Montgomery County Register

June 1, 2017 Proposed Regulation

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Click the MCER NO. to view a copy of the executive regulation in its entirety.

SUMMARY: The regulation establishes: Commission policies and procedures for addressing violations of the Public Ethics law; administrative policies and procedures for outside employment requests; guidance concerning misuse of prestige of office and improper influence; guidance on gift acceptance; and, ranges of value for financial disclosure by elected officials.  The regulation was first published in the September 2016 Register and was submitted to the County Council in December of 2016.  It is being republished at it has been amended since it was submitted to the County Council. This regulation would supersede Executive Regulations 25-01 and 33-01.
COMMENTS: Written comments must be submitted by June 30, 2017, to Robert Cobb, Ethics Commission, Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, Suite 204, Rockville, Maryland, 20850; 240-777-6670: TTY: 301-251-4850; Email:  [email protected].
AUTHORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL METHOD:  Montgomery County Code, 2004, Section 19A-6, 19A-14, 19A-16, 19A-19.  Method 2
COPIES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION:  A copy of the regulation may be obtained from Robert Cobb, Ethics Commission, Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, Suite 204, Rockville, Maryland, 20850; 240-777-6670: TTY: 301-251-4850; Email:  [email protected].

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