White Oak Science Gateway

WOSG Projects



business meeting White Oak Science Gateway Master Plan - Building a World Class Bio and Life Science Community

The White Oak Science Gateway (WOSG) Master Plan seeks to leverage the many assets located in the White Oak area, especially the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Headquarters , and establish the foundation upon which the area will evolve into a community that offers more opportunities to learn, live, work and play. The Plan also envisions that the commercial centers will evolve from conventional, auto-dependent suburban shopping retail centers, business parks and light industrial areas into vibrant, mixed-use, transit-served nodes that will enhance the entire areas's quality of life, appearance, walkability, and sense of place. To that end, the County invested in the construction of the first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Maryland, called FLASH. Services began in October 2020.

photo of researchersTo promote the WOSG, the County purchased in 2009 a 115-acre former compositing facility known as Site 2 from WSSC for the express purpose of creating a “World Class Bio/Life Sciences, Education and Research Community,” and in 2011 the County chose Percontee, Inc., who already owned an adjacent 165 acres, as its development partner in a public-private partnership. This partnership, to redevelop nearly 280 acres of industrial uses into a mixed-use center with a focus on bio/life sciences, will take place over the next 10 to 15 years. While the 280-acre project known as  Viva White Oak  is poised to transform the WOSG, new development and redevelopment in the area is not limited to this project (see below for additional development). 



VIVA White Oak

VIVA White Oak is a Public-Private-Partnership to develop a 280 acre master planned community. Land uses will include a town center, a world class bio/life science center, retail, medical offices, townhome and multifamily residential, education and public open spaces. MCB Real Estate has completed their due diligence to purchase the project. Planning and Engineering are underway to refine the masterplan. Construction will commence in 2025.