Offender Program and Policy Committee

The Offender Program and Policy Committee, chaired by the Montgomery County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Director, Ben Stevenson, includes members from Montgomery County and Maryland State agencies that focus on domestic violence offender intervention. Committee members remain focused on evaluating offender programs within their individual departments and identifying collaborative opportunities to improve communication and offender services as a whole. Current initiatives include:

  • Expanding the Abuser Intervention Program to those incarcerated in the county’s jails on domestic violence charges and adapting an abuser intervention program for juvenile offenders.
  • Continuing to work with the Judiciary and partner agencies to provide important information to Judges at protective order hearings and bond hearings.
  • Continuing to work with Montgomery County Pretrial Services and the Maryland Department of Parole and Probation to create a better transition of services for offenders.
You can read the 2024 Annual Report for more information.