Adopted Executive Regulation |
MCER NO. 9-05: ADOPTED DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING SERVICES REGULATION - Schedule of Fees for Permits, Licenses and Inspections SUMMARY: This regulation, in general, increases by 6.4% permit and license fees that cover the administration, plan-review and enforcement programs of the Department of Permitting Services. The current policy of increasing fees for inflation only is not sufficient to cover department cost increases. A change in revenue policy which would link fee increases more closely to labor cost increases, is proposed to address the department's funding needs. New fees added to the executive regulation are fees for small land disturbing activities other than the construction of a primary building or engineered sediment control plan as determined by the department; and fees for review and approval of stormwater management as-built plans. Section VII Indexing of Fees to Labor Cost Increases has also been added. Revisions to clarify existing fee descriptions have been made throughout the executive regulation. The adopted regulation supersedes 14-03. ACTION: Executive Regulation 9-05, Schedule of Fees for Permits Licenses and Inspections, was promulgated according to the Method 3 process, and becomes effective July 1, 2005. AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD: Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 49-38, 19-6, 19-45, 19-67, 30-11, 27A-5(e). Method 3. COPIES OF THE REGULATION: A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Serena James, Department of Permitting Services, Division of Casework Management, 255 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor, Rockville, Maryland 20850; 240/777-6280.