Financial Crimes Section
The Financial Crimes Section of the Montgomery County Department of Police (MCPD) is part of the Criminal Investigations Division. The Section investigates fraud, forgery, embezzlement, confidence games, counterfeiting checks and credit cards, financial exploitation of the elderly, and identity theft.
With the rise of digital connectivity and the increasing sophistication of criminals, raising awareness and educating the public about the dangers of fraud and scams is crucial. As part of our ongoing efforts, the MCPD wants to inform county residents of these fraudulent practices and how we can thwart these criminals.
Prevention is far more cost-effective given the challenges of prosecution and recovery of financial crimes. If we understand how fraud works, we are less likely to fall victim to the fraudster. The key to prevention is education and awareness. These web pages are an effective and economical medium for education and awareness.
Frauds and scams come in various forms, targeting individuals, businesses, and organizations. These schemes often aim to deceive and exploit innocent people, leading to financial loss, emotional distress, and sometimes even physical harm. The impact of these crimes can be devastating, affecting the victims and our community's overall trust and well-being. Read more at Frauds and Scams.
You can ask the Financial Crimes Section to send a speaker to your group about fraud or cybercrime prevention using this Presentation Request Form. We can talk about how to thwart scammers when they try to put your money into their pockets. Likewise, we can explain how to prevent attackers from abusing your computing resources. Just as you use locks to keep criminals out of your home and auto, you need to keep them out of your computers, phones, and networks.
On average, the Financial Crimes Section receives over four thousand reports a year regarding financial fraud. Therefore, not every financial crime reported can be investigated. However, the Section supervisor does review all reports forwarded to the Financial Crimes Section and prioritizes the cases that will be investigated based on multiple factors, including the solvability of the event and jurisdictional considerations.
These scams usually originate outside Montgomery County and often outside the United States, hindering successful investigation and prosecution by law enforcement agencies. The scammers’ phone numbers and emails are more than likely “spoofed” and untraceable. These criminals ask for payments in methods like money wires, gift cards, and cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, that are irreversible and difficult to trace. There are no legal rights or limits on your losses. Mobile peer-to-peer payment (P2P) services, like Venmo, Zelle, and Apple Pay, are also non-recoverable and hard to track. It’s like a robbery with a getaway car traveling at the speed of light!
Furthermore, these crimes generate little in the way of physical evidence. Criminals conceal themselves behind fake personas stolen from the vast amount of data available on social media. Electronic evidence is ephemeral and challenging to collect, safeguard, and present in court.
All law enforcement agencies encourage individuals who have been victims of fraud or have information about fraudulent activities to come forward and report these incidents. In Montgomery County we have an dedicated point of contact, the a non-emergency number at 301-279-8000, to ensure easy and efficient communication with the police. Because these are the same people who handle 911 calls, these highly experienced operators know exactly what program in the Department can best help you.
Once you have reported a crime to the MCPD, there are a number of options for alerting additional authorities, depending on the nature of the fraud or scam. See this extensive list of reporting agencies at How to Report Fraud and the topics for which each is responsible. Because of the wide variety of scams and frauds, you have a wide range of organizations to report to and get help from.
Call 911 to report an ACTIVE THREAT TO LIFE OR PROPERTY. Otherwise, call 301-279-8000 to report a non-emergency incident so that we can promptly respond. Frauds and scams are nearly always non-emergencies and should therefore be reported to the MCPD non-emergency number 301-279-8000.
The Department does not accept crime reports electronically. Email is inherently insecure, so please do not send sensitive data via email. Instead, use MCPD email addresses only to obtain information about the Department's programs, to learn about preventing crime, or to follow up on previously reported crimes. Email does not assure the confidentiality of your sensitive data, nor does it constitute an MCPD incident report.
Once you have reported a crime to the non-emergency number, please see How to Report Fraud for a list of reporting agencies and their areas of interest.
Investigation: We investigate reported fraud and scam cases, working closely with other law enforcement agencies and organizations dedicated to combating cybercrime. We aim to bring the perpetrators to justice and deter potential criminals from committing fraud.
Collaboration: MCPD recognizes the importance of collaboration in addressing frauds and scams effectively. We will forge partnerships with community organizations, businesses, financial institutions, and government agencies to share information, resources, and best practices in combating fraudulent activities.
Public Education, Awareness, and Training: Education, awareness, and training are powerful and cost-effective tools for empowering our community and preventing these crimes. This is especially true given the challenges of investigation, apprehension, prosecution, and restitution. MCPD provides educational resources and training programs for the public, businesses, and vulnerable populations, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to identify and protect themselves against fraud and scams.
We conduct extensive awareness campaigns through various channels, including social media, traditional media outlets, community outreach programs, and educational workshops. These initiatives will provide valuable information on common frauds and scams, their warning signs, and preventive measures.
Our Dedication and Your Vigilance Together Can Stop Crime
MCPD remains committed to its duty of ensuring public safety and security. By addressing crime head-on, we aim to create a safer environment for everyone in Montgomery County. We urge the public to stay vigilant, report suspicious activities, and take proactive measures to protect themselves and their loved ones.