Executive Orders

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MCEO NO. 269-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -Traffic Order - Germantown Thru Streets.  Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets.  REMOVE Street:  Richter Farm Road from Great Seneca Highway (MD 119) to Germantown Road (MD 118).  INSTALL Street:  Richter Farm Road from Great Seneca Highway (MD 119) to Cricket Hill Drive/Northwest High School Driveway.  INSTALL Street:  Richter Farm Road from Cricket Hill Drive/Northwest High School Driveway to Germantown Road (MD 118).  Effective Date: 12/2/10


MCEO NO. 270-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove Stop for northeast bound and southwest bound traffic on Coachmans Road at Rockingham Road.  Install Stop for westbound traffic on Shearwater Place at Cricket Hill Drive, for northbound traffic on Stonebridge Terrace at Cricket Hill Drive, for eastbound traffic on Sanderling Place at Cricket Hill Drive, for northbound traffic on Marble Hill Place at Sanderling Place, for southbound traffic on Comorant Lane at Sanderling Place, for southbound traffic on Sanderling Court at Sanderling Place, for eastbound traffic on Black Stallion Way at Sanderling Place, for southbound traffic on Parreco Farm Drive at Red Rocks Drive, for northbound traffic on Parreco Farm Drive at Crownsgate Circle, for eastbound traffic on Parreco Farm Court at Parreco Farm Drive,  for eastbound traffic on Crownsgate Way at Crownsgate Circle and for northbound and southbound traffic on Rockingham Road at Coachmans Road.  Effective Date:  12/2/10


MCEO NO. 272-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install 3 Hour Parking 9AM-5PM Monday-Friday on both sides of Luxmanor Road from Tilden Lane to Neilwood Drive.  Effective Date:  12/7/10


MCEO NO. 273-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Rescind all regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders:  41-90, on the southwest side of Fenton Street from Cameron Street to Colesville Road.  Install No Standing Any Time on the southwest side of Fenton Street from Cameron Street to a point 55 feet southeast of Cameron Street and on the southwest side of Fenton Street from a point 236 feet southeast of Cameron Street to a point 332 feet southeast of Cameron Street.  Install One-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the southwest side of Fenton Street from a point 55 feet southeast of Cameron Street to a point 236 feet southeast of Cameron Street and on the southwest side of Fenton Street from a point 332 feet southeast of Cameron Street to a point 368 feet southeast of Cameron Street.  Install on the southwest side of Fenton Street from a point 332 feet southeast of Cameron Street to a point 368 feet southeast of Cameron Street.  Install No Parking Any Time on the southwest side of Fenton Street from a point 368 feet southeast of Cameron Street to Colesville Road.  Effective Date:  12/14/10


MCEO NO. 274-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove No Parking Any Time on the north side of Price Avenue from Fern Street to a point 30 feet west of Fern Street and on the north side of Price Avenue from a point 154 feet west of Fern Street to a point 33 feet west of Elkin Street.  Remove One-Hour Parking 9am-6pm Except Sunday on the north side of Price Avenue from a point 30 feet west of Fern Street to a point 154 feet west of Fern Street.  Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Price Avenue from Fern Street to a point 35 feet west of Fern Street and on the north side of Price Avenue from a point 161 feet west of Fern Street to Elkin Street (45 feet).  Install Two-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the north side of Price Avenue from a point 35 feet west of Fern Street to a point 161 feet west of Fern Street.  Effective Date:  12/17/10


MCEO NO. 275-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove No Parking Any Time on the south side of Hampden Lane from Arlington Road to Woodmont Avenue.  Remove One-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the south side of Hampden Lane from Arlington Road to Woodmont Avenue.  Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Hampden Lane from Arlington Road to a point 148 feet east of Arlington Road, on the south side of Hampden Lane from a point 224 feet east of Arlington Road to a point 260 feet east of Arlington Road, on the south side of Hampden Lane from a point 386 feet east of Arlington Road to a point 432 feet east of Arlington Road, on the south side of Hampden Lane from a point 449 feet east of Arlington Road to a point 549 feet east of Arlington Road and on the south side of Hampden Lane from a point 604 feet east of Arlington Road to Woodmont Avenue (40 feet).  Install One-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the south side of Hampden Lane from a point 148 feet east of Arlington Road to a point 224 feet east of Arlington Road, on the south side of Hampden Lane from a point 260 feet east of Arlington Road to a point 386 feet east of Arlington Road, on the south side of Hampden Lane from a point 432 feet east of Arlington Road to a point 449 feet east of Arlington Road and on the south side of Hampden Lane from a point 549 feet east of Arlington Road to a point 604 feet east of Arlington Road.  Effective Date:  12/14/10


MCEO NO. 276-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Bel Pre Road between the driveway to 4101 Bel Pre Road and London Lane.  Effective Date:  12/17/10


MCEO NO. 277-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install Stop for eastbound traffic on Cory Terrace at the end of the loop at Cory Terrace.  Effective Date:  12/23/10


MCEO NO. 278-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove No Parking Any Time on the west side of Thundercloud Road from Bubbling Spring Road to Kings Crossing Boulevard.  Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Thundercloud Road from Kings Crossing Boulevard to Bubbling Spring Road.  Effective Date:  12/21/10


MCEO NO. 279-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install No Parking Any Time on the west side of Walden Road from 80 feet north of Plymouth Street to Plymouth Street, on the east side of Walden Road from 35 feet south of the extended southern curb line of Plymouth Street to 55 feet north of the extended northern curb line of Plymouth Street, on the north side of Plymouth Street from Walden Road to 50 feet west of Walden Road and on the south side of Plymouth Street from 45 feet west of Walden Road to Walden Road.  Effective Date:  12/21/10


MCEO NO. 280-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Install School Zone on Batchellors Forest Road from Norbeck Farm Drive to 600' north of the northern driveway for Farquhar Middle School.  Install Fines Double School Days 7:15 AM-4PM on Batchellors Forest Road from Norbeck Farm Drive to 600' north of the northern driveway for Farquhar Middle School.  Rescind all traffic and parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders:  1599, 171-75, on the William H. Farquhar Middle School property (formerly identified as William H. Farquhar Junior High School).  Effective Date:  12/30/10


MCEO NO. 281-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Rescind all regulations including but not limited to the following traffic orders:  66-91, on the east side of Cameron Street from Georgia Avenue to Fenton Street.  Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Cameron Street from Georgia Avenue to a point 45 feet north of Georgia Avenue and on the east side of Cameron Street from a point 206 feet north of Georgia Avenue to Fenton Street (168 feet).  Install Two-Hour Parking 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Except Sunday on the east side of Cameron Street from a point 45 feet north of Georgia Avenue to a point 206 feet north of Georgia Avenue.  Effective Date:  01/06/11


MCEO NO. 282-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - River Road/MD 190 Proposed Pedestrian Path (CIP #506747).  Order for the construction of a pedestrian/bicycle path to provide safe travel along the north side of River Road/MD190 from 10705 River Road to River Oaks Lane, located in Potomac, Maryland within the 10th Election District.  The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of an asphalt path under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program).  The path will be eight feet wide and will conform to ADA requirements.  The total length of the path is 450 linear feet.  River Road is classified as a major highway and has approximately 120 feet of public right-of-way.  The existing roadway is approximately 26 feet wide.  There are approximately 47 feet of available public right-of-way on the north side of River Road.  There will be a variable width green space located between the new path and the edge of the roadway.  Every effort will be made during construction to cause minimal disturbance within the public right-of-way and to the adjacent properties.  A Public Hearing was conducted on the project 5/10/2010 and the Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project.  The County Executive hereby proposes that the total cost of the project, to be determined by final accounting after construction has been completed, shall be distributed in the approximate amounts as follows:  $31,478.00 for construction costs and G.O. bonds, $ N/A for costs to be assessed for special benefit against applicable properties, $3,147.00 administrative and construction inspection costs and G.O. bonds, $34,625.00 total estimated cost of the project, including engineering, site improvements and construction.  Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $34,625.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747.  Effective Date:  12/21/2010


MCEO NO. 284-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Public Hearing - Central Avenue Sidewalk Project (CIP #506747).  A public hearing was held before the County Executive's designee at 3:00 p.m. on January 06, 2011 in the lobby level auditorium of the Executive Office Building at 101 Monroe Street in Rockville, Maryland, 20850.  The purpose of the hearing was to consider a proposal to install a sidewalk along Central Avenue and Oakmont Street from South Frederick Avenue (MD 355) to the Washington Grove MARC Train Station, located in the 3rd election district.  Project related data and files are available for examination in the offices of the Department of Transportation, 100 Edison Park Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland.  The phone number is 240-777-7270.  Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project, shall not exceed $580,000.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP Project No. 506747.  The sole purpose of this hearing was to obtain public comments to assist the County Executive in determining whether or not to authorize construction of the project.  Effective Date:  01/04/11


MCEO NO. 285-10:  DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING SERVICES - Street Acceptance of Roads for Maintenance MCDPS Permit Nos. 241102, 241103, 241104, 241105.  This Executive Order certifies that construction of the following named streets has been completed in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Montgomery County Road Construction Code as specified in the above-captioned permit.  The materials used in the construction of these streets were tested and found to be in compliance with County Specifications.  Subdivision: WOODCREST, Permit No. 241102, Snowden Farm Parkway.  Subdivision: WOODCREST, Permit No. 241103, Dutrow Drive.  Subdivision: WOODCREST, Permit No. 241104, Bennett Chase Drive and Woodcrest Manor Way.  Subdivision: WOODCREST, Permit No. 241105, Bennett Chase Drive and Bennett Chase Court.  It is recommended that Montgomery County, Maryland, accept the roads described above for maintenance.  Effective Date:  12/22/10


MCEO NO. 286-10:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -Public Hearing - Abandonment of Portion of Blunt Road - Germantown.  A public hearing will be held before the County Executive or his designee at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 16, 2011, in the EOB Lobby Auditorium, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland  20850.  The purpose of the hearing is to consider an application received from Islamic Society of Germantown, the Applicant, seeking abandonment of a portion of Blunt Road adjoining property owned by or under contract to the Applicant in Germantown.  Effective Date:  12/28/2010




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