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DOCR Quick Links
Inmates' family, friends, and counsel
Clients under DOCR supervision in the community
- Pre-Trial Services
- Alternative Community Services (ACS) Program
- Intervention Program for Substance Abusers (IPSA) Program
- Pre-Release and Reentry Services
- Case management and service referrals
- Job Readiness and Retention Program
- Work Release
- Montgomery Works One-Stop Center
- (Consider listing other major assistance programs and relevant public safety agencies here, or develop a directory page and link to it.)
- FAQs
Victims of crime and their families
- Contact—(Is there a victim services office that operates on behalf of the entirety of DOCR?)
- Crime Victim Notification Request Form
- Domestic Violence Victim Notification Request Form
- Maryland Online Sex Offender Registration Form
- VINELink Victim Services - Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE), the National Victim Notification Network
- RAINN - Rape Abuse & Incest National Network
People interested in DOCR’s programs and their results
- "What We Do"—comprehensive page on philosophy, aims, impact, staff and agency achievements recognition, performance plan
- Public Information Office/Media Contact
- Reports and evaluations (include annual reports) - "how we measure success"
- News (press releases)
- Presentations
- Awards and Recognition
- Community advisory boards and committees (if extant)
- Academy and staff training (new page providing an overview)
- Correctional standards (state, national) – including professionalism/"ethics" language
- Professional associations and advocacy groups
- DOCR Coverage in the Media
- DOCR Online (currently YouTube; include any current or future social media accounts if added)
- Facilities
- In-Custody Programs
- Pre-Trial Services
- Pre-Release and Reentry Services
- Victim Services
- Employment
- Volunteering
- Contact us
- FAQs
DOCR job seekers and volunteers
- Employment and hiring overview
- DOCR Human Resources Office
- Academy and staff training (overview)
- Volunteering/How to get involved
- Academic internships
- FAQs
Law Enforcement/Public Safety Community
- Community Boards and Commissions
- Honor guard
- National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial
- Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (MDPSCS)
- Maryland Division of Parole and Probation Regional and Field Offices
Companies interested in doing business with DOCR
- Basic page about the DOCR Budget and Procurement office, with mention of any other county offices as appropriate.