Montgomery County Register
January 1, 2012 Executive Orders
MCEO NO. 195-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Stopping Any Time on the south side of Robey Road from 50' west of the western most driveway to Greencastle Elementary School Bus Loop to 50' east of the western most driveway to Greencastle Elementary School Bus Loop, on the south side of Robey Road from 50' west of the eastern most driveway to Greencastle Elementary School Bus Loop to 50' east of the eastern most driveway to Greencastle Elementary School Bus Loop, on the south side of Robey Road from 50' west of the western most driveway to Greencastle Elementary School parking/student drop-off lot to 50' east of the western most driveway to Greencastle Elementary School parking/student drop-off lot and on the south side of Robey Road from 50' west of the eastern most driveway to Greencastle Elementary School driveway to the parking/student drop-off loop to 50' east of the eastern most driveway to Greencastle Elementary School driveway to the parking/student drop-off loop. Install No Stopping Any Time on the southeast side of Robey Road from 50' southwest of the western bus loop driveway for Greencastle Elementary School to 50' northeast of the western bus loop driveway for Greencastle Elementary School, on the southeast side of Robey Road from 50' southwest of the eastern bus loop driveway for Greencastle Elementary School to 50' northeast of the eastern bus loop driveway for Greencastle Elementary School, on the southeast side of Robey Road from 50' southwest of the western parking lot driveway for Greencastle Elementary School to 50' northeast of the western parking lot driveway for Greencastle Elementary School, on the southeast side of Robey Road from 50' southwest of the eastern parking lot driveway for Greencastle Elementary School to 100' northeast of the eastern parking lot driveway for Greencastle Elementary School and on the northwest side of Robey Road from 20' northeast of the mid-block crosswalk for Greencastle Elementary School to 20' southwest of the mid-block crosswalk for Greencastle Elementary School. Install No Stopping School Days 8AM-4PM on the southeast side of Robey Road from 50' northeast of the western bus loop driveway for Greencastle Elementary School to 50' southwest of the eastern bus loop driveway for Greencastle Elementary School, on the southeast side of Robey Road from 50' northeast of the eastern bus loop driveway for Greencastle Elementary School to 50' southwest of the western parking lot driveway for Greencastle Elementary School and on the southeast side of Robey Road from 50' northeast of the western parking lot driveway for Greencastle Elementary School to 50' southwest of the eastern parking lot driveway for Greencastle Elementary School. Install No U-Turn This Block for both directions of traffic on Robey Road from Briggs Chaney Road to Robey Terrace. Effective Date: 10/18/11
MCEO NO. 214-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Install No Stopping Any Time on the north side of Fernhill Road from 45' east of Joseph Mill Road to 40' west of Joseph Mill Road, on the south side of Fernhill Road from 35' west of Joseph Mill Road to 45' east of Joseph Mill Road, on the east side of Joseph Mill Road from 60' south of Fernhill Road to 35' north of Femhill Road and on the west side of Joseph Mill Road from 90' north Femhill Road to 40' south of Fernhill Road. Rescind all traffic and parking regulations including but not limited to the following traffic order: 157-83, on the Viers Mill Elementary School property. Effective Date: 11/1/11
MCEO NO. 215-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Left Turn on eastbound Montrose Road at Evelyn Drive. Install No Left Turn Except School Buses on eastbound Montrose Road at Evelyn Drive. Effective Date: 11/22/11
MCEO NO. 216-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Parking School Days 8AM-1PM on both sides of Hurdle Hill Drive from Post House Court to Powder Horn Drive and on both sides of Hurdle Hill Drive between Hunt Club Drive and Post House Court. Install No Parking School Days 8AM-1PM on the north side of Hurdle Hill Drive from the eastern property line of 11108 Hurdle Hill Drive to Hunt Club School Drive and on the south side of Hurdle Hill Drive from Red Coat Lane to Hunt Club Drive. Effective Date: 11/16/11
MCEO NO. 217-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Parking Any Time on the south and west sides of Arliss Street from 440' east of Flower Avenue to 820' southeast of Flower Avenue. Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Arliss Street from 380' east of Flower Avenue to 645' east of Flower Avenue. Effective Date: 11/17/11
MCEO NO. 218-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Install No Parking Any Time on both sides of Oak Leaf Drive from Columbia Pike (US 29) to 115' north of Columbia Pike (US 29). Effective Date: 11/17/11
MCEO NO. 219-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Install No Parking Any Time on the east side of Flower Avenue from Piney Branch Road (MD 320) to 260' north of Piney Branch Road (MD 320), on the east side of Flower Avenue from 370' north of Piney Branch Road (MD 320) to Arliss Street, on the west side of Flower Avenue from Plymouth Street to 257' north of Piney Branch Road (MD 320), on the west side of Flower Avenue from 237' north of Piney Branch Road (MD 320) to 210' north of Piney Branch Road (MD 320) and on the west side of Flower Avenue from 134' north of Piney Branch Road (MD 320) to Piney Branch Road (MD 320). Install 1 Hour Parking 9AM-5PM Monday - Friday on the east side of Flower Avenue from 260' north of Piney Branch Road (MD 320) to 370' north of Piney Branch Road (MD 320), on the west side of Flower Avenue from 257' north of Piney Branch Road (MD 320) to 237' north of Piney Branch Road (MD 320) and on the west side of Flower Avenue from 210' north of Piney Branch Road (MD 320) to 134' north of Piney Branch Road (MI) 320). Effective Date: 11/17/11
MCEO NO. 220-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Parking Any Time on the south side of Wayne Avenue from Cedar Street to a point 100' east of Cedar Street. Remove No Parking 4PM-6PM Monday - Friday on the south side of Wayne Avenue from a point 100' east of Cedar Street to 100' west of Dale Drive and on the south side of Wayne Avenue from 100' east of Cedar Street to Dartmouth Avenue. Install No Parking Any Time on the south side of Wayne Avenue from Cedar Street to 165' east of Cedar Street. Install No Parking 4PM-6PM Monday - Friday on the south side of Wayne Avenue from 165' east of Cedar Street to Dartmouth Avenue. Effective Date: 11/29/11
MCEO NO. 221-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Install Stop for northwest bound traffic on Broomhall Lane at Birchtree Lane (northern intersection), for southbound traffic on Broomhall Lane at Birchtree Lane (southern intersection), for eastbound traffic on Bustleton Lane at Birchtree Lane, for eastbound traffic on Beret Lane at Birchtree Lane, for southbound traffic on Bethpage Lane at Hewitt Avenue and for southeast bound traffic on Bluff Point Lane at Hewitt Avenue. Remove Yield on Burning Bush Lane so as to yield northbound and southbound traffic at Village Lane. Install Yield for northbound and southbound traffic on Burning Bush Lane at Village Lane. Install School Zone on Beaverwood Lane from Beechvue Lane (northern intersection) to road end. Install Fines Double School Days 8AM-4PM on Beaverwood Lane from Beechvue Lane (northern intersection) to road end. Install No Stopping Any Time on the southeast side of Beaverwood Lane from 35' southwest of the northeast driveway to Strathmore Elementary School to 35' northeast of the northeast driveway to Strathmore Elementary School, on the southeast side of Beaverwood Lane from 35' southwest of Birchtree Lane (southwest intersection) to 35' northeast of Birchtree Lane (southwest intersection), on the west side of Beaverwood Lane from Bel Pre Road to 120' south of Bel Pre Road and on both sides of Birchtree Lane from 50' south of Beaverwood Lane (southwest intersection) to Beaverwood Lane (southwest intersection). Remove No Motorized Vehicles Beyond This Point for the public walkway extending between Blair Stone Lane and Breeze Hill Lane. Install No Motorized Vehicles Beyond This Point for the public walkway extending between Blair Stone Lane and Breeze Hill Lane. Rescind all traffic and parking regulations including but not limited to: 1783, on the Strathmore Elementary School property. Effective Date: 11/30/11
MCEO NO. 222-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont Thru Streets. Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. REMOVE Street: Hewitt Avenue from Georgia Avenue to Rippling Brook Drive. INSTALL Street: Hewitt Avenue from Georgia Avenue to Rippling Brook Drive. REMOVE Street: Beaverwood Lane from Bel Pre Road to and (Thru) Birchtree Lane. INSTALL Street: Beaverwood Lane from Bel Pre Road to and through Birchtree Lane (southwest intersection). Effective Date: 11/30/11
MCEO NO. 223-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove Speed Limit 35 When Flashing 6:30-9:30AM 2-4PM on Randolph Road from Glenmont Circle to Tivoli Lake Boulevard. Install Speed Limit 35 When Flashing 6:30-8AM 1:30-3PM on Randolph Road from Glenmont Circle to Tivoli Lake Boulevard. Effective Date: 12/1/11
MCEO NO. 225-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with Joseph C. Traini and Elizabeth C. Traini New Hampshire Avenue Bikepath, CIP No. 507596. The Option Contract between Joseph C. and Elizabeth C. Traini and Montgomery County, Maryland conveys a perpetual bikepath easement across the property owned by the Traini's to the County. The Owners have agreed to donate the land necessary for the easement in exchange for compensation based on the estimated costs to install a fence and landscaping on the property. The agreed upon compensation of $9,250 represents those estimated costs. Liber/Folio 38313/393, Account No. 05-00282803, Property Owner Joseph C. Traini and Elizabeth C. Traini, Perpetual Easement 2,609.93 s.f., Amount $0.00, Landscaping and Fence $9,250.00. The County Attorney is hereby directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easements. Effective Date: 11/29/11
MCEO NO. 226-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Marywood and Kirkdale Roads Proposed Sidewalk (CIP #506747). Order pursuant to Section 49-54 of the Montgomery County Code (2004) as amended, the County Executive hereby finds that public interest requires construction of a sidewalk to provide safe pedestrian travel along the south side of Marywood Road from Fernwood Road to Kirkdale Road and continue on the west side of Kirkdale to Wilmett Road, located in Bethesda, Maryland within the 7th Election District. The Director of the Department of Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a concrete sidewalk under Capital Improvement Project No. 506747 (Annual Sidewalk Program). The sidewalk will be five feet wide and will conform to ADA requirements. The total length of the proposed sidewalk is 1,260 linear feet. Marywood Road is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 60 foot wide public right-of-way. The existing roadway is approximately 24' wide. There is approximately 18' of available public right-of-way on the south side of Marywood Road. Kirkdale Road is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 60 foot wide public right-of-way. The existing roadway is approximately 24' wide. There is approximately 18' of available public right-of-way on the west side of Kirkdale Road. There will be a variable width greenspace located between the new sidewalk and the edge of the roadway. Every effort will be made during construction to cause minimal disturbance within the public right-of-way and to the adjacent properties. A Public Hearing was held before the County Executive (or his designee) at 11:15 a.m. on Monday, May 10, 2010, in the first floor auditorium of the Council Office Building located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval of the project. The County Executive hereby proposes that the total cost of the project, to be determined by final accounting after construction has been completed, shall be distributed in the approximate amounts as follows: $58,149.00 construction costs and G.O. bonds, $N/A costs to be assessed for special benefit against applicable properties, $5,114.00 administrative and construction inspection costs and G.O. bonds, $63,263.00 total estimated cost of the project including engineering, site improvements and construction. Unless otherwise approved by the County, expenditures authorized by this Order plus expenditures accrued to date for this project shall not exceed $63,263.00 and shall be made payable funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747. Effective Date: 11/29/11
MCEO NO. 227-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Gaithersburg. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Install Stop for northbound traffic on Bramble Bush Drive at Green Run Way. Effective Date: 12/5/11
MCEO NO. 228-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -Traffic Order - Gaithersburg Thru Streets. Directs to erect and/or remove the following traffic control establishing those streets or parts of street as through streets, thereby granting right-of-way to traffic on said streets or parts of street at all intersecting streets. INSTALL Street: Bramble Bush Drive from Goshen Road to Green Run Way. Effective Date: 12/5/11
MCEO NO. 229-11: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. Order for traffic control signs directs to install and/or remove the following traffic, and/or parking control devices at the designated locations. Remove No Standing Any Time on the north side of Allan Terrace from 40' east of the eastern most driveway to Westbrook Elementary School to 20' west of the southern most driveway for Westbrook Elementary School. Install No Stopping Any Time on the northwest side of Allan Terrace from 40' east of the eastern most driveway for Westbrook Elementary School to Baltimore Avenue. Effective Date: 12/6/11