Adopted Executive Regulation

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MCER NO. 9-04AM:  ADOPTED OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES REGULATION - Amendments to Montgomery County Personnel Regulations on Multilingual Pay, Service Increment Dates, Annual and Sick Leave, and Promotion

SUMMARY:  This regulation amends MCPR Section 10 Employee Compensation, to incorporate information about multilingual pay differentials; Section 12 to establish service increment dates for employees who leave MLS positions; Section 16 to clarify the initial employment date for annual leave accrual; Sections 16 and 17 to clarify that employees who leave MLS positions retain accrued PTO and earn annual and sick leave; and Section 27 to clarify the policy on promotion.  The adopted regulation supersedes 12-00AMII in part.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 9-04AM, Amendments to Montgomery County Personnel Regulations on Multilingual Pay, Service Increment Dates, Annual and Sick Leave, and Promotion, was approved by the County Council according to the Method 2 process, effective January 18, 2005.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 33-7(b). 
Method 1.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Debra Boyd, Office of Human Resources, Labor Team, EOB, 7th Floor, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville Maryland  20850;

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