Montgomery County Register
October 1, 2016 Repealed Executive Regulations
Fire Department Apparatus Access and Water Supply
SUMMARY: The provisions of Executive Regulation 29-08AM, which establish the requirements for effective fire department apparatus and water supply in urban, suburban and rural settings in Montgomery County, are being incorporated into COMCOR 22.00.07 by Executive Regulation 8-16. In order to avoid duplication, this regulation has been repealed.
ACTION: Executive Regulation 9-16 was approved by the County Council according to the Method 2 review process, effective August 1, 2016.
AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD: Montgomery County Code, 2014, Section 2A-15. Method 2.
COPIES OF THE REGULATION: A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Hemal Mustafa, Manager, Division of Building Construction, Department of Permitting Services, 255 Rockville Pike, 2 th Floor, Rockville, Maryland, 20850; 240-777-6226; Email: [email protected] .