Adopted Executive Regulations

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MCER NO. 28-06AM:  ADOPTED DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATION - Schedule of Fees for Transportation-related Reviews of Subdivision Plans and Documents

SUMMARY:  This regulation pertains to Expedited Bill 39-06 and SRA 06-02, which were approved by the Montgomery County Council on October 31, 2006.  The adopted Executive Regulation allows DPWT to collect fees needed to hire additional staff to meet with development applicants in pro-active meetings, improve the quality of its reviews and meet County Code mandated deadlines for providing those written comments on various subdivision plans.  The adopted regulation supersedes 28-06.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 28-06AM, was approved by the County Council according to the Method 2 process, effective July 1, 2008.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 42A-28, 49-1, 49-7, 50-34, 50-35.  Method 2.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Stephen Nash, Department of Public Works and Transportation, Chief of Division of Operations,, 101 Orchard Ridge Drive, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878; 240/777-6084.
Email:  [email protected].

SUMMARY:  The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Fire Chiefs recommend that all fire-service based first responders in the National Capital Region complete operations-level training in Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) response.  This training is intended to be funded through the Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI), a federal Homeland Security grant program.  Executive Regulation 21-06AM adds to the existing training requirements new provisions directing that all MCFRS personnel must complete National Capital Region Operations-level training in WMD response as federal funds become available.  The initial MCFRS roll-out of this training applies to all Unit Officers at the ranks of Fire/Rescue/EMS Lieutenant and Captain.  These personnel must complete the training within certain deadlines, contingent on available federal funding.  By October 1 of each year, the Fire Chief must review MCFRS' progress in meeting this training requirement, and report to the County Council on the training completed, and the amount of federal funding received and spent to date.  The report must also indicate the remaining personnel to be trained, UASI funding available for this purpose, and the schedule for training the remaining personnel.  The adopted regulation supersedes Executive Regulation 18-05AM.


SUMMARY:  This regulation establishes specific requirements for taxicab fleets or associations to participate in the County's user-side subsidy programs.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 21-07 was approved by the County Council according to the Method 2 process, effective November 13, 2007.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 53-223.  Method 2.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Nancy Kutz, Department of Public Works and Transportation, Division of Transit Services, 101 Monroe Street, 5th Floor, Rockville, Maryland 20850.  240/777-2227 (CABS); TTY 240/777-5869.
Email:  [email protected]

MCER NO. 23-07AM:  ADOPTED OFFICE OF  HUMAN RESOURCES REGULATION - Amendments to Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 21, 22, and 33 of the Montgomery County Personnel Regulations

SUMMARY:  This regulation amends the Personnel Regulations to provide working conditions to unrepresented employees that are comparable to those provided to OPT and SLT bargaining unit employees under a recently approved collective bargaining agreement.  The adopted regulation supersedes 23-07.

ACTION:  Executive Regulation 23-07AM , was approved by the County Council according to the Method 1 process, effective December 11, 2007.

AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 33-7(b).  Method 1.

COPIES OF THE REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Jeremy Milewski, Office of Human Resources, Labor Team, Executive Office Building, 7th Floor, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland  20850; 240/777-5053;TTY 240/777-5126.
Email:  [email protected]

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