Proposed Executive Regulation

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MCER NO. 27-07:  PROPOSED OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REGULATION -                            Financial Disclosure

SUMMARY:  The proposed regulation designates those public employees that the County Executive requires to file a public, limited public, or confidential financial disclosure statement.  This amendment constitutes the annual revision of this regulation, and establishes a process for identifying specific employees who must file a financial disclosure statement.  The proposed regulation would supersede Executive Regulation 25-06.

COMMENTS:  Written comments must be submitted by November 30, 2007, to Marty Houghton, Office of Human Resources, 101 Monroe Street, 7th Floor, Rockville, Maryland 20850; 240/777-5065, TTY 240/774-5126.  Email: [email protected].

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 25-06.  Method 2.

COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION:  A copy of the proposed regulation may be obtained from Tammy Seymour, Office of the County Attorney, 101 Monroe Street, 3rd Floor, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 240/777-6789.  Email:  [email protected].

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