the south side of Marinelli Road from 1335' east of Rockville Pike (MD 355) to 1457' east of Rockville Pike (MD 355).  Remove No Parking Any Time on the north side of Marinelli Road from 675' west of Nebel Street to 846' west of Nebel Street and on the south side of Marinelli Road from 1157' east of Rockville Pike (MD 355) to 1335' east of Rockville Pike (MD 355).  Install Metered Parking (no signs) on the north side of Marinelli Road from 281' west of Nebel Street to 717' west of Nebel Street, on the north side of Marinelli Road from 829' east of Nebel Street to 922' east of Nebel Street, and on the south side of Marinelli Road from 1357' east of Rockville Pike (MD 355) to 1457' east of Rockville Pike (MD 355).  Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Marinelli Road from 717' east of Nebel Street to 829' east of Nebel Street and on the south side of Marinelli Road from 1157' east of Rockville Pike (MD 355) to 1357' east of Rockville Pike (MD 355).  Effective Date:  02/02/09


MCEO NO. 033-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Persimmon Ridge Road from Skylark Road to and around the outside of the cul-de-sac at the end of Persimmon Ridge Road to the point where the cul-de-sac meets the west side of Persimmon Ridge Road, on the west side of Cherry Branch Drive from Skylark Road to Persimmon Ridge Road, on the south side of Tall Poplar Drive from Cherry Branch Drive to Persimmon Ridge Road and on the north side of Linden Vale Drive from Persimmon Ridge Road to Cherry Branch Drive.  Effective Date:  02/02/09


MCEO NO. 034-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Rescind all parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic order 13-08 on the west side of Amherst Avenue from Reedie Drive to Prichard Road.  Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Amherst Avenue from Reedie Drive to a point 42 feet south of Reedie Drive and on the west side of Amherst Avenue from a point 852 feet south of Reedie Drive to Prichard Road (49 feet).  Install Nine-Hour Parking 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Except Sunday on the west side of Amherst Avenue from a point 42 feet south of Reedie Drive to a point 265 feet south of Reedie Drive and on the west side of Amhert Avenue from a point 421 feet south of Reedie Drive to a point 852 feet south of Reedie Drive.  Install No Stopping Any Time on the west side of Amherst Avenue from a point 265 feet south of Reedie Drive to a point 421 feet south of Reedie Drive.  Effective Date:  02/05/09


MCEO NO. 035-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Brick Haven Way from Little Seneca Parkway to 50' north of the Rocky Hill Middle School northern driveway (the student drop-off loop driveway), on the west side of Brick Haven Way from 50' north of Trentworth Way to 45' south of Trentworth Way, and on the west side of Brick Haven Way from 70' north of Little Seneca Parkway to Little Seneca Parkway.  Install No Parking School Days 7 AM - 4 PM on the west side of Brick Haven Way from 270' north of Trentworth Way to 50' north of Trentworth Way and on the west side of Brick Haven Way from 45' south of Trentworth Way to 70' north of Little Seneca Parkway.  Effective Date:  02/05/09


MCEO NO. 036-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove School Zone on Tuckerman Lane from Coldstream Drive to Lamplighter Lane.  Remove Fines Double School Days 6:45 AM - 3PM on Tuckerman Lane from Coldstream Drive to Lamplighter Lane.  Remove Speed Limit 25 When Flashing on Tuckerman Lane from the property line of 8812/8814 Tuckerman Lane to Willowbrook Drive.  Remove No Parking Any Time on the north side of Tuckerman Lane from 2235' west of Gainsborough Road to 2325' west of Gainsborough Road, on the north side of Tuckerman Lane from Regency Drive to Gainsborough Road, on the south side of Tuckerman Lane from a point 300' west of Gainsborough Road to a point 340' east of Gainsborough Road (675'), and on the north/northeast sides of Tuckerman Lane from Gainsborough Road to Postoak Road.  Remove Permit Parking Only 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM School Days Hoover Middle School on the north side of Tuckerman Lane from 2325' west of Gainsborough Road to 2545' west of Gainsborough Road.  Install School Zone on Tuckerman Lane from Coldstream Drive to Candlelight Lane.  Install Fines Double School Days 6:45 AM - 4 PM on Tuckerman Lane from Coldstream Drive to Candlelight Lane.  Install Speed Limit 25 When Flashing on Tuckerman Lane from Coldstream Drive to Candlelight Lane.  Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Tuckerman Lane from 2235' west of Gainsborough Road to Postoak Road.  Effective Date:  02/06/09


MCEO NO. 037-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown Thru Streets.  Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets.  Remove: (T.O. 51-77) Street: Wanegarden Drive from Wynnfield Drive to Wisteria Drive.  Install Street: Wanegarden Drive from Wynnfield Drive to Wisteria Drive.  Effective Date:  02/06/09


MCEO NO. 038-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install School Zone on Wisteria Drive from Waldorf Drive to Wanegarden Drive.  Install Fines Double School Days 7:30 AM - 4 PM on Wisteria Drive from Waldorf Drive to Wanegarden Drive.  Remove (T.O. 162-91, 2a) Speed Limit 30 on Wisteria Drive between Wanegarden Drive and Waring Station Road.  Install Speed Limit 25 on Wisteria Drive from Father Hurley Boulevard to the end of County maintenance (at Long Channel Drive).  Install Speed Limit 30 on Wisteria Drive from Father Hurley Boulevard to Waring Station Road.  Remove (T.O. 69-06, 1a) All-Way Stop at the intersection of Father Hurley Boulevard and Wisteria Drive.  Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Wisteria Drive from Father Hurley Boulevard to 90' west of Father Hurley Boulevard and on the south side of Wisteria Drive from 75' west of Demetrias Way (eastern intersection) to Father Hurley Boulevard.  Remove No Standing Any Time on the north side of Wisteria Drive from 35' east of the eastern most driveway for Dr. Martin Luther King Middle School to 25' west of the eastern most driveway for Dr. Martin Luther King Middle School.  Install No Standing Any Time on the north side of Wisteria Drive from 35' east of the eastern most driveway for Dr. Martin Luther King Middle School to 50' west of the entrance driveway for the bus loop for Dr. Martin Luther King Middle School (opposite Teakwood Lane).  Remove (T.O. 4-94, 3a) No Parking Any Time on the southwest side of Wisteria Drive from a point 75' northwest of the east intersection of Demetrias Way to a point 75' southeast of the east intersection of Demetrias Way.  Effective Date:  02/06/09


MCEO NO. 039-09:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  Order for traffic control signs.  Install and/or remove the following traffic and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove (T.O. 177-00, 1a) School Zone on Liberty Mill Road from 400' north of Dawson Farm Road to 50' north of the extended northern curbline of Pepper Court.  Remove (T.O. 177-00, 2a) Fines Double 8 AM - 4 PM School Days on Liberty Mill Road from 400' north of Dawson Farm Road to 50' north of the extended northern curbline of Pepper Court.  Install School Zone on Liberty Mill Road from Fountain Hills Drive to 400' north of Dawson Farm Road.  Install Fines Double School Days 8 AM - 4 PM on Liberty Mill Road from Fountain Hills Drive to 400' north of Dawson Farm Road.  Effective Date:  02/06/09


MCEO NO. 044-09:  DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - Acquisition of Finmarc Property.  Montgomery County proposes to enter into a Contract of Sale with Edison Tech LLC and Edison Investment LLC, to purchase two parcels of real property, located on Edison Park Drive in Gaithersburg, Maryland, totaling 29.28 +/- acres of land with the improvements thereon, more specifically described below.  The County Executive has undertaken a Smart Growth Initiative, which as part of its plan, the relocation of the Department of Liquor control into an existing structure and for certain development potential available to the unimproved portions of the subject 29.28 areas of land.  Negotiations with the owners of the Finmarc property have occurred and a sales price of $32,700,000 has been offered and accepted.  In consideration of the above recitals and subject to the appropriation of funds, the County Executive hereby directs the Department of General Services and the County Attorney to take all steps necessary to acquire the land known as the Finmarc property, for a purchase price of $32,700,000 and possible additional payment, for the purpose of relocating the Department of Liquor Control.  Effective Date:  02/19/09

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