Employee Flu Vaccinations

Who Should Receive a Flushot?

We encourage all employees to get a flu vaccination this season to prevent getting and spreading the flu. OHR Occupational Medical Services (OMS) highly recommends that the following groups receive a flu vaccination:

  • High-risk individuals, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Individuals with long-term medical conditions (for example, those affecting the heart, lungs, or kidneys)
  • Health care workers and those that may come in constant contact with other high-risk persons
Don't delay; Get your free flu shot today.

Tips to Protect Yourself During Flu Season

  • Get a flu shot. Flu vaccinations can help keep you from getting sick with the flu, and lessen the severity of illness in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with the flu. Read more on the CDC's website.
  • Wash your hands – thoroughly and often. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and running water before eating, after using the restroom, and before touching your face. No soap and water? Use hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your mouth when you sneeze. Use a disposable tissue to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze and then dispose of the tissue in the trash. Don't put used tissues in your desk, purse or pockets, etc. Don’t have a tissue? Cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow.
  • Stay home if you’re sick. Do not come to work and spread your illness to others in your work area.
  • Keep work areas and multi-use areas clean. Use gloves when wiping down keyboards, mouses and other high-use surfaces with commercial wipes. Use a paper towel to wipe any excess solution off the surface.
  • If you get the flu, ask your health care provider about a prescription antiviral. The CDC recommends antiviral treatment as soon as possible for patients in certain priority groups.
Stop the Flu - It's Up to You! Get a Flushot, Wash Your Hands, Stay Home If you are sick, Ask your health care provided about prescription antiviral.

Employees: Sign Up for Your Free Flu Shot!

Follow these steps to make your flu shot appointment

  1. Schedule your appointment in advance. Flu shots are given by appointment only and while supplies last. Use the convenient online Employee Flu Appointment Booking System.
  2. No earlier than 48 hours prior to your appointment, complete the state required online Flu Vaccine Consent and Questionnaire Form . Although electronic submissions are preferred, employees who lack Internet access can complete the Flu Vaccine Consent and Questionnaire Form paper version (PDF) and then fax it to 240-777-5132 or email it to [email protected].
  3. The day of your appointment:
    • Bring your County ID.
    • The OMS/FROMS parking lot is closed to visitor parking. Free parking is available on the lower level of the COB garage (with your County ID). Refer to OMS/FROMS Parking Information (PDF)
    • Please arrive on time; if you arrive more than 10 minutes late, your appointment will need to be rescheduled

If you have any questions, email [email protected].

Employee Flu Shot Dates, Times, and Location

Dates Times Department Location
Monday through Friday 10 am to
1:30 pm
All County Employees OMS/FROMS*
27 Courthouse Square, Suite 180 Rockville, MD 20850 (PDF)

* The OMS/FROMS parking lot is closed to visitor parking. Free parking is available on the lower level of the COB garage (with your County ID). Refer to OMS/FROMS Parking Information (PDF) .