Frequently Asked Questions…

What are the requirements for County homeowners to their sidewalks of snow and ice?

A person is responsible for removing snow and ice on any sidewalk, other walkway on or adjacent to property that the person owns, leases, or manages, including any walkway in the public right-of- way, to provide a pathway wide enough for safe pedestrian and wheelchair use within 24 hours after the end of the precipitation that caused the condition.

Is there a certain width the path ought to be?

Provide a pathway wide enough for safe pedestrian and wheelchair use.

Who do I call if I want to report sidewalks in my neighborhood that have not been cleared?

Call 311 or 240-777-0311 to report an un-shoveled sidewalk. Due to property ownership verification procedures that can only be conducted by a Customer Service Representative at MC311, a service request cannot be created online for this service.

What if County snowplows push snow back onto the sidewalk?

If a snowplow redeposits snow or ice on a sidewalk or other walkway after a person has complied with this Section, the area must be cleared within 24 hours after the cause of this condition.

If I live in a municipality am I still required by County law to clear my walk?

The towns of Barnesville, Poolesville, Brookville, Chevy Chase Section 5 and the Village of Chevy Chase have adopted the County requirement. Other municipalities may have different requirements.

In Takoma Park, snow and ice must be removed from sidewalks by 7 PM of the day on which it has fallen or accumulated, or by the end of 4 hours of daylight after the fall or accumulation, whichever is later. Sidewalks in front of commercial establishments must be kept free of snow and ice at all times between the
hours of 9 AM and 5 PM. The County’s Department of Housing and Community Affairs is responsible for enforcing the County requirement for rental properties.

In Rockville, snow removal from sidewalks, driveways and entrances are the responsibility of the adjacent property owner, occupant, community association or business. Snow and ice must be cleared from all paved sidewalks abutting your property within 24-72 hours of the end of the snowfall, depending on the snowfall totals (up to 3 inches =  within 24 hours; 3-9 inches = 48 hours; 10 inches or more = 72 hours). City crews coordinate road clearing and sidewalk work depending on the severity of the storm. Accessible curb ramps, sidewalks and pathways that abut publicly-owned property are cleared by crews from City departments.

In Gaithersburg, residents and business owners are required to remove snow and ice from the public sidewalks abutting their property within 12 hours of the last precipitation; however, when possible, property owners should wait until the snow removal crews have cleared the roadways to avoid continuous clearings.

Do I have to clear the sidewalks in front of and to the side of my house if I have a corner lot?

Yes, adjacent to property that the person owns, leases, or manages, including any walkway in the public right-of- way.

Why should I clear my walk? Nobody walks on it when it is covered.

Part of being a good neighbor is clearing the sidewalks so pedestrians can use them if needed. Maybe no one walks there because it is covered with snow and ice.

What are the requirements for commercial properties?

Each owner, tenant, or manager is jointly and severally responsible for clearing snow and ice from the property within 24 hours after the end of the precipitation that caused the condition.

What are the requirements for multi-family properties or apartments?

An individual who lives in a multi-family residential property is not responsible for removing snow and ice from a common walkway or parking area.

I live in a Homeowner Association property. Am I still required to clear my walk?

Unless otherwise indicated by a Homeowner Association, walkways adjacent to your single-family residential lot are required to be cleared, while most Homeowners Associations clear common areas.

What is the penalty for violating the law and who is responsible for enforcing the law?

A violation of this Section is a class C violation ($50 fine) – although the emphasis is certainly on voluntary compliance. The County Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Code Enforcement Section is authorized to enforce this Section.

Am I exempted from the law if I am a senior citizen or have a disability?

No, there is no automatic exemption.

Do I still have to clear my walk even if I am out of town?
