Montgomery County Government Classification Plan
- Montgomery County Government Classification Plan
- Classifications That Do Not Require a PD
- Deactivated Occupational Classes (PDF)
- Executive – Non-Merit Positions
- Classification Plan and Salary Schedule Coding System Explanation (PDF)
- Classifications That May Be Underfilled With a Public Administration Associate (PAA) (PDF)
Position Description Form
Effective 5/6/24, HR Liaisons should use the new Position Description Management (PDM) system when creating a Position Description:
- To document an existing vacant position
- For new position creation
- To reclassify a vacant position
Note: The PDM system link is also available on the HR Liaison SharePoint site. New SeamlessDocs submissions for the above three processes will end on 6/6/24. However, you can still access previously created PDs inside SeamlessDocs until 10/1/24. (The system will be turned off on 10/2/24.)
This fall, all other PD-related processes shown below will become available through the PDM system (to be announced). Until that time, please continue to use the SeamlessDocs forms below for the functions shown:
Position Description Form - New Position Creations and Reclassifications
To analyze an employee occupied position for a possible reclassification outside of the annual classification review process due to extenuating circumstances.
To request a Special Individual Study outside of the annual June Box Study review process, please forward a request along with supporting materials explaining the extenuating circumstances to the Director of OHR and copy the OHR, Classification Mailbox prior to completing the PD form.
To analyze an employee occupied position for a possible reclassification as part of an annual classification review process. A reclassification is a reassignment of a position from one occupational class to another due to significant changes in the type of work, difficulty and complexity of duties, level of responsibility, and/or required knowledge, skills, and abilities.
To request an Individual Position Classification Study (June Box Study) during the annual review process, please visit the June Box SharePoint site for important guidelines and information prior to completing the PD form.
Position Description form - Document encumbered or vacant positions for the record
The streamlined Position Description form (PD) is used to document positions in combination with the County's occupational class specifications, which are identified in the Classification Plan.
- Document vacant positions for the record when submitting a position to be filled by OHR Recruitment.
- Document encumbered/vacant positions for OHR data collection by classification group.
Classification Memorandum
- FY24 Job Classification Studies Memorandum (PDF)
- Request for Individual Position Classification Studies (June Box) FY25 (PDF)