Montgomery County New Laws

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INFORMATION: Copies are available from the Council Office in the Council Office Building , 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville 240-777-7900.

BUILDING PERMITS - ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES - Bill 28-05 revises the standards and process for determining the adequacy of certain public facilities with respect to applications for certain building permits; shifts certain authority to determine the adequacy of certain public facilities from the Director of the Department of Permitting Services to the Planning Board, repeals certain obsolete temporary provisions regarding the process for determining the adequacy of certain public facilities; and generally amends the law regarding the issuance of building permits.  Effective date:  July 3, 2006.

PERSONNEL - SPECIAL DAYS OF COMMEMORATION - Bill 1-06 makes certain legislative findings regarding the religious, ethnic, and cultural heritage of County residents; designates certain days of commemoration; authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to designate certain days of commemoration; and generally amends the law relating to County employees and the religious, ethnic, and cultural heritage of County residents.  Effective date:  July 7, 2006.

CONSUMER PROTECTION - REVISIONS - Bill 3-06 prohibits certain merchants from engaging in certain unfair trade practices; creates an administrative hearing process to adjudicate violations of the County consumer protection law; clarifies the county's authority to enforce the County consumer protection law; repeals obsolete provisions of and updates terms in the County consumer protection law; and generally amends the County consumer protection law.  Effective date:  August 12, 2006.

ELECTED OFFICIALS - COMPENSATION -Bill 5-06 modifies the compensation of the County Executive, County Council, Sheriff, and State's Attorney; makes technical and stylistic changes; and generally amends the law relating to compensation of elected officials.  Effective date:  August 12, 2006.

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