Executive Orders

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MCEO NO. 76-11:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove Stop on Hardy Avenue so as to require eastbound and westbound traffic to stop at Judson Road, on Hardy Avenue so as to stop east and westbound traffic at Ivanhoe Street, on Harris Avenue so as to require eastbound and westbound traffic to stop at Judson Road, on Harris Avenue at Ivanhoe Street so as to stop east and westbound traffic on Harris Avenue, on Henderson Court so as to require northbound traffic to stop at Henderson Avenue, on Higby Street so as to stop westbound traffic at Blueridge Avenue, on Higby Street so as to stop eastbound and westbound traffic at Byron Street, on Ivanhoe Street so as to require northwest bound traffic to stop at Henderson Avenue, on Ivanhoe Street so as to require southeast bound traffic to stop at Parker Avenue, on Ivydale Street so as to stop northbound and southbound traffic at Blueridge Avenue, on Ivydale Street so as to stop northbound and southbound traffic at Byron Street, on Judson Court so as to require southbound traffic to stop at Judson Road on Judson Road at Flack Street so as to stop southbound traffic on Judson Road, on Judson Road at Randolph Road so as to stop north and southbound traffic on Judson Road, on Judson Road at Lindell Street so as to stop northeast and southwest bound traffic on Judson Road, on Judson Road so as to stop northeast and southwest bound traffic on Judson Road at Weisman Road, on Judson Road so as to stop southbound traffic at Medway Street, on Kendall Court so as to stop southeast bound traffic at Kendall Street, on Kendall Street at Randolph Road so as to stop northbound traffic on Kendall Street, on Kendall Street at Lindell Street so as to stop north and southbound traffic on Kendall Street, on Kingswell Drive at Kendall Street so as to stop westbound traffic on Kingswell Drive, on Kingswell Drive so as to require east and westbound traffic to stop at Livingston Street, on Kingswell Drive so as to require eastbound traffic to stop at Judson Road, on Lindell Court at Lindell Street so as to stop eastbound traffic on Lindell Court, on Lindell Street at Randolph Road so as to stop northwest bound traffic on Lindell Street, on Livingston Street at Sheraton Street so as to stop north and southbound traffic on Livingston Street, on Livingston Street at Randolph Road so as to stop northeast and southbound traffic on Livingston Street, on Livingston Street so as to require northeast bound and southwest bound traffic to stop at Henderson Avenue, on Mason Street at Lindell Street so as to stop southwest bound traffic on Mason Street, on Mason Street so as to stop eastbound and westbound traffic at Grandview Avenue, on Milton Street at Claridge Road so as to stop eastbound traffic on Milton Street, on Newton Street at Lindell Street so as to stop east and west bound traffic on Newton Street, on Newton Street at Kendall Street so as to stop east and west bound traffic on Newton Street, on Newton Road at Livingston Street so as to stop northeast and southwest bound traffic on Newton Road, on Newton Street at Judson Road so as to stop northwest and southeast bound traffic on Newton Street, on Newton Street at Grandview Avenue so as to stop eastbound traffic on Newton Street, on Newton Street so as to stop eastbound traffic at Grandview Avenue, on Paul Drive so as to stop east and westbound traffic at Pendleton Drive, on Paul Drive at Newport Mill Road so as to stop southeast bound traffic on Paul Drive, on Radius Road so as to require east and westbound traffic to stop at Livingston Street, on Sherrie Lane at Fenimore Road so as to stop northbound traffic on Sherrie Lane, on Valleywood Court at Valleywood Drive so as to stop eastbound traffic on Valleywood Court, on Valleywood Drive at Holdridge Road so as to stop eastbound traffic on Valleywood Drive, on Valleywood Drive at Kayson Street so as to stop northwest and southeast bound traffic on Valleywood Drive, on Valleywood Drive at Weller Road so as to stop north and southbound traffic on Valleywood Drive, on Valleywood Drive at Dalewood Drive so as to stop southbound traffic on Valleywood Drive, on Valleywood Drive at Hathaway Drive so as to stop north bound traffic on Valleywood Drive, on Weisman Road so as to require eastbound and westbound traffic to stop at Kendall Street, on the Weisman Road protrusion for house numbers 2705-2709 so as to require southbound traffic to stop at Weisman Road, on the Weisman Road protrusion for house numbers 2803-2807 so as to require southbound traffic to stop at Weisman Road, on the Weisman Road protrusion for house numbers 2905-2907 so as to require southbound traffic to stop at Weisman Road and on the Weisman Road protrusion for house numbers 2919-2923 so as to require southbound traffic to stop at Weisman Road.  Install Stop for westbound traffic on Hardy Avenue at Medway Street, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Hardy Avenue at Judson Road, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Hardy Avenue at Ivanhoe Street, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Harris Avenue at Judson Road, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Harris Avenue at Ivanhoe Street, for northbound traffic on the Henderson Avenue spur at Judson Road, for westbound traffic on Higby Street at Blueridge Avenue, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Higby Street at Byron Street, for northbound and southbound traffic on Ivydale Street at Blueridge Avenue, for northbound and southbound traffic on Ivydale Street at Byron Street, for southbound traffic on Judson Court at Judson Road, for northbound traffic on Judson Road at Henderson Avenue, for southbound traffic on Judson Road at Medway Street, for southeast bound traffic on Kendall Court at Kendall Street, for westbound traffic on Kingswell Drive at Kendall Street, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Kingswell Drive at Livingston Street, for eastbound traffic on Kingswell Drive at Judson Road, for westbound traffic on Kramer Street at Medway Street, for northbound and southbound traffic on Livingston Street at Sheraton Street, for southwest bound traffic on Livingston Street at Medway Street, for northbound traffic on Lytle Street at Medway Street, for southbound traffic on Mason Street at Lindell Street, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Mason Street at Grandview Avenue, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Newton Street at Kendall Street, for eastbound traffic on Newton Street at Grandview Avenue, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Paul Drive at Pendleton Drive, for eastbound and westbound traffic on Radius Road at Livingston Street, for northbound traffic on Sherrie Lane at Fenimore Road, for eastbound traffic on Valleywood Court at Valleywood Drive, for eastbound traffic on Valleywood Drive at Holdridge Road, for northwest bound and southeast bound traffic on Valleywood Drive at Kayson Street, : for northbound and southbound traffic on Valleywood Drive at Weller Road, for southbound traffic on Valleywood Drive at Dalewood Drive, for northbound traffic on Valleywood Drive at Hathaway Drive and for eastbound traffic on Weisman Road at Kendall Street.  Remove Four-Way Stop on Judson Road and on Lindell Street so as to stop all approaches to the intersection, on Judson Road and on Weisman Road so as to stop all approaches to the intersection, on Lindell Street and Livingston Street so as to stop northeast, southwest, northwest and southeast bound traffic and on Livingston Street and on Weisman Road at their intersection so as to require all traffic to stop at the intersection.  Remove No Parking Any Time on the east side of Judson Road from Hardy Avenue to a point 75' north of Hardy Avenue, on the west side of Judson Road from Hardy Avenue to a point 100' south of Hardy Avenue, on the west side of Judson Road from a point 50' north of Sheraton Street to Sheraton Street, on the east side of Kendall Street from Kingswell Drive to a point 100' northward, on the east side of Kendall Street from Weisman Road to a point 75' north of Weisman Road, on the southwest side of Paul Drive from Pendleton Drive to 150' northwest of Pendleton Drive, on the west side of Valleywood Drive from Dalewood Drive southward to the dead end of Valleywood Drive 150 feet south of the south curb line of Farnell Drive extended and on both sides of the median and on the median of Valleywood Drive from Andrew Street to Weisman Road.  Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Judson Road from Hardy Avenue to 75 feet north of Hardy Avenue, on the west side of Judson Road from Hardy Avenue to l00 feet south of Hardy Avenue, on the east side of Kendall Street from Kingswell Drive to 100 feet north of Kingswell Drive, on the east side of Kendall Street from Weisman Road to 75 feet north of Weisman Road, on the west side of Valleywood Drive from the road terminus south of Farnell Drive to Dalewood Drive, on all sides of the median of Valleywood Drive from Weisman Road to Henderson Avenue and on all sides of the median of Valleywood Drive from Henderson Avenue to Andrew Street.  Install All Way Stop at the intersection of Judson Road and Lindell Street, at the intersection of Judson Road and Weisman Road, at the intersection of Lindell Street and Livingston Street and at the intersection of Livingston Street and Weisman Road.  Remove Yield on Kingswell Court so as to require southbound traffic to yield at Kingswell Drive, on Livingston Street at Urbana Drive to control eastbound traffic on Livingston Street and on Radius Road so as to require northbound traffic to yield at Kingswell Drive (westernmost intersection).  Install Yield for southbound traffic on Kingswell Court at Kingswell Drive.  Remove One-Way on Kingtree Street so as to require traffic to flow in the southwesterly direction from Judson Road (and Medway Street) to Lytle Street, for Leona Street between Medway Street and Lytle Street so as to make Leona Street one way in a southwesterly direction, southwest bound on Milton Street from Claridge Road to Claridge Road, on Munson Street between Livingston Street and Kendall Street so as to make Munson Street one-way in a westerly direction, on Valleywood Drive between Famell Drive and Gaylor Place so as to make Valleywood Drive one way in the northerly direction, on Valleywood Drive at Andrew Street, Good Hill Road and Clay Street so as to indicate that Northwest lane of Valleywood Drive is one way Southbound and on southeast bound Weisman Road from Berry Street to Kendall Street.  Install One-Way on Kingtree Street in a southwest bound direction from Judson Road/Medway Street to Lytle Street, on Leona Street in a southwest bound direction Street from Medway Street to Lytle Street, on Milton Street in a southeast bound direction from the northern intersection with Claridge Road to the southern intersection with Claridge Road, on Munson Street in a westbound direction from Livingston Street to Kendall Street, on Valleywood Drive in a northbound direction from Farnell Drive to Gaylor Place, on Valleywood Drive in a southbound direction from Andrew Street to Veirs Mill Road (MD 586) and on Weisman Road in an eastbound direction from Berry Street to Kendall Street.  Install Yield for eastbound traffic on Livingston Street at Urbana Drive and for northbound traffic on Radius Road at the western intersection with Kingswell Drive.  Remove No Parking on Sunday 9 AM to 1 PM on the east side of Paul Drive from Pendleton Drive to a point 150' southeastward.  Remove One-Way Arrow on the west lane of Valleywood Drive at Clay Street and at Henderson Avenue so as to indicate that the west lane of Valleywood Drive is one-way southbound.  Remove Do Not Enter on Valleywood Drive at Viers Mill Road so as to make the Northwest lane of Valleywood Drive one way southbound and on the east lane of Valleywood Drive at Weisman Road so as to make the east lane of Valleywood Drive one-way northbound.   Effective Date:  5/02/11


MCEO NO. 77-11:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations.  Remove One-Way on Blueridge Avenue from Elnora Street to Gait Avenue so as to make Blueridge Avenue one way in a southeasterly direction and on Blueridge Avenue from Gait Avenue to Wheaton Hill Road (in a southeasterly direction).  Install One-Way on Blueridge Avenue in a southeast bound direction from Elnora Street to Wheaton Hill Road.  Remove All-Way Stop on Blueridge Avenue and on Gait Avenue so as to require all traffic to stop at the intersection.  Remove Four Way Stop on Grandview Avenue and Blueridge Avenue so as to stop traffic on all approaches to the intersection and on Blueridge Avenue and Elkin Street so as to require all traffic to stop at the intersection.  Install All Way Stop for all traffic at the intersection of Blueridge Avenue and Gait Avenue, for all traffic at the intersection of Blueridge Avenue and Grandview Avenue and for all traffic at the intersection of Blueridge Avenue and Elkin Street.  Remove Stop on Blueridge Avenue at Amherst Avenue so as to stop east and west-bound traffic on Blueridge Avenue and on Blueridge Avenue so as to stop northbound and southbound traffic at Dawson Avenue.  Install Stop for eastbound and westbound traffic on Blueridge Avenue at Amherst Avenue.  Remove Left Turn Only for the left lane of eastbound and westbound Blueridge Avenue at Georgia Avenue (Md. 97).  Remove Left Turn, Through, and Right Turn for the right lane of eastbound and westbound Blueridge Avenue at Georgia Avenue (Md. 97).  Remove No Left Turn onto Blueridge Avenue from the Wheaton Shopping Center driveway located on the south side of Blueridge Avenue 20' south of Georgia Avenue. Install Left Turn Only for the left lane of eastbound Blueridge Avenue at Georgia Avenue (MD 97) and for the left lane of westbound Blueridge Avenue at Georgia Avenue (MD 97).  Install Left Turn, Through, and Right Turn for the right lane of eastbound Blueridge Avenue at Georgia Avenue (MD 97).  Install Through and Right Turn for the right lane of westbound Blueridge Avenue at Georgia Avenue (MD 97).  Remove No Parking Any Time on the north side of Blueridge Avenue from Georgia Avenue to a point 37 feet west of Georgia Avenue, on the north side of Blueridge Avenue from a point 99 feet west of Georgia Avenue to a point 149 feet west of Georgia Avenue, on the north side of Blueridge Avenue from a point 149 feet west of Georgia Avenue to a point 213 feet west of Georgia Avenue, on the south side of Blueridge Avenue from Grandview Avenue to Georgia Avenue, on both sides of Blueridge Avenue from Georgia Avenue to Elkin Street and on the south side of Blueridge Avenue from Elkin Street to a point 115' east of Elkin Street, on the north side of Blueridge Avenue from a point 155' east of Elkin Street to Elkin Street.  Remove Two Hour Parking 9 AM to 6 PM Except Sunday on the north side of Blueridge Avenue from a point 37 feet west of Georgia Avenue to a point 99 feet west of Georgia Avenue and on the north side of Blueridge Avenue from a point 213 feet west of Georgia Avenue to Grandview Avenue.  Install Two Hour Parking 9 AM to 6 PM Except Sunday on the north side of Blueridge Avenue from 37 feet west of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 99 feet west of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) and on the north side of Blueridge Avenue from 152 feet west of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 213 feet west of Georgia Avenue (MD 97).  Install No Parking Any Time on the north side of Blueridge Avenue from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 37 feet west of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the north side of Blueridge Avenue from 99 feet west of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to 152 feet west of Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the north side of Blueridge Avenue from 213 feet west of Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to Grandview Avenue, on the south side of Blueridge Avenue from Grandview Avenue to Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the south side of Blueridge Avenue from Grandview Avenue to Georgia Avenue (MD 97), on the south side of Blueridge Avenue from Elkin Street to 115 feet east of Elkin Street and on both sides of Blueridge Avenue from Georgia Avenue (MD 97) to Elkin Street.  Effective Date:  5/02/11


MCEO NO. 78-11:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with Freemont One Associates, LLC Brookeville Service Park, CIP No. 509928.  The Option Contract between Freemont One Associates, LLC and Montgomery County, Maryland for the purchase of land and granting of an easement for the above-referenced project is hereby accepted.  Liber/Folio 16773/466, Account No. 13-01-952366, Owner, Freemont One Associates, LLC, Fee Simple 32,058 s.f., Fee Simple Encumbered 15,459 s.f., Temporary Easement 8,478 s.f., Amount $566,979.00.  The County Attorney is hereby directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the fee simple and easement.  Effective Date:  5/22/11


MCEO NO. 102-11:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Cheshire Drive Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  Order pursuant to Section 49-54 of the Montgomery County Code (2004) as amended, the County Executive hereby finds that public interest requires the construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the north side of Cheshire Drive from Cheshire Terrace to Berkshire Drive, located in Bethesda, Maryland within Election District 7.  The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program).  The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to ADA requirements.  The total length of the sidewalk is 2300 linear feet.  Cheshire Drive is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 60 foot wide public right-of-way.  The existing roadway is approximately 26 feet wide.  There is approximately 17 feet of available public right-of-way on the north side of Cheshire Drive.  There will be a variable width greenspace located between the new sidewalk and the existing curb.  Every effort will be made throughout the construction phase to cause minimal disturbance within the public right-of-way and to the adjacent properties.  A Public Hearing was conducted on the project at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 1, 2010, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Council Office Building (COB) located at 100 Maryland Avenue, The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project.  Estimated cost of the proposed improvement and funding allocations thereof are as follows:  $97,647.00 construction costs and G.O. bonds, $N/A costs to be assessed for special benefit against applicable properties, $9,764.00 administrative and construction inspection costs and G.O. bonds, $107,411.00 total estimated cost of the project including engineering, site improvements and construction.  Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $107,411.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747.  Effective Date:  5/23/11


MCEO NO. 113-11:  DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - Disposition of Portion of Casey 6, Gaithersburg.  The County has agreed to dispose of a certain portion of real property acquired by the County with the purchase of the Casey 6 property identified as the "pipestem" and consisting of approximately 31,990 square feet of property located between property owned by Oakmont Limited Partnership and identified as Parcel P747 on tax map GT11 and the CSX railroad tracks.  The County Executive hereby directs the Department of General Services and the County Attorney to take all steps necessary to dispose of the "pipestem" with the following goals:  to settle the condemnation case described as Civil No. 330053 and dispose of the "pipestem" to Oakmont Limited Partnership at the negotiated settlement price of $114,000.  Effective Date:  5/23/11


MCEO NO. 126-11:  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Central Avenue Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747).  Order pursuant to Section 49-54 of the Montgomery County Code (2004) as amended, the County Executive hereby finds that public interest requires the installation of a sidewalk along Central Avenue and Oakmont Street from South Frederick Avenue (MD 355) to the Washington Grove MARC Train Station, located in the 3rd Election District of Montgomery County, Maryland.  The specific improvements are as follows:  Install safe, accessible and continuous sidewalk along the southeast side of Central Avenue and Oakmont Street.  The proposed sidewalk will be 5-feet wide with a grassed ditch between the edge of the road and the sidewalk, in open sections, and with curb and gutter in closed sections.  The total length of the sidewalk will be approximately 4,500 linear feet. All sidewalk elements, including ramps and crossings, will be ADA compliant.  Provide more than 2,200 linear feet of curb and gutter; install new storm drain inlets and 1,400 linear feet of storm drain pipes.  A Public Hearing was held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 3:00 p.m. on January 6, 2011, in the Lobby Level Auditorium of the Executive Office Building located at 101 Monroe Street, in Rockville, Maryland.  The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project.  Estimated cost of the proposed improvement and funding allocations thereof are as follows:  $0.00 costs to be assessed for special benefit against applicable properties, $0.00 costs to be borne by WSSC as their share of system facility adjustment expenses, $0.00 costs to be borne by Federal Aid, $580,000.00 costs not otherwise incurred, to be borne by Montgomery County.  Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $580,000.00 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP Project No. 506747.  Effective Date:  6/8/11


MCEO NO. 131-11:  DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Adjustment to MPDU Sales Prices.  Section 25 A-7(a)(4) of the Montgomery County Code 2004, as amended, states that the County Executive may make interim adjustments in the maximum MPDU sales prices when changes in residential construction costs justify a modification to the prices.  Interim modifications must be based on the approved MPDU prices which are adjusted by the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index-All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the Washington-Baltimore Area, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor. MPDU Prices were established by Executive Order 35-90 and subsequently adjusted though Executive Orders 159- 92, 69-94,151-96,273-99, 72-01,262-02,106-04, and 204-05.  There have been significant increases in the cost of construction materials and products used in residential housing that justify an increase in the maximum sales prices of MPDUs.  There has been an 18.2 percent increase in the CPI-U from May 1, 2005 to May 1, 2011.  It is therefore ordered that a price per square foot increase of 18.2 percent be approved, and that the MPDU Minimum Pricing Standards and Minimum Specifications be updated accordingly.  Effective Date:  6/14/11



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