Executive Orders |
MCEO NO. 227-09: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: Montgomery College West Campus, both sides of Jessup Blair Dr. from Georgia Ave. to the dead end. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 07/06/09
MCEO NO. 228-09: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: Shady Grove Metro, Yellowstone Way between Redland Rd. and Chieftan Avenue. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 09/25/09
MCEO NO. 229-09: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: Cameron House, 8710 Cameron Street. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 10/12/09
MCEO NO. 230-09: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: Hilton Garden Inn, 220 Broadbirch Drive. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 09/22/09
MCEO NO. 251-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Parking Any Time on the south side of Ingram Lane from Tivoli Lake Boulevard to 35 feet east of the western intersection of Ingram Terrace and on the south side of Ingram Lane from 35 feet west of the eastern intersection with Ingram Terrace to and through the traffic circle perimeter. Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Ingram Lane from Tavoli Lake Boulevard to and through the cul-de-sac perimeter east of Tavoli Lake Boulevard. Effective Date: 11/09/09
MCEO NO. 252-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Stopping Any Time on both sides of Moorland Lane between Arlington Road and Old Georgetown Road (Md. 187). Install No Stopping Any Time on the north side of Moorland Lane from Old Georgetown Road (MD 187) to Arlington Road, on the south side of Moorland Lane from Arlington Road to a point 90 feet east of Arlington Road, and on the south side of Moorland Lane from a point 319 feet east of Arlington Road to Old Georgetown Road (MD 187) (162 feet). Install Two-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the south side of Moorland Lane from a point 90 feet east of Arlington Road to a point 107 feet east of Arlington Road and on the south side of Moorland Lane from a point 263 feet east of Arlington Road to a point 319 feet east of Arlington Road. Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Moorland Lane from a point 107 feet east of Arlington Road to a point 263 feet east of Arlington Road. Effective Date: 11/10/09.
MCEO NO. 253-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated location. Install No Parking 8AM - 1PM School Days on both sides of Fox Run from Long Pine Trail to Old Post Road. Effective Date: 11/10/09
MCEO NO. 254-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Rescind all parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders: 145-09 on both sides of Bournefield Way from Broadbirch Drive to the road terminus south of Broadbirch Drive. Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Bournefield Way from Broadbirch Drive to 280 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, on the west side of Bournefield Way from 600 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to and through the road terminus to 1310 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, on the east side of Bournefield Way from 1180 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to 1010 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, and on the east side of Bournefield Way from 515 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to Broadbirch Drive. Install No Parking 11PM - 5AM on the west side of Bournefield Way from 280 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to 600 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, on the east side of Bournefield Way from 1310 feet south of Broadbirch Drive to 1180 feet south of Broadbirch Drive, and on the east side of Bournefield Way from 1010 feet south of Broadbirch Drive. Effective Date: 11/12/09
MCEO NO. 255-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Parking Any Time for both sides of Goldenrod Lane from Observation Drive to Germantown Road (MD 118). Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Goldenrod Lane from Germantown Road (MD 118) to 100 feet east of Germantown Road (MD 118), on the west side of Goldenrod Lane from 120 feet north of the entrance to 20270 Goldenrod Lane to 60 feet south of the entrance to 20270 Goldenrod Lane, on the west side of Goldenrod Lane from 75 feet north of the northern entrance to 20260 Goldenrod Lane to 60 feet south of the northern entrance to 20260 Goldenrod Lane, on the west side of Goldenrod Lane from 60 feet north of the southern entrance to 20260 Goldenrod Lane to the southern entrance to 20260 Goldenrod Lane, on the east side of Goldenrod Lane from the southern entrance to 20261 Goldenrod Lane to 75 feet north of the southern entrance to 20261 Goldenrod Lane, on the east side of Goldenrod Lane from 35 feet south of the northern entrance to 20261 Goldenrod Lane to 40 feet north of the southern entrance to 20271 Goldenrod Lane, on the east side of Goldenrod Lane from 60 feet south of the northern entrance to 20271 Goldenrod Lane to 75 feet north of the northern entrance to 20271 Goldenrod Lane, and on the north side of Goldenrod Lane from 130 feet east of Germantown Road (MD 118) to Germantown Road (MD 118). Effective Date: 11/12/09
MCEO NO. 257-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Four-Way Stop at Moorland Lane and Clarendon Road. Remove One-Way on Moorland Lane eastbound from Exeter Road to Clarendon Road. Remove Stop on Fairfax Road at Edgemoor Lane so as to stop north and southbound traffic on Fairfax Road (thereby providing 4-way stop control), on Manning Drive at Glenbrook road so as to stop westbound traffic on Manning Drive and on Wessling Lane at Glenbrook Road so as to stop westbound traffic on Westling Lane. Install Four-Way Stop at the intersection of Edgemoor Lane and Fairfax Road. Install Stop for westbound traffic on Manning Drive at Glenbrook Road, for eastbound traffic on Manning Drive at Fairfax Road for westbound traffic on Wessling Lane at Glenbrook Road and for eastbound traffic on Wessling Lane at Fairfax Road. Effective Date: 11/12/09
MCEO NO. 258-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated location. Install Right Turn Only School Days 8AM - 4PM for southbound traffic on the Kensington Parkwood Elementary School driveway onto Franklin Street. Effective Date: 11/23/09
MCEO NO. 259-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated location. Install Right Lane Must Turn Right Except Transit Vehicles on northbound Redland Road at Crabbs Branch Way. Effective Date: 11/23/09
MCEO NO. 260-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont Thru Streets. Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. Remove Street: Bel Pre Road from Norbeck Road to Arctic Avenue. Remove Street: Bel Pre Road from Artic Avenue to Layhill Road. Install Street: Bel Pre Road from Norbeck Road (MD 28) to Artic Avenue. Install Street: Bel Pre Road from Artic Avenue to Georgia Avenue (MD 97). Install Street: Bel Pre Road from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to Connecticut Avenue. Install Street: Bel Pre Road from Connecticut Avenue to Layhill Road (MD 182). Remove Street: North Gate Drive from Bel Pre Road to Post Lane. Install Street: North Gate Drive from Bel Pre Road to and through Post Lane. Effective Date: 11/23/09
MCEO NO. 263-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Knowles Avenue/MD 547 Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747). The County Executive finds that public interest requires the construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the south side of Knowles Avenue/MD 547 from 4210 Knowles Avenue to Summit Avenue, located in Kensington, Maryland within Election District 7. The director of the Department of Transportation is authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project #506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). The sidewalk will be 5 feet wide and will conform to the ADA requirements. The total length of the sidewalk is 950 linear feet. Knowles Avenue is classified as an arterial roadway and has a 100 foot wide public right-of-way. The existing roadway is approximately 28 feet wide. There is approximately 36 feet of available public right-of-way along the south side of Knowles Avenue. The sidewalk will be installed adjacent to the curb and gutter. Every effort will be made during construction to cause minimal disturbance within the public right-of-way. A public hearing was conducted on the project on Tuesday, August 25, 2009. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $83,642.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747. Effective Date: 12/01/09
MCEO NO. 264-09: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: Paint Branch High School, 14201 Old Columbia Pike. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 11/10/09
MCEO NO. 265-09: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: Mainhart Property, Southwest quadrant of Midcounty Highway at Washington Grove Lane, 8340 - 8383 Broderick Circle. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 09/23/09
MCEO NO. 266-09: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE - Fire Lane Establishment Order to post fire lane signs and paint curbs/pavement (painting optional) as identified below. When signs and paint work have been completed, this order will authorize the enforcement of this Fire Lane by appropriate police and fire officials. Location: Cameron House, 8710 Cameron Street. Signs must be posted so that it is not possible to park a vehicle without being in sight of a sign. Signs may be no farther apart than 100 feet. Paint must be traffic yellow with lines of sufficient width to be readily identifiable/readable by motor vehicle operators. Effective Date: 11/03/09
MCEO NO. 267-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Condemnation Authorization Maple Avenue Investment Partners, LLC Chapman Avenue Extended Project, CIP No. 500719. The County Attorney is hereby directed to acquire by condemnation the following described property in its entirety for the Chapman Avenue Extended Project. Liber/Folio 29952/691, Account No. 00052218, Owner Maple Avenue Investment Partners LLC., (Fee Simple) 19,998 s.f. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the above described property rights, including any improvements located within the areas to be acquired. Effective Date: 12/03/09
MCEO NO. 268-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with Eunice E. Walker Clarksburg Road Bridge Project No. 500900. The Option Contract between Eunice E. Walker and Montgomery County Maryland for the purchase of land, granting of an easement, and the sale of County owned-property (Parcel P31, Grid EY62]) for the above-referenced project is hereby accepted. Contract obtained in the amount of $12,500.00. The County Attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the fee simple and easements and the sale of a portion of County owned land. Effective Date: 12/03/09
MCEO NO. 269-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Creation of an Access Restriction in Sligo Park Hill and in the City of Takoma Park Communities. The County Executive (or his designee) shall conduct a public hearing at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, January 12, 2010, in the Azalea Room, Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland, 20850 to consider a proposed Residential Traffic Management Plan for the Sligo Park Hills Community and three roadways within the City of Takoma Park. The proposed Residential Traffic Management Plan is intended to discourage the use of Park Valley Road, Hilltop Road, Mississippi Avenue, Sligo Creek Parkway, Maple Avenue, Ritchie Avenue, and Geneva Avenue for non-local cut-through traffic during the AM and PM peak periods. Details of the proposed Residential Traffic Management Plan are more fully described in Exhibits available for examination at the offices of the Montgomery County Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic Engineering and Operations, located at 100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878. After the Hearing, the Hearing Examiner will report his findings and recommendations to the County Executive who will issue a statement on his decision. Written statements for consideration in this matter may be submitted to Mr. Fred Lees, Chief, Traffic Engineering Studies Section, Division of Traffic Engineering and Operations, located at 100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878. Effective Date: 12/04/09
MCEO NO. 270-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Stop on Bel Pre Road at Arctic Avenue so as to stop east and westbound traffic on Bel Pre Road. Install All-Way Stop at the intersection of Bel Pre Road and Arctic Avenue. Remove Speed Limit 35 MPH on Bel Pre Road from Georgia Avenue (Md. 97) to Layhill Road (Md. 182). Install Speed Limit 35 on Bel Pre Road from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to Layhill Road (MD 182). Install Speed Limit 25 on Bel Pre Road from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to Norbeck Road (MD 28). Remove Speed Limit 25 MPH When Flashing on Bel Pre Road from Layhill Road (Md. 182) to Rippling Brook Drive. Remove Speed Limit 25 When Flashing Fines Doubled on Bel Pre Road from a point 320 feet west of the intersection with Layhill Road (MD 182) to the intersection with Rippling Brook Drive (a distance of approximately 2200 feet). Remove School Zone on Bel Pre Road from a point 320 feet west of the intersection with Layhill Road (MD 182) to the intersection with Rippling Brook Drive (a distance of approximately 2200 feet). Install School Zone on Bel Pre Road from Layhill Road (MD 182) to Rippling Brook Drive. Install Fines Double School Days 7:15AM - 4PM on Bel Pre Road from Layhill Road (MD 182) to Rippling Brook Drive. Install Speed Limit 25 When Flashing on Bel Pre Road from Layhill Road (MD 182) to Rippling Brook Drive. Remove Left Lane Must Turn Left for westbound Bel Pre Road left turn lane at Georgia Avenue (MD 97). Remove No Parking Any Time on the south side of Bel Pre Road from a point 60' west of Janice Drive to a point 60' east of Janice Drive, on the north side of Bel Pre Road from Georgia Avenue (Md. 97) to a point 255' west of Georgia Avenue, on the north side of Bel Pre Road at Chesterfield Road from a point 50' west of Chesterfield Road to a point 50' east of Chesterfield Road, on the southwest side of Bel Pre Road from Melinda Lane to a point 50' southeast of Melinda Lane, on the southwest side of Bel Pre Road from a point 100' northwest of Melinda Lane to Melinda Lane, on the south side of Bel Pre Road from London Lane to Georgia Avenue (Md. 97), on the north side of Bel Pre Road from Layhill Road (Md. 182) to Georgia Avenue (Md. 97), on the south side of Bel Pre Road from Georgia Avenue (Md. 97) to Beaverwood Lane, on the south side of Bel Pre Road from Beaverwood Lane to a point 230' east of Beaverwood Lane (east P/L of 2816), on the south side of Bel Pre Road from a point 360' west of Rippling Brook Drive to Rippling Brook Drive, on the south side of Bel Pre Road from Rippling Brook Drive to a point 310' east of Rippling Brook Drive, on the south side of Bel Pre Road from a point 515' east of Rippling Brook Drive to North Gate Drive (a distance of 140'), on the south side of Bel Pre Road from North Gate Drive to Layhill Road (Md. 182), and on all sides of the driveways and service areas of Argyle Junior High School. Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Bel Pre Road from 60' west of Janice Drive to 60' east of Janice Drive, on the north side of Bel Pre Road from 100' east of the extended east curb line of Arctic Avenue to 60' west of the extended west curb line of Arctic Avenue, on the south side of Bel Pre Road from 100' west of Arctic Avenue to 100' east of Arctic Avenue, on the north side of Bel Pre Road from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 535' west of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the north side of Bel Pre Road from 100' east of Chesterfield Road to 50' west of Chesterfield Road, on the southwest side of Bel Pre Road from 100' northwest of Melinda Lane to 50' southeast of Melinda Lane, on the south side of Bel Pre Road from London Lane to Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the north side of Bel Pre Road from Layhill Road (MD 182) to Georgia Avenue (MD 97), and on the south side of Bel Pre Road from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to Layhill Road (MD 182). Remove No Parking 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM Monday - Friday on the south side of Bel Pre Road from a point 230' east of Beaverwood Lane to a point 360' west of Rippling Brook Drive (west P/L of 2608) a distance of 920') and on the south side of Bel Pre Road from a point 310' east of Rippling Brook Drive to a point 515' east of Rippling Brook Drive. Remove No Left Turn on eastbound Bel Pre Road at the first driveway (McDonalds) east of the signalized intersection of Bel Pre Road and the Plaza Del Mercado driveway and for westbound Bel Pre Road at the western most driveway to the Strathmore House condominiums (70' west of the extended west curbline of Homecrest Road). Install No Left Turn for eastbound traffic on Bel Pre Road at the first driveway (McDonalds) east of the signalized intersection of Bel Pre Road and the Plaza Del Mercado driveway. Remove Right Turn Only onto Bel Pre Road from the first driveway (McDonalds) east of the signalized intersection of Bel Pre Road and the Plaza Del Mercado driveway. Install Right Turn Only from the first Plaza Del Mercado driveway (McDonalds) east of the signalized intersection of Bel Pre Road onto Bel Pre Road. Remove One Way for the Argyle Junior High School driveway from Bel Pre Road to Bel Pre Road in a counter clockwise direction and for the lower level driveway in front of the Argyle Junior High School from the west drive counter clockwise to the east drive. Remove Buses Only 8:30 AM to 4:00 pm School Days for the lower level driveway in front of the Argyle Junior High School from the west driveway counter clockwise to Bel Pre Road. Effective Date: 11/23/09
MCEO NO. 271-09: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated location. Install Stop on northeast bound Mitchell Road at Sweetbriar Parkway. Effective Date: 11/30/09
MCEO NO. 280-09: DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL - FY10 Appropriation and Transfer. It is ordered that the FY10 Department of Liquor Control working capital is as follows: Personnel Costs - $24,245,040, Operating Expense - $14,429,960 Capital Outlay - $2,228,260. Total working capital is $40,903,260. It is ordered that the Director of Finance transfer from the Liquor Control fund to the General Fund, at the end of each of the first three quarters of the fiscal year, an amount equal to one fourth of the amount of $30,035,382. This amount includes the transfer for: earnings of $23,210,750; technology modernization costs of $740,600; overhead of $2,424,500; and debt service costs of $3,659,532. The County Executive on the advice of the Department of Liquor Control, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Department of Finance will determine the final quarterly transfer at the end of the fiscal year. Effective Date: 12/08/09