Montgomery County Council New Laws

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INFORMATION:      Copies are available from the Council Office in the Council Office Building,

                             100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville 240/777-7900.


SECONDHAND PERSONAL PROPERTY - AMENDMENTS - Expedited Bill 33-08, clarifies that the County secondhand personal property law applies to certain individuals making or assisting in sales or over the internet; modifies the reporting requirements for dealers in secondhand property; prohibits transactions in secondhand property involving minors; establishes guidelines for seizing certain secondhand personal property; and generally amends the secondhand personal property law.  Effective date:  April 7, 2009.



COMMISSION ON VETERANS AFFAIRS - MEMBERSHIP - Expedited Bill 34-08, increases the number of voting members on the Commission on Veterans Affairs; provides for federal representation on the Commission; and generally amends the law regarding the Commission.  Effective date:  December 10, 2008.


PERSONNEL - DISABILITY RETIREMENT - AMENDMENTS, Bill 37-08, makes disability retirement procedures consistent for all employees; prohibits certain applications for service connected disability retirement due to an accident filed more than a certain time after separation from County service or after the date of the accident; requires an independent medical examination for a disability retirement; requires an independent medical examination or a medical certificate for certain retirees; and generally amends the law regarding disability retirement.  Effective date:  August 19, 2009.


FIRE AND RESCUE COMMISSION - ABOLITION - Bill 38-08, abolishes the Fire and Rescue Commission; creates a Fire and Emergency Services Commission; and generally amends the law regarding fire and rescue services.  Effective date:  August 1, 2009.


LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS RESERVE PROGRAM - AMENDMENTS - Expedited Bill 3-09, amends the County's Local Small Business Reserve Program by increasing the percentage of the combined dollar value of certain contracts that each department must award to local small businesses; extends the sunset date of the law to December 12, 2012; and generally amends the County's Local Small Business Reserve Program.  Effective date:  April 3, 2009.


BUILDING PERMITS - EXTENSIONS - Expedited Bill 5-09, temporarily extends the time limit for abandonment of a building permit application; temporarily extends the time to record a building inspection; and generally amends the laws regarding permits.  Effective date:  Section 1 - June 29, 2009; Section 2 - July 1, 2011.


HOME ENERGY LOAN PROGRAM - ESTABLISHMENT - Expedited Bill 6-09, establishes a Home Energy Loan Program to assist single-family homeowners to make an energy efficiency improvement or install a renewable energy device; establishes a revolving loan fund to provide homeowners loans under the Program; and generally amends the environmental sustainability law.  Effective date:  April 22, 2009.


SCHOOLS AND CAMPS - WORKFORCE INVESTMENT SCHOLARSHIP - Bill 7-09, establishes a workforce investment scholarship program; establishes a workforce investment scholarship board to recommend guidelines; directs the Department of Economic Development to administer the program; and generally enhances workforce development in the County.  Effective date:  August 19, 2009.


PARKS DEPARTMENT - GOLF COURSES - LEASE WITH REVENUE AUTHORITY - AMENDMENT - Expedited Bill 8-09, approves certain amendments to the Golf Course Lease Agreement between the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission and the Montgomery County Revenue Authority related to the extraction of Sligo Golf Course from the Lease Agreement.  Effective date:  April 7, 2009.


SPECIAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - PUBLIC SAFETY HEADQUARTERS - Expedited Bill 14-09, authorizes the acquisition, planning, design, and construction of the Public Safety Headquarters, Public Safety Memorial, and County Government Offices in the City of Gaithersburg Policy area.  Effective date:  May 20, 2009.


RECORDATION TAX - USE OF REVENUE - Expedited Bill 15-09, amends County law requiring the allocation of certain revenue received from the recordation tax.  Effective date:  May 27, 2009.


ROOM RENTAL AND TRANSIENT TAX - AMENDMENTS - Expedited Bill 16-09, requires certain brokers of sleeping accommodations to collect and remit to the County a room rental tax for certain transients; makes technical and clarifying amendments to the County room rental tax; and generally amends the law governing the room rental and transient tax.  Effective date:  June 1, 2009.


PERSONNEL - RETIREMENT - IMPUTED COMPENSATION - Expedited Bill 18-09, amends the definition of regular earnings to include certain imputed compensation under the employees' retirement system; provides a one-time County contribution to the retirement savings plan and the guaranteed retirement income plan; and generally amends the law regarding the employees' retirement system.  Effective date:  July 1, 2009.


BOARD OF INVESTMENT TRUSTEES - MEMBERSHIP - Bill 19-09, creates additional members with an indefinite term of office and deletes certain members of the Board of Investment Trustees; amends the law establishing the Board of Investment Trustees; and generally amends the law regarding the employees' retirement system.  Effective date:  August 20, 2009.


DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS - AMENDMENTS - Bill 36-07, revises the County development district law and conforms related provisions of certain tax laws.  Effective date: January 26, 2009.


CONTRACTS AND PROCUREMENT - PREVAILING WAGES - CONSTRUCTION - Bill 21-08, requires contractors and subcontractors to pay prevailing wages to workers on certain construction projects; specifies that the prevailing wage rates established for the County by the State Commissioner of Labor and Industry apply to certain County projects; and generally regulates wages paid on certain construction projects. Effective date:  July 1, 2009.


SPENDING AFFORDABILITY - OPERATING BUDGET - REVISIONS - Expedited Bill 28-08, revises the criteria and process for adopting spending affordability guidelines for the annual operating budget.  Effective date:  September 29, 2008.


HUMAN SERVICES - MONTGOMERY CARES - ADVISORY BOARD - Bill 29-08, extends the Advisory Board for the Montgomery Cares Program and revises its duties and terms of office; and generally amends the law creating the Advisory Board for the Montgomery Cares Program.  Effective date:  December 29, 2008.


TAXICABS - LICENSING - Expedited Bill 30-08, allows the Director of Transportation to waive certain restrictions on transfer of certain taxicab licenses in certain circumstances; subjects the creation of a security interest in certain taxicabs to the requirements of the Maryland Uniform Commercial Code; and generally amends the law governing issuance and transfer of taxicab licenses.  Effective date:  October 27, 2008.


BOND AUTHORIZATION - Expedited Bill 32-08, authorizes the County to issue certain bonds.  Effective date:  November 10, 2008.


MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC - PARKING REGULATIONS - COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES, AND BUSES - Bill 27-08, prohibits the parking of certain commercial vehicles, buses, and recreational vehicles in certain areas; and generally amends the law regarding vehicle parking.  Effective date:  July 1, 2009.


PERSONNEL AND HUMAN RESOURCES - RETIREMENT - TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS - Expedited Bill 36-08, makes technical changes to the County retirement law; and generally amends the retirement law for County employees to comply with changes in Federal law.  Effective date:  February 9, 2009.


FINANCE - SPENDING DISCLOSURE - Bill 1-09, requires the County to develop and operate a website that includes information on certain County payments to contractors and grantees; provides guidelines for public access to information on the website; and generally amends the County law governing public access to information about County payments.  Effective date:  September 1, 2010.


PROPERTY TAX CREDIT - RENEWABLE ENERGY - AMENDMENTS - Expedited Bill 2-09, establishes a cap on the credit received for a solar or geothermal energy device that generates electricity; requires the Department of Permitting Services to accept certain certification for certain devices; and generally amends the law relating to the renewable energy property tax credit.  Effective date:  March 13, 2009.




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