Adopted Executive Regulations

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MCER NO. 11-03AM:  ADOPTED OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES REGULATION -  Amendments to MCPR Section 34 to Incorporate AP No. 4-4, Grievance Procedure, Other Amendments to MCPR Sections 7, 10, 16, and 35

SUMMARY:  This regulation amends MCPR Section 34, Grievances, by incorporating Administrative Procedure No. 4-4, Grievance Procedure, amends MCPR Section 7 regarding severance pay for probationary employees who are terminated; adds to Section 16 clarifying language concerning annual leave carry over limits, and includes minor amendments to MCPR  Section 10, Employee Compensation, and Section 35, Merit System Protection Board Appeals, Hearings, and Investigations.  The adopted regulation supersedes AP 4-4, Grievance Procedure.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 11-03AM, Amendments to MCPR Section 34 to Incorporate AP No. 4-4, Grievance Procedure, Other Amendments to MCPR Sections 7, 10, 16, and 35, was approved by the County Council according to the Method 1 process, effective February 15, 2005.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 33-7(b). 
Method 1.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Debra Boyd, Office of Human Resources, Labor Team, EOB, 7th Floor, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland  20850; 240/777-5053.

MCER NO.  10-04:  ADOPTED DEPARTMENT OF POLICE  REGULATION - Possession, Sale, or Release of Northern Snakehead Fish

SUMMARY:  The purpose of this regulation is to permanently ban the possession, sale or release of live Northern Snakehead fish, establish a penalty for violation of this regulation, and abolish the amnesty period in which anyone in possession of such a fish can lawfully forfeit the fish to appropriate authorities without being prosecuted.  The adopted regulation supersedes 10-04T.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation  10-04, Possession, Sale or Release of Northern Snakehead Fish, processed according to the Method 2, became effective November 15, 2004.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 2A-14, 5-103.  Method  2.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from William Snoddy, Attorney, Department of Police, 2350 Research  Blvd., Rockville, Maryland  20850;  240/773-5000.


SUMMARY:  This regulation describes the residential recycling requirements for single-family and multi-family dwellings (including reporting requirements for multi-family property owners), nonresidential recycling and reporting requirements, and recycling requirements for collectors of solid waste and recyclable materials.  The adopted regulation supersedes 109-92AM.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 15-04, Residential and Commercial Recycling, was approved by the County Council according to the Method 1 process, effective February 8, 2005.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 48-6, 48-24, & 48-51.  Method 1.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Eileen Kao, Recycling Coordinator, Department of Public Works and Transportation, 10th Floor, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland; 240/777-6400.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Debra Boyd, Office of Human Resources, Labor Team, EOB, 7th Floor, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland  20850; 240/777-5053.

MCER NO.  18-04:  ADOPTED DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION  REGULATION - Collection, Transport, and Disposition of Solid Waste

SUMMARY:  This regulation establishes certain requirements pertaining to the collection, transport and disposition of solid waste and recyclable materials.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 18-04, Collection, Transportation, and Disposition of Solid Waste, was approved by the County Council according to the Method 1 process, effective February 8, 2005.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 48-51.  Method 1.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from William F. Davidson, Department of Public Works and Transportation, 101 Monroe Street, 6th Floor, Rockville, Maryland  20850; 240/777-6409.

MCER NO.  22-04:  ADOPTED OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES  REGULATION -  Position Description for Division Chief, MCFRS Volunteer Services, County Fire and Rescue Service

SUMMARY:  This regulation supersedes Executive Regulation 15-98AM, which provided a position description for Chief, Division of Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services.  This regulation changes the title of the position to Division Chief, MCFRS Volunteer Services and provides a position description, including definition of work, examples of duties and responsibilities, recommended qualifications and knowledge, skill, and abilities for this position in the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service.  The position is designated by Code Section 21-3(d) as a non-merit position.  Montgomery County Code, Section 1A-104 (b)(2) requires that a position description for this position be established by regulation under method 1.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 22-04, Position Description for Division Chief, MCFRS Volunteer Services, County Fire and Rescue Service, was approved by the County Council according to the Method 1 process, effective February 8, 2005.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 1A-104(b)(2) and 21-3(d).  Method 1.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Julie Mack, Classification and Compensation Team, Office of Human Resources, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland  20850; 240/777-5018. e-mail [email protected].


SUMMARY:  This regulation designates those public employees that the County Executive requires to file a public, limited public, or confidential financial disclosure statement.  This amendment constitutes the annual revision of this regulation, and establishes a process for identifying specific employees who must file a financial disclosure statement.  The adopted regulation supersedes 6-03AM.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 23-04, Financial Disclosure, was approved by the County Council according to the Method 2 process, effective February 1, 2005.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 1994, Section 19A-17. 
Method 2.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Tammy Seymour, Office of the County Attorney, 101 Monroe Street, 3rd Floor, Rockville, Maryland  20850; 240/777-6789.

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