Montgomery County Register
October 1, 2016 Proposed Regulations
Click the MCER NO. to view a copy of the executive regulation in its entirety.
MCER NO. 23-16:
Pesticides – Invasive Species
SUMMARY: The proposed executive regulation which amends Executive Regulation 32-01AMII, establishes a list of invasive species that, due to their potential detrimental effect on the environment, a person may apply a registered pesticide to control; notwithstanding the County’s restrictions on the use of registered pesticides on private or County-owned property. Additional research continues on other species for potential inclusion on this list. Specifically, a decision on the inclusion or exclusion of Japanese Stiltgrass with regard to lawns is being deferred while more research and evaluation is conducted. Background information about this effort is available at
COMMENTS: Written comments must be submitted by October 31, 2016, to Stan Edwards, Department of Environmental Protection, Environmental Policy & Compliance, 255 Rockville Pike, Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland, 20850; 240-777-7748; Email:
[email protected].
AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD: Montgomery County Code, 2014, Section 33B. Method 2.
COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION: A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Stan Edwards, Department of Environmental Protection, Environmental Policy & Compliance, 255 Rockville Pike, Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland, 20850; 240-777-7748; Email:
[email protected].