Our Mission

The Montgomery County Department of Police (MCPD) Mission is to safeguard life and property, preserve the peace, prevent and detect crime, enforce the law, and protect the rights of all citizens. We are committed to working in partnership with the community to identify and resolve issues that impact public safety.

Community Policing Philosophy

The Montgomery County Department of Police embraces the concept of community policing as a philosophy and an organizational strategy. This approach allows the police and the community to work closely together in creative ways to solve the problems of crime or fear of crime, address physical and social disorders, and advance the overall quality of life in the community.

This philosophy rests on the belief that the community deserves input into the process. Solutions to today's community problems require the public and the police to address neighborhood concerns beyond a narrow focus on individual crime incidents. It includes community partnerships, organizational transformation, and problem-solving and is built upon the Three Key Components of Community Policing, identified by the U.S. Department of Justice. To find more information, please visit the Community Engagement Division.

Vision Statement

In cooperation with the community we serve, we, the Montgomery County Department of Police, will work to enhance community relations and build trust through transparency, accountability, and strong leadership. We will strive to be a premier law enforcement agency by employing a highly educated, diverse, technical workforce that utilizes purpose-driven technology and effectively balances our resources to meet our mission.

Organizational Values

We are committed to conducting ourselves in a manner that brings honor to ourselves, the department, and the county.

We are committed to respecting individual rights, human dignity, and the value of all community members and the department.

We are committed to nurturing the public trust by holding ourselves accountable to the highest professional conduct and ethics standards.

We are committed to providing the highest quality of law enforcement service to the community to enhance the quality of life within Montgomery County.

We are committed to achieving a level of performance that exceeds all expectations.

We begin with Pride and end with Excellence.